The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 501, the waves are more than the front waves

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Flander decadently slammed the forehead, muttered in his mouth: "How is the current child than a enchanting, as your dean, I am still in the stage of the Soul, I really have a little face."

Qin Ming Aucuo: "There is no thing, if it is not the cultivation of your teacher, I can't have today's achievements."

Fland shakes his head, rubbes the glasses, "Your kid is still to thank Qin Ming, my dean is still quite unknown, and the teaching work is almost all of the old Zhao and the column."

"Lao Furtic, you will see it outside, your credit is also very big, no, there is no such Shrek Academy!" The plumber took the shoulders of Flanders and comfort.

Fland is not a person, re-wearing glasses: "Okay, you don't know me, is I am a fragile person?"

"Of course, not, no one can look at you, Lao Furtic!" The column smiled.

Several people now stand in the door of the tea house, Qin Ming has rushed to say: "Let's still have a private room, standing outside chat, the tea is cool."

"Haha, this will not see some excitement, hurry." Flandy took Qin Ming in the forefront, Yu Xiaoang and the column smiled and smiled.

The decor in the private room is very warm, and it is best to make a relaxing place. A few lounges paved with a soft pad with a red wooden table with tea, giving a sense of pleasant.

Several people lay on the lounge chair and tasted the warm tea in his hand, and a comfortable moment of could not speak.

"This place can be really comfortable, Qin Ming, you really will pick the place, your eyes are good!" Fland did not hide his appreciation of Qin Ming.

Yushu also has the same view, touched the handle of the lounge chair, evaluating the road: "The workmanship of this chair is the same as the tea table, it is estimated that the package of this tea house is not cheap!"

"It's just a little money, I can't do anything, let several teachers are satisfied is the most important thing." Qin Ming replied, he can't hear any false please from his tone, all the moves are from the heart of.

Flanders looked at their past studies with satisfaction, and the glasses were also covered by mist. He retrieved the glasses again, "You, this is good, you don't have to break!"

Qin Ming gently swayed his head: "Don't tighten, this money is nothing to do with my current salary!"

Light smile on the column, "Hahaha, you said this, although it is a bit for the end, but it is also the fact!"

Flander is not a point to answer: "This is what it has, and your students will do it. Is it what we hope? Just like you said, even though I am a lemon, but I will not know my own student. what!"

There are not many words between the columns, drinking tea in the self, no longer funfland.

During the tea, Qin Ming did not use his eyes in the same way to the three people, and a look at it.

A few people in the column have long seen Qin Ming's hidden words, but they have been waiting for him to take the initiative. But now, if they don't take the initiative, Qin Ming estimates will be tangled by themselves.

The column slowly put down the teacup, and the event had a few necks. I asked a leisurely tack: "Qin Ming, I remember that you have been very cheerful, I will take the initiative to ask us, how to grow up , Still cauting! "

I heard the quotation between the column, Qin Ming knew that the teachers had already seen him, so he no longer hidden, and he frank his heart.

"Flander, the coach teacher, Yushu Master! In fact, I am looking for you simply for gathering."

The three men in the column, "see it, continue!"

Qin Ming is also a little sweating. I didn't expect teachers who have already found it. He also tangled for so long, think about it, I can't hung on my face.

"In fact, I came to invite teachers to invite teachers to join the Royal College!" Qin Ming's courage said his own ideas.

After a while, Fland slowly went to a tea, and I was a mouthful: "Qin Ming, telling it, this student, we intend to formally retreat. Although it is possible to go to the Tiangu Royal College may be Nice choice, but ... "

Qin Ming did not give up, and asked between the column: "Teacher, your opinion, what?"

The tea cup is put down, lying on the chair and closed the eyes: "Qin Ming, I didn't tell you anything ... I also plan to retire. Although it looks very young, my age is not small. , Also want to enjoy the enjoyment! "

Qin Ming nodded, he did not see the meaning of joining the sky between the column, and after clearly known the idea of ​​the column, he naturally respected the will of the column.

"That ... can I still see you?" Qin Ming has a little anxiety.

"What are you thinking about it, I just retired, you want to come to me, know where to find me."

When I heard the answer between the column, his floating heart gradually became smooth. The alone is equivalent to the second father. It can be said that there is no teaching between the handles, he does not meet today.

Formerly before, every time I was injured, the class teacher would help him repair the injury. In the process of constantly being repaired, his physical fitness has also been improved, and the body is still in the body. Of course, this is also intended to be in the column.

"If there is anything you need to help, you can still come to me, I also belong to the teacher of the Shrek Academy. For your proposal, I have a suggestion to you, you can find a breakthrough from Fland."

In the eyes of Qin Ming, surprised the rays, according to the inter-class teacher, Flanders did not completely determined, that is, there is also the opportunity to invite them to Dean.

Frand in the distance is also looked at the column, lie in the mouth: "This guy is really a lot of mouth ..."

Yushu just gave a look at Fland, saying faintly: "This is unfortunately, it is not strong enough!"

Qin Ming came to the front of Flanders, and asked: "Dean Flanders, please consider my suggestion, and benefit the future development of students!"

Flander is worried: "But the monsters have become the conditions for graduation, this ..."

Qin Ming's eyes saw that Fland has been shake, and even the victory of France, "Dean, you think, although they have achieved silver soul badge, but their soul is just soul, big soul, future The road is still very long, so that I graduate, I have not swearing too early. "

The Flede's mouth is slightly lifted, and it is straightforward in the mouth: "You said it also makes sense, just nothing to get in the soul of the soul, your considering, I will carefully think about it. After the game is over, I will give you my reply. "

Qin Ming knows that now, it is still in a hurry, and everything needs a step in step. Let Fland have been shaken, it is not small, the next is the time problem, patience is waiting.

"Due to Flanders, I will give you the information of our Crown Fighting team. You can let the brothers have developed some tactics. I have almost understand the strength of the school brothers." Qin Ming took a bunch of information Give Fland.

Flend glanced a few eyes, praised: "It seems that you are already a mature tie teacher."

"The Flander has a prize, these are the basic essentials of teachers."

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