The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 481 opens the door

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In the private room, the column looks calmly looks at the absolute attack and defense. These two people will not be a opponent of Dai Mu, Oscar, which may solve it slightly, but it is only a matter of time.

"How do you see this room?" Huang Luyu asked softly.

"My opinion? The results of this depend have been determined. Although this game Mu Bai needs to be tired, I believe that these two people will not be Mu Bai's opponent."

Of course, the two people in the absolute attack and defense are also a real soul, even a single strength is not as good as Mu Bai, but a sensitive attack is a combination of the soul of the Soul. It is also very troublesome.

On the field, Dai Muhu carefully observed the situation, and the goal of Wu Qing has been placed on Oscar, and he will be drilled by the other party.

If you take the lead in solving Wuqing, the Oscar will be a lot of security, but Wuqing is the Sensit Summer, and the speed should exceed himself. If you have a mistake, it will be consumed by the other party. In the final failure, it is certainly two people.

If you take the lead in solving Snell, the other's soul is only lower than yourself, and it is still the defense of the soul, not to solve it in a short time. During his tempering, Oscar will certainly be solved by Wuqing, so that he is defeated by the enemy in his abdomen.

Dai Mu, I remembered that I had just Oscar gave my own flight mushroom intestines, a subtle gangs.

Didn't think, Dai Mu whispered to the Oscar's own plan, because the time is limited, Dai Mu is just briefly introduced.

Although the time is very tone, Oscar is also an instant understanding of the intention of Dai Mu, looking at him with the perseverance of the eyes: "I understand, look at me!"


Dai Mu quickly rushed to Sinail, and the powerful punctuation bombarded the past.

"First soul skill, iron armor defense!"

Sneeh had a yellow soul ring, and then his whisper appeared a snail shell consisting of soul.

Dai Muhu wants to try a trial of the defensive power of Scherla, and the radius is on the snail shell that protects Snell. The huge force of the vibrator even retired a few steps, but didn't hurt.

Dai Mu's mouth is a warhead, ready to launch an attack again. On the side of Wuqing, Dai Mu, I totally ignored myself, and I smiled.

"This guy has ignored my existence. This is a good time!" Wu Qing stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and burst into fast speed to the Oscar.

Oscar is scared to ran to the scene, shouting at the mouth: "Help, the boss saves me!"

Wuqing is completely ignored that Oscar's shouts, with his speed, it can solve him before his teammates come.

"Next!" Wuqing couldn't help but speed up the speed, the figure of the statue of the statue to the Oscar.

Oscar has already captured the trace of Wuqing, quietly swallowing the flying mushroom intestines.

Now Oscar can only judge the offensive timing of Wuqing, saying that it is not nervous, but now is a critical time, he must stabilize.

Suddenly, Oscar felt a inexplicable danger to hit him, and did not want to fly directly to the sky. When he looks down in the game, his mouth smiled slightly, he knew that he was successful!

Wuqing stood in the edge of the game, and he had maintained the balance of his body. He didn't expect Oscar to fly the trick. If he stabilizes his body shape, it may directly rush down the game, such a huge mistake. Can not accept it.

"Boss, now now!" Oscar sighed.

I originally rushed to Dai Mu White, suddenly turned to face Wu Qing, high and drink: "The second soul skill, white tiger light wave!"

The martial arts under the moment is not too late to dodge, and it is directly divided by Dai Mu's white tiger light. Wuqing was pushed by White Tiger Guangbo to the wall around the game, and smashed the smoke.

"Solve one person!" Dai Mu Bai is big, since Wu Qing is solved, only this Snell is not full of fear.

Dai Muhu looked at Snell, the sharp eyes revealed the cold and opening: "Your companion has been out, then you want to continue to play with me? Or directly admitted? My words I suggest you Directly, this can be decent. It is strong, don't blame me. "

Said, wearing a mutter and shining his fists and issued a slap in.

Snele learned from the past and Dai Mu, I knew that I was not his opponent, since it was so good!

Although there is some sorry of Wu Qing, but I can't change the battle, helpless, Snele slowly raised his hand, and said, "I admit!"

The first time the host also announced the high publicity: "This is really a surprise battle. The absolute attack and defense combination that is given to the hopes will eventually continue his way of winning, let us congratulate the double-wing white tiger combination!"

Oscar is also exciting from the air, and it directly pouncefully into the arms of Dai Mu, happy to wear.

"So many people, come down!" Although she took her eyes, such a movement was also very embarrassed.

In the room, the room was applauded while applauding: "It seems that Mu Bai has changed a lot, today, this battle is called a beautiful."

Phoenix Luoyu also said: "Yes, it is very fluent! But is it so early to expose Xiaoao's third soul skill?"

The column is not intentionally said: "It doesn't matter, Xiaoao's soul skill is coming to expose. As long as the tactical arrangement is reasonable, there is no problem. Even if they know that Xiaoao's third soul skill is flying, they can not limit. "

Phoenix Loufe also felt that there was reason to make a little bit: "said it. But still need to pay attention, today their tactics must be known by other teams, I am afraid that they will be adjusted for Oscar."

The mysterious smile is hung on the blocker, watching the Phoenix Luoyu said confidently: "Don't worry, don't look at these little guys!"

Phoenix Luoyu looked at the mysterious column, and he saw the intention of his heart, smiled and said: "It seems that you have some small plan!"

The column touched the head, "I still can't be hidden, hahaha!"

Phoenix Lu Yan sighed: "Your business guess, don't take me as a fool!"

"How come, don't think too much, haha. Before you graduate from the little monsters, then taught them, we will completely bid farewell."

For Shileke, there has never thought about it all the time, there is no banquet in the world. Although it is very good to teach these little monsters, they will be over.

The alone is already the existence of a veteran level in the Slack Academy, and this teacher career is also ended.

"If you say this, take the strength of these children, you can reach the graduation requirements of the Shrake Institute. Time will not be too anxious, do not have to be specifically for me ..."

The inter-column reached out and stopped in the south of the phoenix, looking at her sincerely, slowly said: "If you can't say this, you have paid a lot for me. I will belong to our time, and I will have a casual life. it is good."

On the column, it can also be said to be Rota, or the first time to say this, it is quite a bit for a while. Don't say it, he really doesn't know that he will also be ignorant.

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