The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 523 is handsome but two chapters!

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Qin Ming was tone, but he almost fell, so in a timely man of Fran, helped the upcoming Qin Ming.

"Dean, we are fine, the predecessors don't pursue our things!" Qin Ming smiled and looked at Fland.

"Qin Ming, this time you lost you, if you are not you, we may have been stayed here." Flandy is in the eyes of tears, moving to Qin Ming.

"Dean, don't need to see it. No matter how to say, I am also a student of the Shrak Academy. Shirack's things are my things."

Flend carefully examined Qin Ming's body. After seeing there is no injury, it is only a thorough assured.

Qin Ming also smiled slightly. It is not too worrying that Fland is not too worried. "I didn't hurt, but it was a little big, this is much more thanks to my teachings."

Solitary listened to Qin Ming and Fland's dialogue silently, but when he heard the two words between the column, the body was one.

"Are you calling Qin Ming?" Solitary blog actively opened.

"Yes, the solitary life, I am Qin Ming!"

"You just called the post-class as a teacher? Is your teacher who have played with Unexpectedly?" The solitary face suddenly lifted.

Although Qin Ming did not know why there was a solitary book, but still replied: "Do the lone life, my teacher is indeed a super power called Yu Zhibo spheres, just 12 years ago! Do you? Cognition with my teacher? "

Solitary shook his head: "I can't talk about it. I just listened to the big name between the column! That a world, today's title Douro didn't know. This is, you can block my pressure, I also said it. Look at the face of Mr. Column, if you encounter any problems, you can find me! "

Looking at the alone, the king of Snow Star is directly circled, he is not clear now!

"Solitary, how can you make it so easy to run them, but they are insulting the royal members!" Xuexing king also guarded some gifts, directly questioning the solitary.

I heard the throne of Snow Star, and I went back to a word: "Compared to the royal family ... I am more worried that the universal people are troublesome. You are ignored!"

Just finish alone, a string of the voice sounded, "said it is good, solitary! These royal family have been tall, they have to kill their heads."

Rotta's figure slowly came from outside the door, and after the king of Snow, he also glanced at him. This portrait of the throne is directly scared, can't get up for a long time.

"Are you calling an avalanche? Hurry to drag your uncle's uncle, don't come out, then you have nothing to do with me!" Rotta was slowly said.

Where is the avalanche more than one sentence, directly with the king of Snow, and even the rolling belt climbed the governing hall.

Seeing the figure of Rota, three director and other three directions are also grateful to thank you: "Rota Pavilion is old, this time isn't you appear, who knows what the two guys will do?"

Rotta is casually sitting down, poured a cup of tea, not in the style: "There are two clowns in the district, can't play any wind waves? Even if he went to snow, I will tell me, snow night has to provoke me. Bold is only. "

The three people in the dream got were also a little sweat. Dare to call the people of your own, according to what they should only have Rota. Even the closest big emperor, the Xueqing River must respect the father or your Majesty.

Rotta had a broth, looked at the solitary, slowly said: "Solitary, you are not small, why bother to follow the junior?"

Solitary for Rotta is also unfamiliar, the number 4 of the fourth limit of Douro on the mainland is very loud, and several of him is not enough to pick up.

In the face of Rotta's education, it is also a mistake in interest: "Rota Pavilion is the old lesson, if it is not the previous royal family, I am too lazy to take care of Snow Star Prince's kind of guy."

Flanders asked in this time: "You are the friend who said, Rotta ... Hey ..."

For a time, Fland didn't know what to call it. He didn't want to be too born, and he did not want to be too charit.

"Just calling me that Rota Pavilion is good, after all, I am the pavilion of Tongbaoge! Everyone knows this identity."

"Okay, Rota Pavilion is old, are you a friend of the column?"

Rota nodded, calmly replied: "That is nature, the column is also roughly chatting with me to talk about you. Just this time I come to Tianma Huangcheng to do things, come and see you, I didn't expect, I didn't expect it. I have made me show a good show! "

When you are so lonely, you will be able to talk to cold sweat on your back, "I just went to those, have you seen it?"

Rotta picks the eyebrows, "Uh! Then you think? If I come out, will you still be powerful?"

Solitary face is also a red, GIAO, this time it is installed forced. He was originally intended to go out of the limelight in front of these younger generation.

"But it is good to kill, otherwise you will believe that I will let you lying on the ground for a minute!"

Rotta said with the most normal tone, the most shocking words, solved a title of Douro, normal, this kind of words will not be believed.

But this is said that it is said from Rotta, it is true. They don't dare to completely believe, and they don't dare to do not believe. In short, it is very shocking!

This is also Rota taking care of the words of the unique face change, the truth, Rota wants to pick up the solitary life is a moment.

The solitary place is that his toxin. He is a control of the soul of a control, not particularly good at cope with the soul of the Types of attack, and facing the Ping Type of Raota, it is a little desired. No tears.

"Thank you Luo Tak, I will never be so bad in the future, I will not be so bad."

I don't say that I don't say that I will be missed first, first put my attitude there, so that I can keep Rotta. Impression.

Tang San and others looked at the current solitary life, and it was also unware of the cloud. Solo-lived is like a personal, this is still the title of the domineering side leakage?

How to see how this picture is like a teacher education student!

"Wow, Rota Pavilion is old handsome, I decided that Rota Pavilion was my idol!" Ma Hongjun looked at Rotta.

Rotta is a slight smile, and Hua Hongjun said: "I can worship me. As long as you are not afraid of being smashed into the pig!"

Ma Hongjun was directly smashed, and the hand was handed down: "That is still, I am still young, I want to live a few years."

Solitary from Rotta and Ma Hongjun's dialogue also won a information point, not difficult to hear from their conversation, and the boy and this child named Ma Hongjun also have a very close relationship.

Solita, I came to Luota next to Rota, referring to some people such as Tang San, "Rota Pavilion, is these little guys are students in the column?"

Rotta looked at the eyes of a look at the eyes, praised: "Good eyes, positive solution!"

"I am not a dialogue you just heard with the little fat man? No wonder, one is growing with a talent!"

Shrek people looked at the change of such a fast solitary life, it was very admired. It was obvious that it was a very despised attitude before it. Now, how do you see the talents?

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