The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 497, the iceberg is melted, lost

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A few people slowly fall from the air, and they unconsciously rubbed their mouths in the way, looked at the six blules lying on the ground, and their body created a dramatic Discomfort.

Dai Muhu looked at Zhu Zhuqing who had been going on, I plan to comfort it, but the speed of one person is more faster than him. That is a strange figure, Dai Muhu didn't know, I saw this figure quickly ran to Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mu was a bit of the person's clothes, and he felt that the big mistakes were not very bad. The guys in front of the front and the guys who had just killed were some.

"Don't say!" Dai Mu Baoyi fi is miniature, it seems that what you can't do.

Yes, this guy who attacked Zhuzhu Qing is the leader of the Black Eagle. Originally he thought of going to escape, but after seeing this unsuitable look of Oscar, his heart could not help but have a thought.

He lost so many brothers, then he would also kill one, until you can leave, or it can be too losing.

So the League of the Black Eagle stared on Zhu Zhuqing. Now Zhuzhu Qing is not coming to the reaction, and it is necessary to hit it.

Dai Muhu roared, "You guys will die!"

Dai Mu did unconsciously use the strange method to teach him, a strong anti-action push the front of Dai Mu.

Zhu Zhuqing also heard Dai Mu, just roaring, she looked back, and found the black eagle helped by her own close.

Her heart is also very panicked, she did not do her dodge, this hit her could not avoid it.

"I have a hand!" The black eagle helped the leader of the face could not help but reveal the mad smile.

At the same time he is happy, Dai Mu has been caught up with him. He has not slowed the gap between the other party, and Dai Muhu raised the right punch, and the mouth bursts: "The third soul technology Gold change! "

Shining the golden thundermat, Dai Mu, whoched, put the right box on the head of the Black Eagle, this boxing is not a whit, the monster suddenly broke out, the huge power brought the black eagle to lead Head.

The flesh and blood of the sky, Dai Mu, the anger, regard this, shredded, whispered: "First soul skill, white tiger preventive!"

When these sparsemeters are about to fall on Zhu Zhuqing, we also wear a shock of these minces in front of her in front of her.

After solving the Black Eagle, we Dai Mu Bai will turn to the body to ask: "Zhu Qing, you are not hurt?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Past asthma and Shamu, the cheek couldn't help but pan red, and the side said: "Um ... no ..."

"That's good!" I heard the answer of Zhu Qing, Dai Mu, also spit it out of breath. Fortunately, he caught up in time, or he didn't know how it would be good.

On the trunk of the distance, the column collected a lifted finger, looked in his mouth: "Oh, oh, it seems that the book of the monster door has entered a lot, it seems that I don't have to shoot!"

When the Black Eagle gave the leader, when the room had been ready, if Dai Mu was too late, the column would be remotely shot, with a huge soul of the Black Eagle to help lead.

However, Dai Mu has arrived in time, a punch, the black eagle leader, and there is no time when the column is natural.

"Mu Bai, I really learned to use it! It is really a genius!" The column is slightly sighing again, then look at Fland and Yusang, " We are almost the same time! Some small monsters need to be taken. "

Yu Xiao just nodded. "Yes, Tang San, Xiao Dance and Mu Bai have been clearly passed, others need a little time to adapt. But with the first time, I don't need to worry, they will slow Slowly understand. "

Flend pushed the eye, looked at the column, and said: "The inter-column, your guy is a little horrible! I am too beautiful, I am too beautiful, I am somewhat."

The column is touched, haha ​​laughs and said: "Is there? I think it is okay!"

"Wait back to talk again!" Yu Xiaogang reminded.

"Well, this will go!"

Yu Xiao Gang also sighed, he would not remind, say confirmed that there is also Frante with Flanders, and they will not go back!

Tang San gently patted the back of Oscar, which made Oscar were slightly better, or he had to have a good time.

"Little Oly, is it better?" Tang San asked.

Oscar swaying, "Well ... ok, it is the first time I personally kill some uncomfortable ... I will slowly slowly, thank you, Xiaosan."

"Where, everyone is the companion, don't need this!"

"How is Rong Rong?" Oscar wiped his mouth and asked hard.

Tang San holds Oscar, Ausu: "Don't worry, the small dance looks at her, don't worry."

When I heard this, Oscar said comfortable: "That's good, Rong Rong should take more time ..."

"It's a small three, your weapon is really powerful, and I will solve them at once." Xiaoao seems to ease a lot, and actually take the initiative to talk about the murder of the murder that they used.

Tang San did be proud to introduce: "This is a hidden in the manufacturing, Zhuge god, ordinary people holding a general soul of soul. But if it is the soul of the main attack, it is a bit tricky! "

Oscar brows interrupted Tang San's words, "Wait, you can deal with ordinary souls for ordinary people? This is too much!"

Tang San smiled and looked at Oscar and slowly said: "No deceptive!"

Oscar knows that Tang San will not speak big things. In this way, Tang San is really true. Reverse, Oscar directly rely on Tang San, "Oh, I'm, you can't send me, people want to leave the defense!"

Tang San said: "It is a plan to give you, I didn't expect to use it today, you will accept it!"

After that, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing have gradually recovered. Everyone once again saw that the seven bodies were no longer afraid and sorbing.

When Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing, who is Dai Mu, suddenly marked with his finger, Dai Mu, and asked: "Zhu Qing?"

"Well ... just arrived ... Thank you!"

Dai Muhu is pleased to say: "It's better to catch up in time. If the group hurts you, I ..." Dai Mu, suddenly found that it is not the last sentence.

Looking at Dai Mu, there is also a slim face, Zhu Zhuqing did not hold back and smiled. Dai Mu was looking at Zhu Zhuqing, as if this is what she laughed in front of himself, my own efforts are finally returned!

Dai Mu did not help but secretly decided, from now on, he has to protect the bamboo clear, the previous flower bonus is dead! Now he, to be a special man.

Zhu Zhu cleared, and recovered the front of the cold ice, squeezed with Mu Bai, praise: "I just made very handsome, I will continue to work hard in the future!"

Zhu Zhu clearly also has his own own, and it is impossible to make it easy to wear. But she is also slowly accepting Dai Mu. She knows that Dai Mu is also gradually changing itself.

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