The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 518, Rotta's estimation

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Accompanied by the moonlight, the block and the Phoenix Luoyu walks on the remote road outside the city. Phoenix Lu Yu took the arms between the column, leaning on his shoulders, asked with his face: "The interior, we have a lot of time, we are not taking time ..."

The column knocked the palm of the palm, "I remembered, I promised you to take you to find A silver gather, now I have time."

Phoenix Luoyu looked at the column, and if he wanted to say, he would say it in advance by the column. It seems that the column has not forgotten something before, this also makes her feel a warmth.

"I thought you had forgotten it! It seems that I am worried." Huang Luyu smiled.

"That is nature, I promise you how can I forget? But do you remember the guy who attacked Ning Rongrong before?"

Although Huang Luyu did not know why the column would refer to this topic, but still nodded: "Of course, know, this kind of thing will definitely forget it. Is there anything happening?"

Phoenix Lu Yu guessed that there must be something to say, otherwise it will not file this business.

The column is also licking the head, slowly said: "Last time to Qi Bao glazons, I met another guy who intended to steal the seven treasure glazed secrets, and attacked Ning Rong Rong's same gang, from that guy In the mouth, I learned that the stronghold of the guy is in the sky. "

Phoenix Luoyu is also a slight frown, holds the chin, saying: "This kind of words will not be very good, they should have a few days to go to the sky. If those guys discover Rong Rong, Will you continue to start with Rongrong? "

Shaking the head in the column, "They should not be so bright, the stronghold should only play a job, and it is impossible to make too much movement. Their security problem is not I need to worry. "

However, it is not that it is not a magazine, but it is still to solve these troublesome guys as soon as possible.

Phoenix Luoyu proposes: "If you don't want to go to the Tiangou Huangcheng to explore the information? How is it when you visit Yin?"

The column is closed, and the mind is constantly thinking about the problem of this mysterious organization. The intelligence that can be learned is that they intend to do their high-level organizational forces on the continent, but through the other two hands-on hands, the other's power is still not very strong, more taken in the end of the active measures.

This has to keep the column, and Tongbao Pavilion is now in the mainland, and there is a possibility that the martial arts is not equal. The column is essentially Rotta's branch, naturally, according to the old thinking of Rotta's thinking, Tongbaoge's security issues will definitely pay attention.

Ming's security issues, Tongbaoge is completely not afraid, come to a Rota to hammer, let alone Ryder will have stepped into the title of the title, you can say that you are not afraid of any frontal enemy.

The enemy in this back is the hardest, Rota is also annoying such guys, and I have not fully developed the organization, but I have to try to kill in the cradle.

"Forget it or report it to the body, this thing still let him win!"

The interval between the post is finally moved, and the phoenix is ​​coming over, "Is there any idea?"

The album nodded gently. "I know how to solve it. This thing can be invisible to Taga to pay attention, he should be more professional than us."

"This is good, you don't have to take it on yourself." Huang Luyu said gently.

But she didn't know that the block is actually Rotta, essentially he solves this matter. However, this kind of thing is not intended to tell Phoenix, the minimum is temporarily can't, before the right time is not found before the method, first concealment.

The column took out the phone and called Rotta, and Luo Tower turned on the phone.

"The room is room, is it a phone call? How is it recently?" Rota lie in the chair greeting.

"Still old, everything is very good, recently retired from the Shrek Academy! Plan to go to the world around the world, relax."

"This is a good thing, there will be more time to accompany the phoenix, but I don't want to treat her!" Rotta said with a smile.

"That is sure, but I am looking for you, not just a few words." The column did not plan to be too long, quickly cut into the topic.

"It is seen that there is no big thing after all, you won't take the initiative to call?"

Since the body has guessed his intentions, the column is no longer grinding, and the things about mysterious organizations will tell Rotta.

"This is really no, there is such a group of guys, it is easy to prevent problems. This thing I will do, you don't have to manage it!"

This kind of thing is still to go to the horse, although he can know what you know, but you have to cancel it to receive this information.

Anyway, I don't usually have too much things, I personally explore a lot of time, and even more convenient.

"That's this!"

After hanging the phone, the Phoenix Luoyu took the lead asked: "How is the column? Rotta said?"

The block smiled and smiled. The hair of the phoenix, replied with peace of mind: "Rota said that this thing will deal with it, let us don't do it."

After listening to Rota, the face of the Phoenix Luoyu was also relaxed. She obviously felt that the burden on my body was gone.

Although she is going to go with the column, I can not be a special trip, but I still don't have a taste in my feelings.

It is not the same now, she can enjoy life with her altitude, don't worry about those who have no trouble.

"Then I went to the Holy Village tonight, I should arrive tomorrow, the Holy Soul Village is also very suitable for casual places, and it is good for a few days." The column proposes.

"Okay, I don't want to be so fast, and I will be separated so many years, and there are many words to talk to her!"

The alone is slowly bent, gently says to the Phoenix Luyu after the body: "Go, I will go back!"

"That is trouble you, the column!"

Phoenix Luyu gently climbed the generous back of the column, and his hands on the neck of the column, the whole person cuddled up.

"Grab, old ... I have to start!"

There is a double-sep in the case, and huge impact is burst into the direction of the Holy Village.

Xingluo Huangcheng, Tongbaoge, Rotta closed his eyes and thoughtfully attached the mysterious organization mentioned in the column. Suddenly, my mysterious organization is really careful, no matter what, let's go!

Rotta also has a speculation that this mysterious organization will have a relationship with the god of sin. Although I have solved the gods of the gods a long time, he also clear the gods and thoroughly destroyed, as long as people have evil, he will never be eliminated!

This is also the most difficult place to god, so far from Rota, I didn't find a way to be one-time, and I can only take a step.

If the god is planning to play Dongshan, Rotta will inevitably put him completely.

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