The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 554 is you floating or think I don't do this?

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The spot is standing on a silent watching Hu Lena, which seems to be indifferent, but actually ... I really don't worry. He just had a greeting with the charm of God, Hu Lena will certainly not have anything.

Almost five minutes, the surrounding pink energy floods into the body of Hu Lena, and the imprint on the reel also shifted on the right shoulder of Hurla.

It should be a successful inheritance, then this reel is not available. The spots on the ground were collected.

After absorbing the incapacity of this unparalleled energy, Hu Lena closed his eyes, and it seems to be digesting these huge knowledge. I also found a big stone everywhere, sitting on the quiet waiting for Hu Lena awake.

I don't know how long it took, Hu Lena slowly opened his eyes, and it seems to be inherited, and her pretty face is full of shock two words.

She now just wants to figure out what happened. After the cleaning, she ran to the spot in front of the spot, asked an eager tone: "Teacher, just happened, I feel more than I don't belong to me. Knowledge. It seems to have more people in my head! "

The concept of God is still too late for the people of Hu Lena, but it is too lazy to explain too much, just a few words.

"It seems that you know more people in my mind, telling you that it is not a person!"

"God?" Hu Llen did not have any concept, and the teacher of the Wushu Temple would not deliberately explain what God.

The most annoying thing is that there is 100,000, and this thing is going to understand that it is not a few words to solve, or it is handed over to the Queen Month.

"You go to the guy in your mind, your doubts can answer, her name is Qingqitan month, it is so much."

Hu Lena also understands that it is too lazy to answer your own question. Since you can ask yourself, then she is not necessary for this little thing.

Hu Lena calm down, calling the name of Qiqitan month in his mind.

The second sound of Hu Lena shouted, the body shape of the Qingqutan month appeared in front of Hurlanda.

"It's just fine, I heard this seat!"

Hu Lena looked at the moon in front of her, and I was attracted by her beauty. When this woman was ... The goddess was too tempting, and it was not bad compared to the big people than the East, even slightly.

Hu Lena is naturally subjected to extensive illusion exercise. Hu Lenna has always been confident. Unexpectedly, he was built in seeing the first eyes of Qiqiao Moon, and she is still a girl.

If this trick is used by men, how much effect doesn't think too much, it is horrible.

"Hello, I am Hu Lena, my teacher said that I can unclear my doubts from you, so I would like to ask you about what you have just happened." Hu Lena did not dare to look straight to the Queen Tan month Because the other party is God's identity, but she is worried that she is again charm.

When I think this, Hu Lanna couldn't help but red face, this is too shameful. She has always believed that she is not a lily, but when they see the first eye of Qiqiao Moon, her heart seems to be a little shake.

"You said, I know, his guy is really a dead man, I don't know what is called an atmosphere. Even I can't move him ..."

Speaking of spots, Qingqitan month is a stomach, just now, it is not next to it, so quickly.

Hu Lena's attention is attracted by the Qing Ducha Tan month, and the heart is also very feeling. I didn't expect my teacher. I have already arrived at the goddess. It is estimated that it is not saved.

But she wondered this, or first asked the most important question first.

During this period, the Qing Dutan was all in the same time, as if they had to vent the bad emotions of these years.

"That Qiqutan month predecessors, I think we still talk about the main problem first? Let's put it again."

Qing Qichai is also a moment, a little cough, returning to an exquisite look, "Well, then return to the topic. About your doubts, I will answer one by one, just more complicated, I hope you listen carefully "

Qingqitan moon uses the language of easy-to-understand to roughly telling the knowledge about God. Hu Lena is also very strong, just appreciates the knowledge of God.

"Do you understand, Nana?" Qingqitan was very kind to ask.

Hu Lanina nodded, and she has already figured out for the knowledge of Qianqutan month, but only feels some shock. I used to think that the title of the title is the vertex of cultivation. Now she is understanding, it turns out on the title of the title, there is God's existence.

Hu Lenna went back from the conscious space, and his face was still an unbelievable appearance. How did she think that this is good at her body?

She slowly came to the spot, and asked in confusion: "Teacher, why, are you willing to give me this valuable opportunity?"

"If you want to send it, it is difficult to understand?" I asked.

Hullen smiled slightly, thank you sincerely: "Teacher, thank you ..."

For the gratitude of Hu Lena, the spot is uncomfortable, the god of the charm is not used by him, but it seems that it is weak.

"If you thank you, you don't have to practice! How many tests have been given?"

Hu Lena replied: "Teacher, only one test, but it is more difficult to ... First of all, it is a title of Queo, and must be recognized by Queen Tan month."

"Hey, it seems that she remembers me" The heart is silent, and then Lena told: "Since I know the goal, I will work hard!"

"Well, I will not live up to your expectations, you are waiting to be optimistic!" Hu Lena answered.

The color is black, "Wrong, is yourself, what I do for me, I don't need your help."

The lying ruthless words let the flames that Hurland just ignited instantly, ok, this is too heartless.

Hu Lalen shouted: "The teacher is so big, and if you speak, you will be praised, praise I will die!"

I wrinkled, this Nizi is a bit floating, it seems necessary to give her lessons to try.

"Do you dare to talk to me, is it hard? Will you want to experience the painful trip of 72 hours?" It is unhustering to say Hu Lenna.

Although the month read is not, but the simulation is not too difficult to simulate the powerful illusion.

Sure enough, Hu Lena was in an instant, but she could have a punishment of obsolete surgery, especially this seventy-two hours of extended package, let her have an unforgettable psychological shadow.

"Teacher, I am wrong, you forgive me, that is not necessary for the 72-hour long, the student can not afford it." Hu Lena is angry before, and the whole person will come to the spot, please hit him Arms.

"I don't think so close to me ..."

A split melon collapsed on the brain of Hullna.

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