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The next day, Speluders have been waiting to come to the lounge of the Soul Soul very early.

Yu Xiaoang pushed into the door, looked at Tang San and others, slowly said: "You and the mad war team is scheduled to be scheduled, just tonight."

Hearing this news, Shrek did not surprisingly, they have already envissed the emergence of this situation, so the first time has been prepared.

"Is it tonight? It doesn't matter, we have prepared it!" Tang Sanxin looked at Yushu.

Yu Xiao Gang is also a little bit, "From your face, I can see you very confident. Good evening, good fight!"

Shrek people nodded, and they replied to the iron: "Reassure, the teacher, you will wait to see our results!"

Flend stamped with his elbow, said: "You said this test, let the monsters are very upset, really have you!"

Yushu smiled slightly, back, "No, Flander. You are wrong, not what I incentive, but their requirements to motivate them. As a genius, they have their own requirements It is also normal to high. Only this, they will not slack off because of their genius. "

Fland pushed the eye mirror, glanced at Yushu, and returned: "Xiaoji, you are worthy of the theoretical master, is there a study in the psychology of the soul?"

Yu Xiaogang knew that Fland was turning his law and didn't think about it. "No, but everything is right."

The alone on the side is called yawn: "Fran is right, their thoughts are very high, don't use so deliberately to emphasize."

"This is indeed, and the small three are quite safe." Yu Xiaogang did not deny this.

"Okay, let's go to the auditorium, let it hand it over to the monsters!" France proposed.

"Well, good, find a good location to see them. Today, it should be very lively!" Yushuang whispered.

"Who said no, the famous mad team is not saying, our Shrek's team has not been defeated so far. Although the scene is not too much, the strength is unquestionable. In the competition of the two teams, I don't want to don't want to See it! "

Yu Xiaogang was slightly analyzed, and he said: "It is actually not difficult to see some clues. The mad team is also the facade of the soul field, so quickly arrange the mad team and the Shrek team competition, the soul of the soul The purpose is already very clear. "

Fland also has the same opinion, smiled and said: "It seems that our ideas are still uniform!"

"Still find the seat and chat, two." The column reminded.

"Say it is also, first take the seat as a good, tonight, you can see the wonderful performances of the monsters."

Time is fast, the sky is gradually bleak, but the audience of the soul field is constantly high. Because the fighting soul field announced the news of the mad war team and the Shrek team.

Although the prior to this prior to this, although it is also very exciting, the audience is still looking forward to the confrontation between the Shrek War and the Mad Work Team, which can be said that this scene is a mattery event.

"The next game should be the game of the monsters, think about it is still a little excited!" Flend said softly.

"Freed, I don't know how much is you in them this time?" Yushu asked interest in.

Flandy revealed white teeth smiled, replied: "There are not many, only 10,000 gold soul coins, according to the current odds, it is estimated that you can earn 100,000 souls."

"Then you have been running this time, you can thank you for your monsters."

The audiences are very fiercely discussing the winning rates of the two sides, one is an emerging team, one is the old team, the strength of both parties does have some bad amounts.

When the audience arrived, the host picked up the microphone and announced that the "Yo ~ The soul of the soul is the soul of the soul, the two star teams in the fighting soul are willing to make a decent. First let's introduce the admission team! "

"Now that everyone is the most familiar mad team, they maintained the highest winning record of the struggle!"

The mad war team embossed on the court.

"The next debut is the recent emerging soul team, named the Shrek team, although there is no mad war team, but their competition has brought a unimaginable visual feast."

Shrek's people also made the applause to embark on the game, and the people of the mad team were standing.

If you listen carefully, you can find that the number of viewers who support the Simlack Team and the mad team is not divided. Although it looks almost, but when bet, more people have chosen the mad team.

Although the Shrek team is equally strong, from the perspective of the soul level and the performance of the game, the mad team is more advantageous.

The two parties stood on the field, and each other, Shrek was the violent battle team's violent warfare, and the eyes of both parties took a strong war.

Rhythmity is the first to say: "Victory will finally belong to our mad team, we will teach you a meal." Said, violently made a mocking action.

Shrek did not annoy because of the frenzy, Dai Mu did not give a weak return: "Where, the seniors are only, I don't have new people to refute the face!"

More advanced words of Dai Mu Bai more advanced than violently ridiculous words. On the original basis, I hold them again, so that after the other party lost the game, my face was even more unhappy.

The frenzy of violent muscles have begun to tremble, and they say that the host said: "Almost the announcement of the game begins, will you wait?"

"Oh, ok! So now the game begins!" Announced that the host quickly gave it to the side of the two sides of the competition.

"The battle begins!" Under the Tang Dynasty, the battle was touched.

The little dance and Zhu Ziqing have two people, and I have passed the frenzy of the mad team. The famous auxiliary soul.

Their division of labor is clear, the goal is only one, that is, it is like. As long as the first, the mad team is not enough.

"Do you start with our auxiliary soul of our auxiliary soul at the beginning? Is it simple to think about it!"

If you have two sensational attacks around you, you will stop the little dance and Zhu Zhuqing, and if you also take the opportunity to open your body.

"Zhu Qing, letting them on you, I will pick up!" Xiao Dance said quickly.

Bamboo clear nodded, whispered: "First soul skill, Nether Temple!"

In the face of the soul of the mad war team, the little dance laughed and released the third soul technology, "transient!"

Only a moment, the little dance succeeded through the block of this sensation, and went straight to it!

If you want to reassuring your teammates, but I didn't expect that the little dance turned to himself.

He is just an auxiliary soul, it is impossible to escape from the hands of the karaoke. In an instant, I made a decision and released my third soul skill directly.

"The third soul skill, madness!" If the body is released, the body is also kicked by the little dance to the field.

"Is it a slow time!" Xiao Dance looked at the people behind the mad team, annoyed, complained.

Tang Sanxue God, said to the side of Dai Mu, "It seems that the plan has changed, and the fadth is given to you!"

Dai Mu Bai Li has a sleeper, and it is lightly said: "Rest assured, I can get it alone, I can get it."

How can the host will let such a good explanation, crazy explain: "Just started, the two sides played very fierce! Although the mad team's wishful player ended, the current mad team has entered the mad In the state, the winning and negative is still unknown! "

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