The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 529 shuts down, and the dog takes it!

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"Oh, oh, our snow star prince is not too small, I just want to communicate with your friendly!" Rota has a small, step by step to Snow Star Prince.

Snow Star Prince has been scared to twisted into a group, and the handsome hands seem to be the final struggle. As early as the criminala, the king of Snow Star has a deep concern. He worried that Rotta will come to him.

Although I have already had a mental preparation, the King of Snowstone didn't expect that Rotta would find it so quickly, and also with solitary.

Snowstone king knew that there was no courage to do his hand, but Rotta had to be more difficult than solitary, he was not like alone, but what did you think about what.

"Wait ... Solitary, do you do this is not afraid of punishment of the Tiangou Empire?" Xuexing Prince is alone.

Single lonely smile, looked at Snow Star Prince, "Snow Star, I don't know where you are big, but your reaction ability is too late?"

Listening to the words of solo, the king of Snow Star is even a question in his heart. Solitary has joined the Tongbao Pavilion of Rotta, and there is no wonder that there is a vibrant empire.

"Solitary, you can don't forget, who have been grateful to you before! That is the Tiangou Empire, your forgetful guy, you are still a generation of Qi Luo!"

The curse of Snow Star, did not attract the anger of the solitary life, and the lonely hands behind him, slowly came to Snow Star, the word said: "First of all, you seem to have misunderstood some things. Tiangou Empire I am gratitude to me, I haven't forgotten this. In addition, I didn't have you, I think the Tiangou Empire will make better development. I am helping the Empire, sweeping the scourge! "

Snowstone king stunned, he didn't expect to have such an oil tongue, and he didn't know how to refute for a time.

"Rota Pavilion, you said that this guy is still killed? Although I think it is nothing beneficial." Solitary turning his head to Raota.

"This way, you are also awkward, you don't use this guy, then send him a lesion!" Rotta said very calmly, seeing the eyes of Snow Star, there is still a dead man. general.

"That let me solve him, this role doesn't have to use Rota Pavilion, you will do it." Solitary boy played a referring to, the green poison gigsted toward the snow star.

How to hide the Snow Star, it is hit by the poisonous gas. Just one moment, his body started with the skin, then the skin became red, and the mouth was also exuded out of white spit.

"Falling up this, it is also to take care of it! Tang Xuexing, the death method is so miserable, it is really ... Hey is refreshing!" Rotta arrogant is beautiful.

"Rottabi is old, now the guy of Snow Star is dead, what should I do next?" Solitary looked to Rotta, waiting for the next command.

"Well ... I think Snow's prince's house is good, it is very good for me to think. This way, now you can be busy with your own, two hours after the burning rose beverage

In the face of Rota's arrangement, there will be no objection to the disagree, and I have never expected it.

"That way, let's see you again for a while!"

After the solitary, Rotta is also extremely comfortable. In addition to changing, this figure is really no role, and it is also a scourge, why bother!

Rotta is now going toward the direction of the Tiangou Palace, this kind of thing he intends to tell himself from the snow night or Xueqing River, and the land of the snow star is coming.

Of course, he will force himself to account for it, but it will like to be a little overbearing, and the good feeling of the sky is reduced.

Soon, Rota came to the gate of the palace. This defense is smart, and there is no death to intercept Luo Tower. Rotta entered the garden of the Tiangou Palace so uncharactedly.

"Think about it is here to hit the snow and Qinghe, this time I will try my luck. How can I chat with the old man?"

Rotta walked to the place where the Xueqing River read the book, and found that the snow clear river didn't come yet. When I plan to visit the snow at Rotta, the familiar sound came from behind.

"Luota uncle, you come true today, it is even better than I am!" The luxurious Xueqing River smiled and struck in roller Tower.

"Qinghe! I thought that you didn't come today, I didn't expect it to be early."

The Xue Qinghe hugged Rota in front of Rota, and then asked: "Is Luota Uncle Come here?"

"You guess can be true, this is indeed something to say hello. Today, the name of Snow Star is angry to my friend, then I will pick him up. Look at his home The house is not bad, I have to come over and use it. Give him the kind of goods is not as good as it! "

The color of the Xueqing River admires the color, and it is said: "It is a uncle of Rota, it is really dare to dare. I am still very far!"

Rotta blinds the head of Xueqing River, encouraged: "You are all the position of the big emperor now, I have to hang it in the old man in the snow, when the Tiangou Empire will become your bag. Is it? "

The Xueqing River also enjoys Rotta's feeling that he can feel that his inner pressure is also scattered with Rotta.

"Uncle Rota is right, success is in front of you. But I have recently become more indifferent. It is so soon to succeed, but the old guy is half a day!"

Rotta also understood the pressure of Xueqing River. It has not been able to live with true self, hiding his identity, just to successfully inherit the throne.

Rott thought that I wanted to give the snow to the snow, "In fact, if you want to be a little more, you can use some chronic toxin to poison the old guy. Anyway, he will live a few years."

This method of the snow is not too long, but he is worried that there will be unexpected, and has not been implemented.

"Thank you, uncle's kindness, I will pay attention, you don't have to worry too much." Xue Qinghe said with a smile.

"This is good, if there is anything you need to help, even if you contact me. For you, give you a call, you need to call me!" Rotta handed a phonby to the snow clear river.

"Telecom, Huanghuo master also gave me one, I always think this little thing is quite magical." The Xue Qinghe played with a phony, directly injected into his soul.

The phonology after absorbing the soul, the appearance of a huge change, the original gray, the body has become golden, and there is still a pair of wings behind.

"Sure enough, it is very in line with your temperament, elegant and holy!" Rotta can't help but comment.

"Where, Luota uncle said, I haven't gone to the point! What's more, elegant people will do this?" Xue Qinghe smiled and asked.

"You are not awesome. Hahaha!" Rota smiled coldly.

"If I encounter something that needs to help, I will contact you, I am afraid that my uncle doesn't want to help me."

Rota swayed, righteousness said: "This kind of thing is relieved, absolutely impossible, I've been a saying that Ji Ding."

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