The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 482 gives these guys to see the sinister society.

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"It is estimated that there is no problem with the small monsters behind it, and we have nothing to worry about." Flanders said.

"In this way, you will be more sure to make money, haha." Yushu just looked at the performance of Mu Bai and others. "

"Okay, Xiao Gang, don't say this, I don't have the greed like you said." Fland is also a few eyes.

"Well, don't say it. Go back to the top question, the monsters are in touch with the soul competition, but it is time to adapt to some of the world's dark face." Yushu said something seriously.

Flander understood the meaning of Yu Xiao just wants to express, "Do you tell them to practice in the fight soul?"

"Yes, I have this meaning."

Frand sighed, "It is indeed that these little guys have come to see the blood. The world of the soul is not so simple, so that they will know the cruelty of the world."

"But the words come back, what kind of opponents are you going to arrange it? The strength is too strong, too confused." Fran is cautiously.

But Yushu has a different view. He interrupted Fland, saying that the sound is severely said: "No, the opponent is more fierce, so that they can temper their heart."

Flanders stared at Yushu, asked in confusion: "Xiao just, do you sure you are not teasing me? Let them see the blood, the more fierce, you are serious, you are serious If you have an accident, it is not good. "

Yushu said that Fland didn't have to worry, quietly said: "I have already known about your worries, this don't worry, I believe in the strength of the little monsters. You have to confuse them."

Flandy poses: "Where is this, you always say that I believe it, my worries are also very necessary, those ferocious teams do you know what they are doing? If the small monsters have flash Do you pay this responsibility? "

Yushu is light and sigh: "Fland, we have lived so many years. Don't you know that my people? Is there a problem with what I arranged?"

To be honest, Fland has never seen Yushu just in the judgment of things, which makes him think that it is not good to deny. But there is a matter of fact that you can hurt jade, but Fland does not want to mention the sad past.

After a while, under the gaze of Yushu, Fland was defeated: "Ok, press you to say! But this matter is still giving the column."

Yu Xiaogang Chen Sheng said: "Also, the coat is also very concerned about the future of small monsters."

However, the facts may make Yu Xiaoyang disappointed, and the column does not put the attention on the Tang San, but love is in the love of the phoenix.

After Dai Mu, the next few games were also a combination of Shrek, and the opponents arranged in the fighting soul, the Shrek team was all winning, which can be a teacher.

"Today's competition is almost the same, go with them!" Yushu got up and fly to go to the player lounge.

There is no ink here, and when a few people in Shileke, he also rushed to the player lounge with Ho.

In the rest room, Shrek and others have already taken the eye mask, which is nothing necessary for their own eyes.

Frand and Yushu first arrived in the lounge, looked at excited people, and coughing. After seeing everyone, Jade Xiao Yang has started his own speech.

"For everyone's performance today, I can only use a word to describe, outstanding! Your performance makes me open your eyes and fly, especially Dai Mu, today you and Xiaoao cooperation."

I heard Yushu specially reviewed their two, Dai Mu Bai and Oscar's face were also hung.

Oscar is cheerful to join Ning Rong, saying handsome: "Rong Rong, you see that I am very man in the performance today!"

Although the game, Oscarno "Help" Some harsh, but Rong Rong still smiled and said: "Today's little Olympics is so handsome!"

Get Rongrong's praise, Oscar is more floating to know who you are, make a variety of exaggerated actions.

Dai Mu is also talking to the forehead, others are happy.

Even Yu Xiao just saw that this look of Oscar is also slightly smiling: "This is a happy thing, but I can't be proud of it."

Oscar smiled and scratched his head, "Knowing the master, it will not be proud."

Dai Mu Bai's mouth ridiculous: "Oh? Just don't know who is so mad, all kinds of postures are made!"

Oscar quickly came to Dai Mu, saying that it is said: "Where is Dai Lao said, you can win you!"

Yushu just patted his hand to be quiet, then said: "Today, your first battle is very good, I hope you will continue! I want to get the silver soul badge is not so easy."

"I know!" Shrek's seven people replied powerfully.

"Oh, oh, everyone is so excited!" This is a lounge with Ho's Luoyu.

"The master teacher, have you seen we just arrived?" See the column, and Oswart rushed over.

The column smiled and touched the head of Oscar: "I have seen your game, I have always confident in you, this level of opponents are not afraid."

Yu Xiaogang heard the evaluation of the column and corrected: "The room, praise is worthy of praise, but you can't make them too proud."

The column is not intentionally, and said with the case: "You have been relieved, they have received my pointing, will not be proud. Do you say right?"

"Of course!" Shrek et al. Replied.

In this case, Yushu is not entangled in this question, and he will tell them later.

"About the next game, you must at least participate in two games every day, a team, a personal competition! This is also to exercise your actual experience. Is there any objection?"

"No!" Shrek replied as a decisive.

"Very good! Next, you will face a serious test, only through this test, you can really change."

The keen Tang San seems to guess his teacher's ideas, curiosity asked: "Teacher, is you planning ..."

"Yes, according to your age, it is also the time to face this test!"

Yu Xiaogang's words made Dai Muhu and others feel an inexplicable pressure. He is headed by Dai Mu, asking: "Master, what test is we faced?"

Yu Xiaogang suddenly said, "killing people!"

Even if the oldest Dai Mu did not kill people, let alone other people.

"Murder? Master, are you serious? Who kill?" Dai Muhu also looked confused with jade Xiao Gang.

Not only is Dai Mu, in addition to the face of Tang San and Xiao Dance, there is a look like him.

Seeing this performance, Yushu has already expected it, and the opening explains: "Killing is a tempering for you, only so if you can truly reborn, become a real power."

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