The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 496 is incident with a sieve

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"Average level 35 strength? It should be not particularly difficult to small monsters, but I am worried that they have not prepared for the corresponding preparation, if there is an unexpected ..." Fland whispered.

The hands of the column is in the trunk: "If you really have a thing happened, then when we came to play. How can I not take into account this problem? Let's relax! They must have discovered some clues. "

The traker of the back to the back is a slightly nervousness, and they are the first time to face this situation, and there is no adjustment in a moment.

Dai Mu did see what I have seen, reminded: "Everyone will kneel down!"

Shrek did not hesitate, and squatted. Although they are not very clear, since they are Dai Mu, they are also unconditional.

Just a moment after Dai Mu, a mistake after reminding, a month of the moon's soul, swept from Shrek, and if they did not avoid it in time, it is now likely to be smashed.

Tang San looks gradually and cold, looking at Dai Mu and others, "these guys seem to come true! They are holding our thoughts to attack."

"Will n't it? But we usually have no such soul." Ma Hongjun was very unconventional.

Tang San also didn't know what the reason is caused, but from the status quo, I can see that the other party is killing, so it is not interested in the reason, or I will deal with this group of guys in front of you.

"I don't know the specific reason. But now the situation is so, we must have to take out the twelve spirit to deal with these guys."

Since you are not clear, you can only find the reason from them. Ma Hongjun's eyes changed in a time, he also officially entered the battle state. As for the reason, he is not cared now, or first solves the crisis.

Tang San turned back and Dai Mu's opposition, then he said: "Everyone remembers! Now we are not in the soul farm. At this time, the battle is not a rendering, but it is a decision to die. Everyone does not Leave a hand, hold the belief to kill their beliefs. "

"No problem, I am ready!" Ma Hongjun first responded. Several Oscar followed by nodding.

"Rong Rong, trouble, you and Xiaoyu are ready to cope with the sudden situation!" Tang San looked at Ning Rongrong and said very much.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar also know the urgency of things, but also to reply to the look: "No problem, you can rest assured, let's always prepare!"

This is not the Tang three not war first, but prepare a spare method early, he never fights unprepared. Just like it is now, if things exceed his expectations, there is a remedy.

Dai Mu looked at the people around him and flicked, it was also annoyed, couldn't help but say: "The hateful guy has been jumping around the ghosty jump, just don't dare to play with our positively."

Tang San Brain is flashing, just Dai Muhu, reminded him, since the other party has been waiting for opportunities, then explain that the other's strength has not been able to solve their point in an instant.

From this Tang San, it can be judged that the true strength of these guys should actually be similar to them.

Thinking of this, Tang Success is slow, and since they can be a little peace of mind. Just pay a little more, you can solve those guys.

Tang San tells his own discovery to Dai Mu and others, and this news will also make them realize.

"It turns out that, how do they don't directly launch an attack, it turns out this reason! But is there possible that the other party deliberate?" Although Dai Mu also was secretly proud, he couldn't see it in front of him.

From these guys's actions, this is certainly not done for the first time. On the experience, the other party must be surpassing them, saying that it is still unable to say.

Tang San naturally clear this, nod answer: "I am clear about this point, these guys are obviously some olders, not so good to deal with it. But I think of a way!"

Dai Mu's eyes were on, and then the time was not waiting for the timeline. He is clear that Tang San's heart has already planned.

The black eagle to hide and looked at the prudent Simlack team, asked the man headed by: "Boss, do we formally began to act? Just after testing, these guys are not afraid."

The black eagle helped the leader and sent an instruction.

"The action begins! The sooner, the sooner, the sooner!"

Get the black eagle help of the instruction, the members exposed one by one, and rushed to the crowd of Shrak.

"It's now! Xiaoyao, take off the other people!" Tang San urgently ordered.

Xiao Olympics is also very good, and seven flying mushroom intestines in just a moment.

While the Black Eagle is rushing to them, the five people outside Tang San and Dai Mu fly over the sky.

"Dai Big, it seems that we think of a piece!"

Dai Muhu smiled and said: "That's not, who makes us a team! Ok, let them teach our great!"

The black eagle helpers saw that the five people in the Shrek team have flew to the sky, decisively gave up the attack, and turned to Tang San and Dai Mu Bai.

Tang three is the effect, the more enemies who can attract it. The six soul of the Black Eagle form a circle, surrounded by Tang San Meng Group.

"Ded to death!" The Black Eagle helped six souls have used their strongest soul skills to Dai Mu Bai and Tang three.

Tang San mouth is a war, the mouth is meditation: "The first soul skill, entangle! The second soul skill, parasitic! The third soul skill, the spider web is bound!" Tang three three soul skills were used at the same time.

Just when the six soul of the Black Eagle thought that their body was tied to countless blue silver. Under the interference of Blue and silver grass, their movements are getting slower and unable to break the control of the spider web.

"It's evil, this guy's control soul skill is difficult!"

Tang San uses blue and silver grass to bundle six people together, from the 24th bridge, the seven Zhuge gods will be taken from the moon night, and they will throw six people in Dai Mu Bai and the air.

"Targeting their body, pulling the trigger!"

For a time, the seven of Shraki gave the Zhuge God to the hands of the Black Eagle to help six people.

At this moment, the soul of the black eagle is completely panicked. They want to break free from the binding of blue and silver grass, but they can't do it. Tang San's blue silver grass can not only be bundled, and there is also a huge amount of toxin.

"Shoot!" Under the Tang Dynasty, seven Zhuge god shot countless sparkling steel needles!

Looking at the steel needle, the six soul of the black eagle also wants to transport the soul to resist, but it is unfortunately.

"Hey!" The hole wearing a bloody voice sounded, and the silver steel whispered through the body was staining fresh red.

The six soul of the Black Eagle fell, and their wounds have been constantly moving out of blood, even if they are not killed on the spot, I am afraid it is only a few minutes.

Looking at this scene, Tang San and Xiao Dance are very calm. Dai Mu's mentality is also also good, after all, he is a Middle age student in the Slack Institute, and mentality will naturally be better.

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