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"Well, we don't say much, since you made a decision, then we will send you!" Dream Power proposes.

Qin Ming gently shake his head and refused the proposal of the dream, "Thank you for your kindness, but I am just a general person, don't have to move, I am going to be able to say goodbye to Tianheng and solitary wort!"

"Yes, then arrange it yourself!" Dreaming, the whole person seems to have a lot of old age.

Someone listened to Qin Ming, but it was a little curious: "You just said that Yan Yan, you are the teacher of my granddaughter, no wonder, I said that you have made great progress in geese these years."

Qin Ming was also humble and laughed. "The award is a prize, which makes granddaughter have such a huge progress, more or her own talent and effort."

Solitary came to Qin Ming, take a hand on his shoulders, and said: "No matter what to say, Yan Yan has such a progress and you can't open it, this, I have to thank you."

Since I solve the lonely, Qin Ming has only accepted it silently. If you rejected multiple times, you will definitely make you don't think he can't see him.

At this time, the door of the director hall was pushed away, accompanied by a shout, the eyes of everyone were also attracted.


I heard a kind voice, I turned around, Zhang opened his hands and said, "It is the grandfather's favorite little geese, come and let Grandpa hold!"

It's true that it is true, but you can have a lot of lonely geese. I don't swear her with a princess.

Slightly feel the weight of the solo geese, solo lonely hunha big smiled: "Oh, I didn't expect Yan Yan's fat!"

I heard my grandfather's words, I didn't look like a blind, "Grandpa, where people are fat!"

"Exercise is good!" Yu Tianheng came to the solitary shouted.

"Hey, it is Tianheng, I will not be more exciting!" Solitary blog shot the shoulders of Yu Tianheng, he was very optimistic about this granddaughter.

Not only is people who are handsome, but the background is still very strong, but their strength is also very satisfied. There is Blue Power Guardian Dragon Zong to do the backing, and the future geese will not suffer from Tianheng.

After he greeted and alone, the jade constant diameter came to Yushu just around him, and he greet: "Xiaogang uncle, you are finally here, hope ..."

Yu Tianheng's words only said half, stop, not because of nothing, just because he saw the plumber on Yushu's face.

The jade days that met to reactivate the anecdote were also noticed, and the doubt, "Uncle, is there anything happened?"

Yu Xiaojun sighed, with his hands on the shoulders of Yu Tianheng, and said, "Tianheng, you are also big now. Uncle doesn't want to deceive you, just have something happened ..."

Jade Xiao has briefly telling the jade stagnation to talk about what happened. When he heard the ghost of the avalanche and Snow Star, the thunder of the jade is full of lightning, like a look that is about to explode.

"Don't have to be so impulsive, this is actually a good thing. After all, it is not as close as you like you. Many guys are not a good bird! Do you bear to see your uncle often suffer from them?" Rota Yiyi In the middle, it is directly destroyed in the anger of the inner heart of the jade.

Slightly calm for a moment, the jade Heng Chong Luo Tower smiled slightly, "You said that if you come to the Tiangou Royal College, I don't want to be like this. I still have to be like this. The same is true, you are a friend I am not much, I can't be too selfish ... "

Looking at the jade Heng Heng himself unnailed, Yu Xiao Gang is also pleased to touch the head of Yu Tianheng. "Now Tianheng has grown into a full man Han, although uncle can't live with you in a college But you have to believe that uncle will always support you. "

"Well ... I understand, the uncle, you must pay attention to safety. Do you have to leave Master Qin Ming?"

Qin Ming smiled and smiled. "Yeah, Xuexing Prince is insulting my brother and delegation, I can't continue here."

Solo Goose also came to Qin Ming, full of prayers, "Teacher, can you leave? We don't want to separate you!"

Qin Ming took the head of the geese, and replied gently: "Teacher doesn't want to abandon you, but some things have violated the principles of teachers, and the teacher can't violate the teacher."

"Is this ..." The emotion of the solo geese is very low, although Qin Ming is in just a year, it is this year, Qin Ming has established a deep affection with them.

Qin Ming and they are not just a simple teacher-student relationship, more like a good friend. In their eyes, Qin Ming and other teachers are different, not just simply teach them to cultivate, and they will talk to them, say some jokes.

I think that I have to be separated from Qin Ming. In the solitary wort, it is actually 10,000 unwilling, but she can't force Qin Ming to leave, only silently sad.

Yu Tianheng will be alive in his arms, comfort: "Don't be sad, have time, we can also go to Qin Ming teacher. Not always."

Qin Ming is also attached: "Yes, just not in a college, our teachers and students and friends have not broken!"

After the comfort of Yu Tianheng and Qin Ming, the emotions of the solo geese are also a lot, and it is gently.

Solo geese slowly went to the side of the solitary, asked: "Grandpa, can you help me teach the Snow Star Prince? If he is not a ghost, Qin Ming will not go."

Solitary know that I am saddened, I gently patted her back, helpless: "Yan Yan, do you know? The identity of Snow Star is extremely high, I am a few words, I have no way to do it. Less the training. If you have done it, it means to declare war to the Tiangou Empire, just rely on the strength of Grandpa, you can't do it against an empire. "

Single geese is not a person who does not speak, since this will bring trouble to Grandpa, she will not let her close people in the nearby person.

Solitary, helpless, he is very annoyed to what you have today. Shrek and Qin Ming have an extremely close relationship with the column. If they commemid to the column, then the alone is miserable.

And in the dialogue of Jade Heng and Yushu, I learned that Yu Xiaogang is the uncle of Yu Tianheng. This information also made him very embarrassing, this is like a big water rushed to Longwang Temple. My family is hard to be self-employed.

Also, Jade Xiaojou didn't tell Yu Tianheng, and it would not be his opinion to himself.

Rotta has an idea to the idea of ​​the solo geese, the opening: "If you want to teach the heart of the snow, I will go well."

"Excuse me?" Solioplast is not very familiar with Rotta, which is sudden, and asked in confusion.

Solitary procure the first explanation: "Yan Yan, you can call this predecessor to be old. He and Grandpa are also a title, but it is more than grandfather. His strength is too much!"

"No ... this looks too young!"

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