The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 530 is good, hurry up!

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"This is what you said, you can't regret it! Even if I make trouble, you don't be afraid! Xue Qinghe is laughing and looking at Rotta, the smile on the face is incomparably pure.

Rotta is very clear, Xueqing River ... No, it should be said that the pure smile of thousands of snow will only show people who are close to themselves. Treat the enemy, she will not be soft.

"When you are fine, smile smile, your smile is very nice." Rotta praise.

This time, the face of thousands of snow, the praise of Rotta made her some don't know.

"If uncle likes, it is not a smile ... Ok, about Snow Star Prince, I will tell Snow Night Emperor, you don't have to worry. His house, you can use it." Thousands of snow is also a little shy.

"That's trouble, then I will leave, there is a bunch of things to handle it. I have to take care of myself!"

After Luo Tak, he left the Tiangou Palace. Looking at Rota that gradually far away, the heart of thousands of snow is slightly calm. In her life, only three people are very important, their grandfather is a thousand way, their own master, and this gentle uncle, Rotta. Even I have been launched a lot of Yuxibo spots earlier, and I will move in front of these three people.

For the ratio, thousands of snow don't know what kind of feelings doing to her, she is my mother is right, but it is also an accident.

I used to prove my strength than the East, but as she continued, she also had her own ideas. She didn't want to live for her, she thought she was alive.

This is also the reason why she is very anxious, she wants to inherit the throne as soon as possible and complete the task as soon as possible.

As for the incident, she didn't think about what I had to do now. When I arrive at that time, I will see what I am planning to Luota Uncle!

Take a slight adjustment, the snow clear river hugged the book to the room where the Snow Night Emperor.

The time to chat with thousands of snow is fast. Two hours will be turned away. Rotta is slightly inquiry, after the position of the burning rose, I have driven it directly.

Solo-free is waiting for a long time outside the burning rose, if it is the average person, the solitary will not set up the way. But Rotta is a respected person, no matter how long, solitary life is also willing to wait.

"Solitary, see you, wait for a while?" Rotta asked before the blind.

"It's the old, the eyes are accurate, and it is nothing to do, and I am waiting here early."

Rotta nodded, for the practice of solo, but said that there is really no need to wait for so long, go to drink some tea to send a hair time.

In fact, there is nothing else, that is, Rotta is simply not like others to wait.

"If the next time is enough, it is not used to be so early, and it is very bored."

Solo the point, as for him, he didn't listen to Rotta didn't matter.

"Well, go in. Burning the rose, let us come, what is the sacred in it?"

Rotta and Solitary Bo pushed the door of the wine, there were many people in the pub, and the sound is also very noisy, and there are no many people in Irotta and solitary.

Rotta and solo lonely found two relatively remote seats, greeted wine, and got a few bottles of more expensive drinks. Come to the pub, will definitely cause suspicion, this is also a screaming practice.

Rotta is in a lot of drinks, just to create a long time they have to drink for a long time.

Rotta played from the beginning, I knew that this pub is definitely a mixed fish, and I have long prepared for a long time.

Soon, the wine is connected, Rota and the solitary life are randomly started to drink.

In the process of drinking, Rotta and Solitary Bo are seriously listening to the words of the surrounding people. Many intelligence is inadvertently known, and in order to inquire, it will be counterproductive.

Rotta I rarely appeared in the Tiangou Huangcheng, so people in the burning rose are not very familiar with Rotta. But solitary, but often in the Tiangou Huangcheng, they have some understanding of solitary life.

Because of the relationship between solitary, Rotta and the solitary two are stared by the guy who is secretly monitored.

"Solitary? Why is the poisonous Douro come to this pub! As far as I know, I should not come to the pub for the pub." A secret monitors said hesitated.

Next to another person: "It is also possible to drink alcohol with his friends. Seeing that they have a laughing, it should be simply gathered!"

"I hope so, but still can't relax! To know that if we expose this, you can't eat it. The last plan failed, it has made Qibao glazes have been guarded!"

"Well, it is also, but I have to stare at them."

Rotta, there is no intelligence from the time of the arms of the people. But he found two guys who secretly monitored themselves and solitary.

"Solitary, today we are not drunk, many years, you can't see you, the more mixed, don't forget the brother!" Rotta suddenly sentenced to the words, although let alone a second, but he is very Come over.

Then Rota's words should be: "Where is it, I am going to mix it, and you are more than you, you are still far less, you don't be modest!"

"Do you have any troubles recently?" Rotta served his mouth.

Solitary, I also brought the wine and drink, replied: "To talk about trouble, then you will go. Let's take a relatively hot say. Last met the seven treasure glazes Luo, actually dared to tease me, wait for me to catch the opportunity, I must teach him. "

Monkey monitoring the monitors of the two people in Rota heard the conversation of the two, but also a happy heart. It seems that there is a contradiction between Solitary and Sevorary Cross, and maybe you can pull him into your own organization.

For the authenticity of the two people, they don't doubt. If they say it, the big probability is true. The so-called wine is so realistic!

"The sample, Rota Pavilion is old, I just active!" The solitary voice said to Rotta.

Rota nodded, "Not bad, the reaction is very fast, more practice can catch up with the yellow gang guy."

Solitary bokeh: "Forget it, and Hui ratio, I am still far away."

"No matter what, your acting is very good. If those guys are in, it is estimated that they will find us soon." Rota said confidently, they deliberately released some fake information to hook the other party.

The next thing to do is to wait patiently to wait for the other party's on the door while in listening to the information.

In this way, Rotta and a glass of drunk, just like it, not drunk.

I don't know how long, a man in a black coat takes the initiative to find a solitary and Rotta.

"Do you have a unlimited person?"

Solitary, I know that the other party is hooked, so as a drunk model: "Ah? I am alone ... What is it?"

Along with the rhythm pause, I really give it to a feeling of being drunk.

Rota is looking at the chair at this moment, holding a wine glass in his hand, muttering: "Do not stop drinking ... Drink ..."

Compared to solitary, Rotta looks more drunk, which also makes the black coat man who come to talk more is even more confident that Rotta and solitary are really just simply drink.

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