The road to play from Douluo

On the 540th day, Yu Xiaogang was closed.

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When the dazzling golden thunder is dissipated, there is only a group of jade heroes that are bombed by black grounds and next to the coke.

Although Yu Tianheng even aware of the attack of falling thunder, it is not enough to dodge success. The speed of lightning is almost the same, and the speed of the drops only need a moment, and the jade is constant.

Yu Tianheng turned over white eyes, smashed black smoke, a pair of universities ...

So hurt, even if Yu Tianheng estimates are also very uncomfortable, it should be no longer fighting.

You turn your hands in the promenade next to you, "Hey, when you come to you, help the sky recover."

Although Luo can also recover it directly, since it is necessary to exercise the leaves, you must make her more attempt.


Dissize Wuhun, the nine-hearted nine-hearted sea tangtan flowers in the jade sky!

"Solid soul skills, cure!"

Under the effort in the leaves, the focal marks on the jade sky have been cured, and some more severe wounds are slowly healed. It is no problem that it is no problem, and the rest only needs to take a break.

"It's good, your soul skill is cured, it is estimated that there are a lot of times, you must prepare for your heart!" Ye Li, nodded.

"Today, I will go to this, you will go down, and you can restore it almost tomorrow."

On the occasion of Rotta, I called Rotta before I was on.

"Lonely geese, what is your doubt? Is it necessary to ask me?"

I heard Rotta's answer, I was embarrassed to whisper: "Teacher, I actually want to say, can I be slightly slight when I train in Tianheng next time? I will get too heavy today ..."

Sulfan knows this is necessary, but I saw the Seni-Seni-Senior Semi-Dynamic appearance, she is very distressed.

"You want to say is this problem ... I can clearly tell you, if it is relaxed to him, the pain in the future is much more than now. I believe that you are intelligent, don't need me."

Didn't wait for the solo geese, Rotta left straight, leaving only the Solesee's solo.

"Hey ... the teacher said that it is reasonable ..." Solo Goose quickly thought about it, and it was suffering from it, it is better to work hard.

The rest of the time, Rotta is planning to take a look at Sleek, and see if Flanders' tricks have succeeded.

If there is no accident, Shrik should go to the Blueburg University. What's more, this time you have your own fits, the big probability will encounter them in the Blue Biltro.

Flan didn't have some ghosts, and when there was no departure between the column, Frand was negotiated with the column, which was his old friend Jade Xiao Gang.

Since I told the column, it is equivalent to telling Rota, essentially a person, Rota is just planning to make up.

When you come to the front of the Blueburg University, Rota is still stopped.

However, the bluebird of the guards are more friendly. I asked before: "Sir, here is the Blue Billet University, what are you doing here?"

If it is a student or teacher of the Blue Bad Academy, the guard will not block. But Rota, but they have never seen it, stop him is not surprising.

"I am Rotta, I want you to have fewer numbers to hear my name!"

Although you introduced yourself on your mouth, Rota still took out the token of Tongbao Pavilion from your pocket.

Seeing Tongbaoge's token plus Rotta's self-introduction, the door-to-Hami is clear about the identity of this.

"It's really sorry, Rota Pavilion is old, we are performing duties, please don't see you."

Rotta smiled and collapsed, saying very well: "Of course, you can't see you, you can say that you are the most polite in the guard I have seen!"

Two guards from Rota Squi are also embarrassed to touch their heads. "Rota Pavilion has a prize, these are the most basic etiquette. Yes, come to visit our college?"

"Oh, I am coming to see the lively. Do you just have a group of people who claim to be a Shrek Academy?"

"Shrek College? Just a group of people have been to our college, saying that it is to apply for teachers, it seems to be called the Speluder College."

"Very good, is they still in it now?"

"In the case, they didn't come out after entering the college. It should be also conducting the assessment of teachers." The guards said.

"Very good, thank you!"

Where did the guards accept Rotta's thank you, and quickly sway: "This is what we should do, you don't need to thank."

Rotta scored a smile, "Then, when I am very optimistic!"

When I heard Rotta, the guards were excited to faint, so he woke up in his reason, and finally woke up. Looking at Rotta is getting farther and farther, the guards still have the idea of ​​having some fart.

As a guard, there must be an Asian guard, and the old man is really looking at the door.

Rota, of course, I don't know the wonderful idea of ​​the psychology. At this moment, he is strolling on the road of the Bluea Academy. As far as the sense of view and the body are concerned, the Bluebral is not inferior to the Huang Lei Academy.

Rotta was turned around in his memory, trying to find the garden where Liu Dilong is located. But around for a long time, Rotta once again answered the place.

It seems that the real Blue Billetics is still a big gap with the appearance of the cart, and the two cannot be generalized.

"Forget it, it still perceived their breath!" Rotta didn't want to waste these unnecessary strength, slightly used a sense of hegemony, and Rota gilled and gilled. past.

At the same time, in the garden full of flowers, a brunette woman dressed in black leather, a tall brunette is watering flowers.

A Director of the Blue Billette is to say that Shrek is stopped, and personally reports to this woman.

"This, okay, you go down. I have a little bit of thinking ..."

I heard the woman's instructions, the director of the Bluea Academy was very interesting.

With a series of embarrassment, Yu Xiaogang's heartbeat is also accelerating, and his heart has a previse, always feel some special things today.

The Flander's mouth is slightly, and this time he must completely understand the heart knot of Yu Xiaogang.

The higher the towering flowers, a mature female voice sounded: "Femingia, Xiaogang ?! I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Looking at the adults in front of the people, Yu Xiaogang is smoking, and it is intended to turn around. Who knows that Flanders stopped the shoulders of Yushu, let him turn around.

"Hey, two dragons, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect it. You are actually the dean of this college? This is really scared me!" Flanders "surprised" said that it seems to be scared. .

Think of the performance of Frand, just in this short tenth, in just a few tens of seconds.

Yu Xiaogang has a face: "Fland ... You tell me ... do you know too much!"

Yu Xiaogang can be called master, IQ is definitely online, how can I not see Flandy disguise?

Since it was exposed, Fland is not intended to continue to be stupid, frankly: "Yes, I know!"

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