The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 524, the source of the evil, the king of Snow

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For the attitude of one hundred and eighty-oriented, Shileke feels very dreamy, it seems that the teacher and the dean they are right, I want to mix well outside, my own strength must be strong.

Just like today, if it is not the emergence of Rotta or Qin Ming brothers, the solitary is probably disdainful to them.

Tang San silently stared at the solitary, the fist was not hitting, and today he is a serious experience of no power.

Without strength, it can't protect my companion. I think about thinking, Tang San sideways look at the little dance behind him. Recalling that he sent a vow he sent six years ago, he must become more and more strong.

Solitary boss is a title Douro, and naturally noticed that I just stared in my own, I also felt very kind for this kid.

Others are as much as possible to avoid it, and this kid actually dares to hook their attention, but it is really unhappy.

Solitary, I saw an unyielding and firmness from the eyes of Tang San, but I didn't have anger, which also made him a strong interest in Tang San.

Soaping to Tang San, Frand was a little worried about to stop, but after seeing Rotta Chong himself, he finally terminated his actions.

Although now there is no malicious to them, the character of the title is an angry, not to mention the solitary life of this old urchin, and an angry and Tucheng is normal.

"Kid, what is your name?" The solo blogger queried.

Tang San did not have a whit, very straight-up, straightforward, alone, "Recently, Lone generation, Tang San!"

"Tang San ... Not bad, your boy is very good, dare to look at me, no more people!"

There is no wave in Tang three, and there is no unexpected feeling for the solitary look at him. How do you say that you are a strong person who is awarded a grade, yourself, if you are not discovered, it's a leaving!

"Thank you for your predecessors, the late Tang San's rude move, greeted the seniors for understanding."

Solitary blog is a little bit of appreciation, then said: "There is nothing else, your kid is quite right to my character, allow you to be free."

"Single, can I remember that you are not such an attitude before?" Rotta said it is also fun.

How can I don't know what my mind in Rotta's heart is nothing more than wants to kill my own prestige.

Solitary is also a old fritter. For this situation, he can also easily deal with: "Where to say, I am also short, the royal family is grateful, I am also helpless. People who cultivate, A reputation. "

Seeing the solitary life, Rota is not investigating, anyway, he is not too lonely meaning. The solitary personality is still very jealous, steadily string of naughty, very opposite Rotta's appetite.

Lonely Looked to Tang San, and stared at other people next to him, and there was some helplessness. He can see that these little guys are unpleasant geniuses, but unfortunately ... it is a pity.

If it is not a changing of Snow, it is said that these little guys have joined the Royal College. It is also a pity that all this is already late in the development of geese.

The Tiangou Royal College has left a bad impression of Shrek, even if he pulled his old face and invited them to join the Royal College, it should be impossible.

At this time, Yushu also recovered his gods with the help of Tang San. Frand also led him to him.

"This time I really lost the old Qin Ming and Rota Pavilion. Otherwise, the king of the snowstorm may continue to be Huzu." Yushu got up to Rota deeply a soul ceremony, expressing his gratitude. "

Looking at such a solemn Yushu, Rota couldn't help but laugh. He helped Shileke not to thank the master. Thanks to the master of his words, there is a folk role. The master is only a small role, and it is not necessary.

The reason why I am helped, it is completely fun, not grateful to the Member of Titu Slack. It can be said that the strength of Rota is already a one-hand state, and it does not need to pay a certain force at all.

"I am grateful to don't have to, not a special trouble, start the worker."

Looking at Rota is so casual, Yushu has no dissatisfaction. After all, the strong is the privilege of strong people, not to mention the top power of Rotta.

After arrogant, Yushu took a look at Flandh, and it can be left now.

Fled would noddish, and said to Shrek. "Since today is peaceful, then we are also left. Trial doctors are embarrassed, us Shile can add trouble!"

The three director faces are also unable to take the initiative to hold the hand in front of Frand: "Dean Flander, you don't have this. There is such an incident today, and you will not understand."

"This natural, today's things are not related to the three directories and even the college. Just have two uncomfortable mice. We still go back, the environment of the Royal College is very good, but we are not adaptive "

Flend's words also let the three directions can not help but look down, the wind of the Royal College is the case, nor is it to change it.

There are colleges supported by royal strength. Most of the enrollment is a big child, and their origin is much higher than ordinary children. Over time, this kind of album is developed in the college.

For this point, the three directions have no way to deny that there may be no difference between the Royal College and these geniuses!

Qin Ming also made a saying of three directions: "Three directions, thank you for your appreciation of me, but today I will see some things. I decided to leave the Tiangou Royal College, please ask you Forgive me. "

Although Qin Ming's strength and the three director are pitched, the dream god machine is still a predecessor, and it is also a person who is ginseng, Qin Ming naturally holds their respect.

When I heard Qin Ming, the dream nature of the dream was also full of helpless look. He also felt very regret for Qin Ming's departure. Snowstone prince said the words of the scourge, hurting Qin Ming's heart.

Dream gods know that since Qin Ming has already decided, it will not change it easily. In this regard, the dream god machine has not persuaded Qin Ming's intention, and persuaded that there is no problem. Why do you want to do those suspects?

Subsequently, the dream gods sigh, sigh, slightly tired, said to Qin Ming: "Since this is your decision, we also respect your choice. We thank you for all, cultivate all the emperors for the Tiangou Royal College. The team of the fighting team is a team of genius. It is we can't afford you! "

"The three directions don't have to apologize, I don't blame you, just feel that I am not suitable for this environment." Qin Ming also whispered, he did not have any contradictive emotions of the three people in the dream, just simple to The king of Snow Star is dissatisfied.

If the king of Snow Star is just a word, he doesn't matter, he can bear. But he couldn't tolerate the Snow Star.

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