The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 488 I have long agreed.

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"Oh? Shrek team, hey, a new team is not afraid, our strength, you don't know." The frenzy finished a glass of wine.

The person in charge is still a calm expression. It doesn't matter if you don't care about him, as long as you can make money. I reminded the mad team just because of the relationship between the cooperation, as for them, I didn't have it in my heart.

"I have already remind you, I believe you don't believe you, I only look at the results!" The person in charge closed his eyes and did not look at the violent eyes.

Look at this kind of model, the person in charge is a resended order, and the frenzy is not licking his skin, and it will leave.

"Tomorrow evening? Shrek Academy, you will give me, I will let you know in Soto, who is a piggyback!"

The mad team just now is the last game arranged today, and many people have left the soul farm today.

On the way back to the hotel, I think about the final solution to the mad team. After you know the mad team, you can really understand why they are called the mad team.

"Three brothers, are we determined to deal with the mad war team?" Ning Rongru is looking forward to it.

Tang San gently nodded: "Currently confirmed, after Mu, I will tell you the plan."

Zhu Zhuqing watched away from the distance, she was also awkward, and did she left several hours. However, I don't want to think so, I will know if I Dai Mu is coming back.

In this way, Shraki is returned to the hotel. Just entered the hotel gate, everyone found Dai Mu and the column sitting on the sofa.

"Dai Big, when you and the book teacher come back?" Ma Hongjun asked some surprises.

"I just came back soon, I am waiting for you here. I am not too late to come back!" Dai Mu smiled and looked at Tang San and others.

"Not too late, and even when it is just right, I have identified the way to deal with the mad team, I am going to wait for you to come back, tell everyone together!" Tang San smiled and replied.

"Let's go to your room to discuss, here is not the place where you are talking."

"It is also, go to my room first."

Although there is no other person next to it, the hall is still a public place, who knows that there will be no persistence.

"The master teacher, then I am discussing the combat method and the little three, are you coming?" Dai Mu asked.

The column swinging hands refused Dai Muhu's proposal. "Since this is the test of your master, then I will no longer intervene, I believe you can walk."

In Tang San's room, Tang San seriously explained: "First, the rough combat method does not change. Like I guess, the auxiliary soul teacher must be the first to solve!"

"Yeah, that kind of mad soul skill is too unpublished, if he makes him successfully, we can't solve the battle within two minutes." Ma Hongjun is also a bit hard.

Zhu Zhu Qing put the chin, frowning wrinkled: "But the mad war team must know that protecting the auxiliary soul of the wish, I want to solve the soul teacher in the first time, should not be simple."

Zhu Zhuqing's concern is also a matter of everyone. If it can't solve it in the first time, it will exceed two minutes.

What's more, the mad war team will definitely not put the most important wish, and the strategy of yourself will definitely be obstructed.

Dai Mu was thinking in this situation, opening: "There is also a possibility. Since the other party also looked not to the eye, there will be no effort to solve the battle as soon as possible."

Tang San understood the meaning of Dai Mu, and analyzed: "You want to say, the other party may use wild in the first time?"

Dai Mu white nodded, "Yes, this possibility is not. If this is the case, although I didn't have a mad team game, I didn't just mention it, as long as they succeeded. We don't necessarily solve the other party within two minutes. "

Yes, he did not take into account this situation. If you say it with Mu, they use wildcraft at the beginning, and that happens to change.

His situation has always been a mad team, ignoring the possibility of madness of the mad war team.

"Wild fierce rhinoceros, we should not be able to win in a short time, can only save time through intelligence,"

Dai Mu did smiled at this moment, holding a fist, looking at everyone, "everyone is assured, I have considering this situation, I just got this time I specifically to find the school teacher to do special training."

When I heard Dai Mu, everyone looked at him slightly. Indeed, the white coat in the past Dai Mu, is full of dust, but today is full of dust.

Tang San heard a confident feeling from Dai Mu, obviously Dai Mu, may already have a solution.

"Dai boss, I want to have a solution! Can you tell us about your thoughts." Tang San asked.

Dai Mu's mouth is a war, "That is natural. That is still the main goal, this is unquestionable. I said the situation is only possible, but it is necessary to make it in advance.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. In other words, this fadel is dealt with, even if there is an unexpected situation, I can solve him. "

Dai Mu's tone revealed full of confidence, obviously chest has a bamboo.

Dai Mu's performance is so confident, and their teammates who wear Shamu can do not believe.

Tang Sanyi decided: "This, the combat plan is determined. I am responsible for holding their Sensitive Attorney, the soul of the soul and control, the soul of the soul, Xiao Dance and Zhu Qing's goal is the wish, wear the boss to deal with violent. Xiaoao and Rong Rong are our increased state! That's it, everyone is no problem? "

"No!" Shrek replied with his mouth.

"Very good, I will implement it according to this program at the time. Try not to mistake, solve the mad team within two minutes."

The mad team's rest room, the venous rhinoceros is drinking beautiful wine in the big mouth, and the other few people are equally playing, and it seems that there is no completeness of the contest with the Shrek team.

However, the vice minister of the mad team, the woman wearing a beautiful sexy woman thought of thinking.

When the violent, she took her in the past, he said heroically: "Just a Shrek team, there is nothing to worry, our combination is in here, I am afraid that their little boy is not!"

"If you say this, it's true, but you can't fall and lightly." The beautiful woman is still so embarrassed.

Rhyme is now in the beginning, and there is no concern that women say that women are still drinking wine from the country.

The fascinating woman ends a glass of wine, and then the wine has entered the throat. It may be that she is too worried. It is like the venom of the frenzy, and a new team is impossible to be their opponent.

"This is why, drinking drinking!" The frenzy is laughing.

In the head office, a waiter is reporting to him.

The person in charge heard the waiter and took out the members of the mad team, and shook his head without helpless.

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