The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 500 Qin Ming invites

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When a few people in the column, a pigeon flew to the window of the Flander room, and a small wooden tube was still installed on its legs, it seems to be a pigeon.

Fland came to the side of the pigeons, and it looked at the letters installed in the wood. "Good guys, just said the guy, the guy is coming."

The column is also curious: "Is Qin Mingzi? What do he say?"

Flandy handed the letter to the column, said, "Qin Ming's kid invited us to go to a little, do you mean?"

There is no opinion between the column, and he has not seen Qin Ming for a while. It is also gathered with him. Yushu just didn't have to say it, naturally I will promise.

"That thing is not suitable, let's go now!" Fland took the lead in pushing the door, the column and Yushu are slowly followed by Flanders.

After a period of time, the three people came to the tea house in the letter paper.

"Qin Ming said that it should be here, let's wait for him here!" Fland looked at the four weeks and did not find Qin Ming's figure.

At this time, a mild man sounded, "Dean Frante, the master teacher, the master, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

A brunette man in a gorgeous costume slowly came to them.

"Hey, Qin Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to mix the wind in the sky now!" Frand hit the hands with Qin Ming.

"Where is it, there is no teaching, I am in Qin Ming estimates a small pawn that I don't see it!" Qin Ming replied called himself.

His personality does not change because of the surrounding environment, as before, it is still as modesty.

"How do you have? Student is too busy in these years, there is no time to visit you, but also hope that teachers can understand." Qin Ming also apologized to the Pillar. He only greeted the absence through the letter, and he didn't look at it. He also had a deep remorse for this.

Seeing Qin Ming's pair of models, the column is also cool, "Qin Ming, who do you want to come? I still don't need your teenage, you will take care of your own things."

Qin Ming sighed, he knew that the character of the column was this, the governor is free, this kind of thing may not care, but he can be different. Although there is no need to care too much, he still thinks there is some kinds of rows.

Inter-column knows that this topic will continue to affect the mood of Qin Ming, so he takes the initiative to transfer the topic: "For Qin Ming, in a few days, the Crown Team, which you led, you will be able to fight with us, What do you think about this competition? "

This time, Qin Ming quickly bowed to the column, "The master teacher, please forgive me to teach you the way you teach me to give my student."

The column is one, and then he remembers a long time ago to give Qin Ming. I didn't expect Qin Ming, I really took the one, and smiled and smiled: "Good Qin Ming, you don't have to apologize to me! That is a joke, I mean not to teach the invisible students casually If you are a student you approve, then you can teach him. "

Seeing that there is no blasting, Qin Ming is also nodding, grateful: "Thank you for understanding!"

The column is also laughed, is it a wonderful devil in Qin Ming? If this is true, it is too funny. There is no horror impression that he has not left Qin Ming in the past year ~ Of course, there is Of course, there are other hell training!

"I guess, the student you taught should be the child named Tianheng!" Said the box said.

Qin Ming's face is also a surprise, and it is highly eye-catching, "Teacher, how do you know?"

The inter-column refers to the jade, and then, "Of course, I know it from Xiao Gang! Tianheng is the nephew of Xiaogang, whether it is characteristic or strength is unquestionable. Such a good embryo, You can't see it, it is a strange thing! "

Qin Ming touched his head and said: "It is a postman, it is good!"

Since I have seen Qin Ming, Jade Xiaogang also intends to ask Tianheng's performance of these years. Although he is the uncle of Tianheng, it can be seen in many years.

"Qin Ming, what is the child in Hengna?" Yu Xiaogang's tone was in urgent.

Qin Ming's smile and replied: "Is Tianheng children? You don't have to worry, Tianheng him live very well. In addition, he cultivated is very hard, and its strength is also very good."

After listening to the performance of Tianheng, Yushu is also long and relieved. He is finally rest assured.

"What is the soul level of Qin Ming, Tianheng's child now?" Since it comes to strength, Yu Xiaogang also has a little expectation for the specific strength of Tianheng.

"Speaking of Tianheng, his talent is very good, even more powerful than me. He is only 16 years old, and the strength has reached 45. Although I specialize in him, this is also very powerful. The talent is not open. "

"16 years old, level 45! Ok, good!" Yu Xiaogang was excited, and he was also pleased from the heart.

"Our College Mu Bai is 14 years old this year, and the soul has reached 38, and it is also very powerful." Fran is inserted.

Qin Ming knew the idea of ​​Flanders, opening: "That is nature, I am very clear about the admissions conditions of the Shrake College, it is certain that it can be genius!"

Flander smiled and praised: "Qin Ming, your kid's mouth can be getting sweeter and sweeter, this does not change the truth."

Qin Ming put his hand, "Hahaha, this is the teacher teaching. In addition, I am now in front of the souls in front of the people, and there is less need to pay attention to talk skills."

"Hey, look, now Qin Ming can already say that it will be said, it is very powerful!" Frantere said.

Qin Ming is also embarrassed to touch his head. The Dean Flede is really ashamed.

"Give Qin Ming, what is your current strength? It should not be difficult to achieve the soul of the soul!" Some expectations are looking forward to Qin Ming, he also wants to see his own teachings, Qin Ming will grow up What is point.

"The room, your guy is caused my interest. Qin Ming, how many levels do you now? I feel that your strength is chasing me!"

Qin Ming smiled and replied: "The dean guess, I have already successfully broken through the epicolor level!"

"Hahaha, I will say, as the dean, I should still ... Wait ... What did you just say? Contra ?!" Fland glared over the eyes, looked at Qin Ming, the slight mouth showed He was horrified at this time.

At first he thought he didn't hear it, but then he had a thousand aftertaste, it was indeed that Qin Ming said.

The column is also a surprise look at Qin Ming. The original Qin Ming is just the soul emperor. The block is just that even the soul of the soul, I didn't expect that Qin Ming actually broke through the episode. It is also a little accident.

It seems that there is a lot of genius in the World of Douro, but most of them have been covered by Tang San's their heads. Of course, Qin Ming can have such achievements, and some are part of the column to help him improve their physical fitness.

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