The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 541 Frady, you calculate me!

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"Freed, you don't have anything about this joke, is this interesting?" Yushu suddenly blamed Flanders.

Not just Fland, even the Tang San and others were shocked by Fland. They don't know why Yushu will send such a big temper.

Tang San is going to persuade: "Teacher, you eliminate gas, this is definitely misunderstood?"

Although Tang San is not very understanding, but still plan to stabilize Flanders. For so many years, Tang San has not seen his teacher to send such a big temper.

Liu Dilong looked at the Yushuang, the appearance of the appearance, and it was very difficult. Liu Erlong is criticizing red lips, forcib to hold tears.

Liu Dilong's appearance was taken by Flanders to his own eyes, he knew that he could not be retired this time. I want to do three people in the past, and now I don't even solve this simple problem.

"It's enough!" Fland broke out the pressure and took Yushu's shock.

Yushu just felt Frand's full of ecstasy, and it was hard for a while.

"You go side by side, we have some things to handle!" Flanders showed that they left in Tang San, this kind of thing should not let them listen.

Tang three people nodded, stay away from Flanders, which is the most basic polite problem. Since they don't let them know, they will not inquire too much.

After the Tang three people left, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but look forward to the direction of their way. "I still saw the dean for the first time."

"Not only you, we are also the first time. I used to even if we made a mistake, the dean didn't have to have a big temper." Dai Mu is quite helplessly shakes his head, the world of adults is so complicated! "

"After waiting, I will ask the teacher. We still don't want to inquire!" Tang San proposed.

"I think the little three is reasonable. This kind of thing is still not able to ask too much." Dai Mu Bai attached to the road, obviously, he also endorsed the view of Tang San.

"Listen to brothers!" Xiao Dance looked at Tang three.

The crowd of people swayed in the college hit the Rota that was strolling in Liu Dilong.

"Oh? This is not a small moon of Shrek? I didn't expect to meet so soon." Rotta smiled and greeted several Sherique.

"That is the old Rota Pavilion! How can you be here?" Ma Hongjun was surprised to strive to Rotta. In addition to the people outside the Horses Hongjun, it is a symbolic nod smile. They are not as big as Ma Hongjun, in front of the peerless strong people like Rotta, or not too casual.

"Or, your little guy is the most spiritual, how do I recommend this college is not bad?"

Ma Hongjun listened to the question of Rota, quite a bit nodded, "this is still not good now, the deannel seem to have a little unpleasant ..."

Rota is a strange look, "This, then I will see what is going on, like his old people will have a contradiction with people, it is fun!"

Hearing Luo Tower to go to the resolution, Tang San is also rushing to ask: "Rota Pavilion, can you help persuade teachers?"

Rotta rushed to Tang three smiled, "No problem, you don't have to worry about this. I am going to solve it, they are all adults, don't worry."

Visiting the back of Rotta, Tang San gradually released the hands of the hands, for Rota, although he did not touch, but with his eyesight, it was also very peaceful.

On the other hand, Flanders have fallen into a silence. Yushu's self-knowledge, I don't know how to refute. Fland is anger Jade Xiao Gang, I hope he can open it as soon as possible.

Liu Erlong looked at the difficult Yushu and anger Flend. He had to open up: "Suri, how to start so big! What is going on, don't hurt and gas. Don't force it. Don't force it. He, I can continue, wait ... "

If you don't wait for Liu Dilong, Fland is excited to flush the second dragon to say: "You have been waiting for nearly 20 years, can't take it again."

Flanders turned their attention to Yu Xiaoang: "Xiao just, do you still remember your gambled before and me? Ok, now you should fulfill it. I ask you not to escape your other to two dragons. Feeling! "

Yu Xiaoang looked at Fland and asked: "Fran, how often you are going to ..."

"Yes, this thing must have a result, two dragons don't mind the world, what is your big man tangled?"

Flander is also very helpless, and Ming Ming Yucang has so high accompanies in academics, but even the feeling of such emotion can not solve it.

He is so smart, and now it is so difficult to live in this problem, can't help but let Flend feel puzzled.

Yushu also looked at Liu Erlong, and his heart was definitely feeling feeling in two dragons. He didn't dare to express it.

"What are you still hesitating? Do you still a man?" Flander is more intense, the more fierce, so that Yushu has also begun to be nervous.

The second dragon saw Frand has already got up, hurry to shoot Frand shoulders, and block in front of Flanders, "Furi, was forced to just, giving him a little bit slightly slow."

Flander is also speechless to watch Liu Erlong, a woman in love is stupid, but watching the expression of the second dragon, France is also a way.

At this time, a voice that was sprinkled and passed was incorporated into the three ears.

"It's a rare, the golden iron triangle will also quarrel inside, I have heard it away." Rotta handed down the pocket.

"Rota Pavilion is old, how come you?" Flend took the lead asked.

"I am also free, I strolled around. This is not a suggestion for you before, I will come to the blue world to see you."

Frande is polite to Rota, a soul ceremony, "Thani Luotou, we have decided to stay in Blue Biltro."

Rotta patted his hand: "This is a good news, you should be worth celebrating. But from your performance, you can't celebrate ~"

Flandy touched his head smile, "Haha, let you see it, it is embarrassed, we are some private emotional problems to handle it."

Rota played the chin: "Private emotional problem, you have successfully attracted my interest, don't mind if I help you take off?"

This question should answer them more difficult to speaking them. If you mind, it may provoke Rotta is not happy. If you don't mind, I feel that my secret is leaked.

But Flander finally nodded, smiled and replied: "Natural is no problem, Rota Pavilion can help, we must solve it soon."

Rotta referred to the seat of the garden next to it. "What is something, sit down and slowly talk, so there is a talk atmosphere." Rota came to the seat and took the lead.

Frand three people also entered the seat after Rota, which is that it is a silence.

Rotta looked at Flanders in the face of men, it seems that this started him.

"First, I want to first understand the contradiction between you!"

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