The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 495 Rules, does not exist!

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The next day, the Shrek team won the victory of a team. After defeating the mad team, the Shrek's team has replaced the status of the mad team, whether it is popular or strength.

In addition to the vice captain of the mad team, the mad team can also make the rest of the person. The Slack Corps is different, and the male show, the woman is beautiful, and there are many points to the overall team.

Although Ma Hongjun said that fat is fat, he also attracted a lot of fans. After each battle is victory, Ma Hongjun will always put a variety of celebration of the celebration, which also allows the audience to remember the flexible fat man of Ma Hongjun.

After the field, Ma Hongjun is in the forehead of the team, and a prestigious look.

Dai Mu is also a forehead, helplessly ridiculous: "The fat man is getting more and more floating, or his own weight is in that, maybe it can be flying now."

Tang three people to Dai Mu Bai's vomiting is also a laugh, this is more appropriate.

The front part of Ma Hongjun also heard Dai Mu's vomiting, but it was still a sense of appearance, obviously didn't put this sentence in my heart.

The little dance is also a hand, and the surprise said: "Let's keep winning, you can get the monetarian medal for a few days, then we have to graduate?"

Dai Mu white nodded, "According to the rules of the Shrake Institute, it should be graduated, but there is no to force the school to say that if you want to wait in the college, it is no problem."

The little dance spits out a breath, "call, I don't want to separate it so early! Too good, don't leave school."

Since the topic chats, Tang San So asked: "Is there anything in the future?"

Ma Hongjun suddenly appeared excitedly: "My words will be left at the Shrek Academy as a teacher, and then say that the college canteen's food is so delicious, I really have to go!"

"Fat, you are a teacher, you just want to eat in the college." Dai Mu Bai did not leave Huang Jun's careful thinking.

"Oscar?" Tang San looked at Oscar.

Oscar smashed the nose, the Ning Rong, who was next to the nose, "Hey, I should follow Rong Rong! Look at her time!"

"Zhu Qing?"

Zhu Zhuqing was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I should continue to become strong until I am satisfied, may also stay at the college for a while."

"Said so much, what is Xiaosan your future idea?" Oscar squatted at the shoulders of Tang San, curiously asked.

"I, maybe I will go home with the little dance, then go back to the college to cultivate, I still have to be everyone!" Tang San also touched the cheek, he was also sorry.

"This is not sorry, you can think so, we should feel happy!" Dai Muhu said it is quite in touch.

"Right, Dai Big, you haven't said your future ideas, I almost forgot you!" Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mu and smiled.

"Ah, this ..., since this will tell you!"

Zhu Zhuqing heard that Dai Mu did so saying that it is a curious eye. Subsequently, I only saw the blond hair who scratched his head and said: "I should be the same intention with Zhu Qing, strive ..."

The rest of Dai Mu did not say, but everyone in the scene understood the idea of ​​Dai Mu.

"Dai Boss, come on! We will support you!" Tang San also took the back of the white.

Just when everyone was happy, a stone wrapped in white paper quickly flew to Ma Hongjun's head, the big force, the speed of speed, and Ma Hongjun did not pay attention.

Fortunately, Tang San discovered this stone and pulled Ma Hongjun to one side. Ma Hongjun, who can't figure it out, I want to ask Tang San why, and the result will hear a loud noise next to the wall.

A stone wrapped in a blank paper is inlaid on the wall, and there is a lot of cracks around the stone. Seeing this scene, Ma Hongjun instantly understood the intention of Tang San, the original Tang San just saved himself.

"Three brothers, thank you, or you find it in time, maybe my head is blooming." Ma Hongjun was afraid of breathing.

Tang San shakes his head, "This is what it should be, you should take a look at who is attacking us!"

Dai Mu was deducted from the wall, unwritten the outer white paper found a sentence above, after sweeping a few eyes, Dai Mu's white face was bluntantly overwritten.

"The hateful guy, I dared to speaking about the Shrek team." Dai Mu did directly shredded with the soul.

Seeing such an angry Dai Mu, Tang San calmly asked: "What happened, Mu Bai?"

Dai Mu Bai Ping recovered her mood, and this said: "There is a unknown soul teacher to tell the Slack war team, we must be more than one in Sodo City. Every day, I attacked us! "

"The bile is like the mouse, only dare to hide the shadow of the fox holiday!" Dai Mu is also angry, he still saw such a shameless guy.

Tang San asked calmly: "Mu Bai, your thoughts are?"

Dai Muhu fist, "naturally will go to those guys, but they have dare to attack the fat, and they will find it!"

"Yes, I think so, we are not so bullied. Since the other party does not dare to go to the table and we will fight, we will take the initiative to find them." Tang San's eyes have suddenly appear.

Shrek people said to go, according to the previous white paper, it comes to the designated place.

The location of Sleek is a distance from Soto City. If you have a soul war, you will not cause the attention of ordinary people in the city.

"According to the improvement on the paper, it should be here! But there is no one is there? Is it a prank?" Dai Muhu went around for four weeks and did not find someone else.

Tang San is also thinking that he is waiting for himself, but the stone throws to Horse Hongjun is not like a joke.

Suddenly, Dai Mu Bai and Zhu Zhuqing ears move, the air police saw around.

Zhu Zhuqing watched Tang Sanmei people, "Do you feel that the atmosphere around it is very strange, I feel that something is secretly observing us."

When I heard Zhu Zhuqing, Shrak was immediately back to back, and she was carefully observed around, and her body also made a preparation of fighting.

"Everyone is careful, here is not the soul of the soul, they don't necessarily tell the rules of the soul field! In other words, the battle may have begun." Tang San responded, reminding others loudly.


Although they are ready, they don't know the exact position of the opponent, this kind of feeling is really unhappy.

Dai Mu White Dark: "Sneaky to the earth, did not dare to stand up on a battle."

On a tall trees not far from Shrak, the inter-column, Yushu and Flandy three people observe their one fell.

"It seems that the first reaction of the little monsters is good, but do you make sure you have a good opponent?" Fran is still worried about asking.

The column is smiling and answering: "Don't worry, I have confirmed it. Their strength is around 35, is suitable for the opponent of small monsters."

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