The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 499, there is no banquet in the world

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"It turns out that you are trying this idea.

Yu Xiao Gang is also closed. "That is nature, Tianheng this child is also very close, the future is the Power of Blue Power Overlord Longzong, I naturally be more controversial to him. Qin Ming is Shrek's excellent student, the students he brought out, I am very relieved. "

Speaking of Qin Ming, Flanders can not help but make up, "Qin Ming's kid is very well-behaved, not just a genius, but also knowing courtesy, unlike the present little guy, one will not be able to follow."

Yushu smiled. "Flanders said too little, Tang San is also obedient, but sometimes more love is more, let alone the soul that will not be troubles The teacher is not a good soul teacher, not you teach them. "

Flander is very straight back: "Hey, these are different, let's feel the same, can you be the same as the current idea?"

Yushu also laughed and didn't speak, and it took a little to follow: "I don't know how Tianheng has lived these years. I have to talk about it."

"It's right to have a little rising, just saying that the strength of the monsters is not wrong?" Flanders asked.

Yushu just watched Flanders in a little surprised, is this not an obvious question? How It is surprised by Fland.

"Yes, say that you can't see it clearly?"

Flend put his hand: "No, I mean that Qin Ming is also the disciple between the column, and Tianheng is a student with Qin Ming, you said that it will not ..."

Yushu just eyebrows, yeah, how did he not pay attention to such a significant problem. Tang Sanqiang must definitely be guided by the column. The Qin Ming has also been guided by the column. Maybe Qin Ming is likely to teach his skill to his skills.

Looking at the Yushuang, Frand, Fran, is also very interested: "This way, the strength of Tianheng may be more than our imagination!"

Yushu agreed to Fland's point of view, nodded and said: "Yes, there is this possibility. So, the Crown Fighting team and the monster their games are wonderful, they can do each other Harvest more practical experience. "

Flander glanced at the shoulders of Yu Xiaogang to the edge of the window, the expression of gossip suddenly appeared on his face, opening: "Hey, Xiao Gang, tell the truth, how do you feel in your heart? To tell the truth!"

This problem does make Yu Xiaogang is very distressed, and the side is your own dear nephew is your own close student. I can't make a choice for a while.

After thorough thinking, Yu Xiaogang still gives an answer.

"Maybe small three winning chances are more bigger, after all, you think. Dai Mu should be able to limit the Hengtheng, the specific strength of Xiao Dance is not fully displayed, so it is not good to guess. And Xiao San him is not just There is also a hidden hidden means of uncomfortable, and the chance will be big. Even if it is afraid of using weapons on the game, the soul bones are very huge for the soul of the soul. "

"So, let's fight, who gamble, promise each other!" Flandy stared at Yushang.

"Well, gamble, no need to say anyway." Yushu did not want to agree, there is anything about the gambling between friends.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang promised so fast, Flem's heart was awkward, and the plan of the jade hook has reached the first step.

Flanders quickly converge their expression, coughing two: "So, just, where will you gamble?"

"My words, I will gamble, I'm gambling!" Yushu did not think about it. In his opinion, there is also a matter of losing, if he lost, Fland is estimated to let him buy a bottle of wine.

"In this case, then I guess that they will take a flat place!"

"Ping?" Yu Xiao Gang looked at Flend, and Flanders said, "the game, no one is only winning, or it may be a single. Is there any problem, Xiao Gang ? "

Jade Xiao just shook his head. He didn't have any questions. It was only a small pity. It seems that he must have a steady victory.

At this time, there was a knocking on the door outside the house. Flander only heard who was coming, and then it was: "Come, come!"

"Hey, I will know that you are coming, come in come in." Fland enthusiastically pulled the room into the room.

Sitting between the chair and smiled on the chair, poured a cup of tea, "What is it, so happy."

"The room, just gave a gamble and Xiao just hit a gambling, and if you gambling the monsters, can you win the Crown War!"

The column is slightly eyebrows, "Oh? It is the team leading to Qin Ming. He also told me this news."

"I will know that since I can tell me and Xiao Jun will definitely tell you." Fland took the hand.

At this time, see Fland's purpose is also very clear. As the small monsters won more and more, they are getting more gorgeous. In other words, it is not far from the days of leaving Shilek, and this kind of thing is still told them!

When the column is changed to the day, I said with a tangible tone: "Frand, there is something I have to say this opportunity, although it may be very disappointing, but it is time."

Fland and Yushu have turned their eyes to the column, and the faces of the two revealed deep doubts.

"What are you going to say? What is your disappointment, you can rest assured that it is!"

In this case, the column is not planning to hide, slowly: "Lao Furtic, Xiao Gang, soon, I will plan to retire!"

Flander slightly has a few seconds, "Hey? How do you suddenly say this? Where do we make you angry?"

The column restored the previous look, waved the hand: "Where is the matter, it is only a bit tired when the teacher is, and it is planned to return home to pension."

Flandy is a saying that it is a good look, nor does it know what to say.

The column pulled to Flanders, and took it hard to shoot his back. "Don't care, I don't quit the Speluder Academy, and will come back from time to time!"

After listening to the column, Flander was relieved, and he thought that the altitude was completely exited from the Shrake College.

"The room, your guy can scare me, I thought it was where we were unhappy." Fland took the chest.

Yushu suddenly looked at the column and took a cup of tea for him. Thank you: "The column, thank you for your teaching, this cup of tea, I respect you."

"Where, I encountered a moon like them. However, I am not a small age, but I plan to enjoy life with Luo Yu." Said that the completion and Yushu have touched a cup. Subsequently.

"After graduating from them, we personally hold a party for you, let everyone be happy."

The column will look at Fland, nod to attach: "I think this is a good idea. But the party is mainly to celebrate the small monsters to graduate, my things don't be too popular. There is no banquet in the world!"

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