The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 531 Because I just encountered you

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"This gentleman, our boss wants you to go to the VIP room to drink, I don't know if you want to lighten." The men's attitude of the black coat is very respectful.

Anyway, this is the solitary title, but if you can pull it in, it is a huge increase in their organization.

Solitary, of course, will not agree so easily, otherwise it will be easy to make a different.

Solitary single hand supported his head, asked in drunken: "I am not familiar with your boss, why do you want to drink with him?"

Solitary this performance not only did not cause the other party's suspicion, but let the black coat man more identified the solitary life in front of him.

The sector is very gentle, which is already known for people. Moreover, the person who is free, they also have a lot of people, is the kind of person of the old urchin type.

The black coat man is still comparative, the opening: "This is the case, our boss has some things to talk to you, you should be very interested!"

I am alone, "" This is right, what's the matter, I'm going to say it, I will invite me to drink, I always feel uncomfortable! "

Solitary boke pushed the Tower, "Rota is sleeping, there is a guest to invite us to drink!"

The original drunken Rota heard the word with wine, immediately tangled, looked at: "Wine? Where? Take me to drink!"

"The boss of this husband should ask us to drink, let's get up, don't miss it!"

"Well, I will get up, wine, how much do you feel tired!" Rotta got it, and the shape of shakes will fall.

The man in the black coat looked at Rotta did not put Rotta in his heart. At this time, Rotta was a wine ghost that alcoholic alcohol is. A wine ghost, what is it?

However, he is also very curious, why do you have a photo of the title of Solita and Rota as a friend. Is it like the frequent people say, is it very weak?

For these trivia, the black coat man does not want to study, his mission is just an invitation, and Rotta is only attached.

Under the leadership of the black coat man, the solitary and Rotta are brought to a luxurious room in the wine cellar.

Only when I entered the door, Rotta saw a few bottles of expensive wine placed on the table. I don't say two words, I opened the bottle cover directly!

Seeing Rotta's first eye, the boss brow wrinkled, and stared at Rotta.

"How is this guy? Really the soul is not disconnected, I am so embarrassed, is it still found?" The boss curable curse.

But Rotta has been drinking, it seems that he did not pay attention to himself, which also made the boss's heart a little stunned.

It seems that Rotta did not find his identity, which is undoubtedly a lucky thing for him. After these years, he, the sin of the god recovered again.

This time he absorbs full lessons, there is absolutely don't enroll Rotta twins. In that year, Rotta not only defeated him, but also took away his artifact, this is inconsistent with the god of sin.

The sin of the sin is dark, and the heart is swearing: "The gentleman is revenge ... I think I can bear it again!"

The god of sin felt incomparable, tried to conquer so many worlds, no one can force himself to this point. For those who enclose him, the sin will not be ink, and there is a fence to report on the spot.

It can be facing Rotta ... a smile, just like an ant wants to shake the elephant's position, use five words to describe, then "net TM is pulling!"

Although Rota's appearance makes the gods of the gods, as long as they pay a little attention, it should not be discovered.

Solitary, I'm sitting on the sofa, directly looking at the god of sin, opening: "You are their boss? Is there any fart to say? This seat is very precious."

The sin of the god looked at the appearance of the solo. I really want to use the sinful soul gun to give a few big caves. But this can only think about it. His strength is only 91. Not necessarily playing alone.

Slightly adjustment, sin, the sin, the sin, the sin, self-introduction: "Solless, I will introduce itself. I am the boss of Freis, the burning rose, the soul of the soul, the 91-level control system Seal Farm! "

I was awake in an instant, watching the people in front of this person, the livestock is also a title, and the lone horse is serious.

"It's not bad, as a title, Douro, but also deliberately hidden your strength, what are you in the heart?" Asked the solitary.

The drunken Rota on the side is actually very awake, for the conversation of Freis and Solitary, but he listens to a clear.

For Freis's Wushu, Rotta has a feeling of could not say that the soul of the soul, the soul of the ghost, how to listen to the previous sulf demon soul gun, is it ...

Rotta quietly perceived the breath of Freis and did not find the feelings of familiar crimes. But Rotta did not relax and be vigilant. They did not understand the breath of the gods, and maybe each other is hidden in some way.

All in all, Freis now became the end of Rotta's end, no matter whether he is a crime of god disguise, Rotta will solve him. Rotta did not immediately hand, it was exactly what is going to listen to this Freis.

"Soli, since I have already shown my strength, there is no need to continue to cover up. Just I heard that you and Qibao glazes have a hatred?"

Where is the lonely fight, there is a hatred, just that it is a play, since the other party has already hooked, then continue to play.

"Yeah, I have some contradictions with my fight! But if you are looking for me, I will listen to these gossip things?" I asked a little freely.

"Hey, alone, don't worry, I have a way to remove Qi Bao glazes' skem Luo, do you want to try it?"

"Oh? No reason to help me, you are sure that there is a small ninety-nine nine! May I don't say, I hate the guy covered by cover!" I asked the lonely.

"So, then I will tell you about my plan! You are right, I am not a big saint, I can't help you without reason. But this is confidential, I don't know if you can't let you This drunken friend leaves?

Solitary boy Direct said: "He is my friend, my friend is drunk, should you not be inhabited? Do you have anything about my friend?"

Freis is a sprint, forget it, anyway, Rota is also drunk, there should be no impact. He also doesn't want to miss the important force of alone.

"Well, let's talk about it! I don't help you, instead you have to join my organization, help me do things!"

Solo-lonely stare at Freis, saying faintly: "Look at your expression seems to have some HTA's plan? Well, I will listen to your speech, can I move me, look at your performance "

"That is nature, not only you, I believe that most people are refused." Freis said.

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