The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 517, the first giant horses

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Flander took the bank card to say, no choice but sighed, "This is really embarrassed, I will get rid of this bad problem in the future ..."

Yushu just laughed and said: "I think you still keep it now, a unfamiliar fantastic flower money like a water, I really feel some unfamiliar."

Fland did not take care of jade, this guy, he didn't care.

"The column leaves, I always feel that the atmosphere is cold ..."

"Who said no, let us laugh in the column of laughter? Just let the little guys talk together?" Yu Xiaogang said the truth.

Dai Mu is looking at the palm, after leaving the teacher, there will be the strange skills to teach him. Dai Mu was slowly tightened, and his heart was secretly decided.

"Teacher, you can rest assured! The skill you teach me will carry forward him!"

"Don't be too discouraged, you can learn together with us, always have the opportunity to see the posture of the classroom." Yu Tianheng also patted the shoulders of Mu Bai before, giving him some comfort.

Looking at this scene, Qin Ming's admiration is even more admirable, and it can change the character of Tianheng in such a short period of time. This is what he can't do anything.

He taught Tianheng and more than a year, he did not change the calm character of Tianheng to outsiders. Under the influence of the column today, Tianheng, which has always been indifferent to other people, has actively comforted Dai Mu, which is a huge change.

Although the future Slack's students will join the Tiangou Royal College, it is not an outsiders, but it is a rare change to Tianheng.

In the year of teaching Tianheng, Qin Ming did not see that Tianheng had a good face in addition to his team friends. It can think about how much it has changed before.

"Thank you, let you see such a sad scene!" Dai Mu made gratitude to the Tianheng who cares about his own.

Tianheng can understand this feeling, just like he and Yushu just separated again, when he met again, the sadness of the long-term suppression suddenly broke out. Dai Mu and others are now in the case, nothing more than him.

"I look forward to your entry into the Royal College for study, there is a silver fighting badge in the district is not our end. In the future, we have a long way to go, but don't be too far away!" Yu Tian Heng heavyly The shoulders of the white dozen were cheering.

"Don't say more, I will, you will be too complacent, you can't take it for a long time, I will exceed you." Dai Mu Bai's mood quickly returned, and Fuji Yang Di Yu Tianheng said.

Yu Tian Heng smiled, his hands were in front of it, "It seems that you have recovered, this is like words. Take out your momentum on the ground!"

Dai Mu is also thinking about it, and the class teacher must not want them to be immersed in separate injuries. Only getting more and more stronger, it will not be the expectation of the columnar teacher.

For this reason, Dai Muhu quickly came out from the sadness of angry.

Looking at the companions around you still have some low, Dai Mu is also take the initiative to help them do their work. Under the efforts of Dai Mu, Shrake is also restored before.

"It seems that we don't need our comfort, they have already come out from the loss, and there is a lot of monsters grow a lot." Fland smiled. As a dean, the most happy is to look at your students step by step.

"Yeah, this is also a good thing for them. This little separate is nothing. If this small difficulty is overcome, it will make people feel strange!" Yu Xiaogang said It seems that there is no concern that Tang San will be lost.

"Frand dean, today is not too early, I will take them back to the hotel. We will leave tomorrow morning. Your request of the Council will definitely agree. I am waiting for you in Tiandu Royal College."

"Okay, then I will see the Royal College!"

When Qin Ming was separated, Yu Feng called Ma Hongjun, "Grass Chicken, after you come over, we are more than one alone. The game is entangled in you is full of mistakes!"

Ma Hongjun will be afraid of the wind, just want to return, the mind has emerged in the middle of the column. Reversible, Ma Hongjun wiped a hair, put a self-thinking very handsome posture, "Okay, although Xiaoye, my level is not high, the game can be steadily eaten, I can still like it!"

Yu Feng looked at Ma Hongjun's generous posture, but also quite helplessly turned to the head, and returned to a sentence: "It can be not allowed to you, I will take out the truth!"

The words of the royal wind are not too big, but the posture of him is too big! Yes, Ma Hongjun's movement is to give them a variety of ways. Jojo standing.

Dai Muhu and others have blocked their eyes with hand, and the fat is matched with Jojo. Although there is only one person, it can be a group of magic dances.

The most suffocated or fatty is completely unsatisfactory, and the posture is constantly changing.

These movements Tang San have also Mu Bai, but they agree that this action is absolutely impossible to take out the performance ... can be Hongjun!

"This wonderful posture ... The block is really taught by many of the strange things! I thought that the column is also the same as the elderly, it seems that he is the real child's heart is not old!" Fran Made smile, watching Ma Hongjun's movements, trying to imitate.

Just after making the first action, a crisp sound rang, Flandy's pain was painful, and he licked his waist, he said: "I drop my wife!"

"Dean, what's wrong with you?" Oscar took the lead in the past to hold Flanders.

"Ah, it is Xiao Yao, I just have just eventually active my bones, I didn't expect to flash to my waist! Nothing, don't worry."

Fland is also a reason for a reason. If they let them know that they are imitating Jojo, they can be laughed.

Yushu also laughed and had a rhythmic undulation. I didn't expect little movement to let the Flanders flashed.

Frand glanced at Yuxi, and it seems that you have a good fruit to eat again.

Yushu seems to think of it seems to be a gambling of Frand, slightly, I will persuade: "Fland, you don't want to come, although I promised you, but you can't take the risk of people what!"

"Reassured, not something difficult, it seems to be a good thing for you, I will tell you in Tiangou Huangcheng."

Yushu just understood this rhetoric, Flanders didn't take the opportunity to pit, and there will be good things.

Yu Xiao Gang is not a person who can't afford, as long as the guy in Fland is not coming, he will care.

"Dean, let's go back to the college, I have time to see a few eyes." Dai Muhu proposed.

Listening this, Fland is also a little bit: "It's good, we can't live in the hotel tonight. I will go back to the college. I will go to the sky. These days you can rest, I want to play, but I have to pay attention to it ... "

Didn't wait for Fland, Tang San and others took the lead in the same voice: "Safety first!"

"Yes, it seems that I don't need me, you should pay attention."

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