The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 502 can't be small, Zilika team

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Next, the four people talked some trivial chats, and Qin Ming also told these years to listen to several people.

On the side, the altitude is nodded to say: "At present, you should be the best students in the Shrek Academy."

Qin Ming shook his head, "The teacher is heavy. Qin Ming believes that there is no matter that the truly students should be this schoolmate!"

There is a laugh, and the hands are surrounded by the chest. "You, or old, the character is still so humble. I have been keeping very good. I have seen many people in the college, and I really entered the society." Their good character is gradually being erased. "

Qin Ming knows that this is taught himself, and answers you clearly: "Teacher will not forget my teaching, I will never forget it in my life! I have to rest assured."

"That is nature, you are my most proud of students." The column looked at Qin Ming, and said.

Qin Ming looked at the sky outside the window, respectfully said a few people in the column: "Dean, teacher, sky is not early, I have to go back to see Tianheng them. Although their strength does not have any problems, but As a teacher, I also have a responsibility to protect them. "

Flanders answered: "An Xin, we are not old antiques, you are busy with you! Don't care about our old guys."

Qin Ming is nodded, "The students are temporarily resolved, and after the game, they will gather again!"

After seeing Qin Ming left, Flend was also slowed down. "We are almost almost returned, and this intelligence gives the small monsters, let them study tactics."

"It is also, this battle should allow small monsters to learn a lot of experience." Yushu said faintly.

The Royal Holding Crane is in the rest room, and Yu Tianheng is alone, and the other five members enjoy the wine.

Soloe's face is slightly red, relying on the jade sky, drink so many wine, she has produced a strong drunk. It seems that drinking is just like drinking water like a drink.

Tianheng, are you still using Qin teacher to teach you that method? "I asked the geese slightly.

Yu Tianzheng nodded, and the favorite, I've been touched. "Yes, I should be responsible for everyone's security, so I can't get drunk, keep awake. Wink what tastes the taste Enough."

In Tianheng, the two men's open mouth: "Captain, here we have taken, you and the vice team can enjoy these drinks."

Yu Tianzheng swing, "Thanks, Shi Wei, Graphite! But this is the responsibility of the captain. If it is in the college, you can enjoy it. Now, you can pay attention to some."

After listening to Yu Tianheng, sitting in the next to the Ye Xiang, I sent a pleasant laughter, "said the captain is around, I feel very peaceful!"

The jade is connected to the sound of the sun, the opening: "Hey, you can rest assured, whether we are in the stadium or life, we will protect you."

"Well ~" Ye Ye should have.

Familiar with her soul knows that her character is so, she is not good at speaking, and she is only in front of Yu Tianheng and others. She is willing to reveal her true side.

I went to Yeo, I've been able to get to Ye, and I have a blue long hair like her waterfall. "Come, drink it!"

"Can't let the geese, my alcohol is really not good ..." Thistein is refusing, but the body is still unique, and it is finally broken under the unshanate sneak.

"This is right, this kind of micro-embarrassment is not very enjoyable!" I asked Qi Shanxing.

Osro and Royal Breeze sitting opposite are also helplessly boost, Yan Jie is this, and after drunk Yan Yan and Wink, Yan Jie is completely judged.

At this time, the door of the lounge was pushed away, and Qin Ming came in, and he looked at the troubles and smiled. "It seems that everyone is very happy!"

"Qin Ming teacher!"

See Qin Ming came in, everyone got up from the seat, and he greeted him very straight. Even the soilers and leaves of the slightly.

Qin Ming looked at their appearance, and it was also crying, and the hand showed that they can sit down.

"Don't use this, I have said, I have said, there is a friend relationship between us, it is not too much."

After that, Qin Ming sat around the Yutian, took a bottle of wine on the table and drunk quickly.

"The wine you choose is really good, the taste is very good, it is worthy of praise."

"Teacher needs me to go to a few bottles?"

Qin Ming gently shakes his head. "No, beautiful things don't have enough to enjoy enough, staying slowly."

"For Qin Ming teacher, we won the victory of a group battle when you went out. I think ..."

Qin Ming looked at Yu Tianheng, smiling and said: "But there is a special idea?"

Since Qin Ming made himself but said, Yu Tianheng did not hide it, and he told Qin Ming in all the way.

"Teacher, I think the strength of these souls in the Soul Soul in the city is too low, so you can't get the role of exercise."

Qin Ming knows that Yu Tianheng is thinking, slowly explaining: "Let you come to the soul experience to make you enhance your own actual strength, accumulate experience. As for the strong opponents you said, I will encounter. "

Tianheng Ye is bright, surprise looks at Qin Ming, "Teacher's meaning is, have you been arranged?"

Qin Ming smiled slightly, Yu Tianheng, this child is a special, and only one sentence guess points.

"Yes, I have contacted a very suitable team as your opponent. This is the information of their team, you can take a look."

Qin Ming took out a brochure to handed to Yu Tianheng, and the brochure had information on the Shrek War Qi. Of course, this information is the ability to use when the Slack team is played. For example, Tang San has a lifetime, he is not clear.

Royal Feng, Osro and Shi's brothers have also squeezed the past, watching Qin Ming giving them a booklet.

After reading it, the Yu Tian Hengbei hiped some folds, looked at Qin Ming.

"Tianheng, what is the problem you encounter?" Qin Ming asked.

"Yes. Teacher, the soul of the soul of this team is too low, it is not our opponent. Even three members are big soul."

This team will not be their opponent, and his team members have a minimum of 35.

"In addition, this evil white tiger should be their captain? The strength is only 38, completely not enough!" Yu Tianheng said something disappointed.

This is not a jade sky, but the general attempt in the soul of the soul, and the cross-level challenge is not anyone. In addition, Tianheng itself followed Qin Ming to learn many of this lead, which gave him full of bottom gas and confidence.

Qin Ming looked at the loss of Yu Tianheng, did not tell him the truth in the first time, just saying faintly: "Tianheng, no matter when, don't hear your opponent, remember? This is what I teach you. "

Yu Tianzheng nodded, "Well, the teacher you said, maybe it is too much to win. But you can rest assured, I will stabilize."

Tianheng refers to thinking that since Qin Ming can arrange this team to arrange this team, they will definitely have different places that differ from ordinary teams.

"You can't underestimate this team, then discuss with you!" Yu Tianheng has been decisive.

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