The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 555, beautiful girl

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"Teacher, don't you be so fierce me? If you play this, I will be stupid." Hu Lena relieved, and his eyes were full of grievances.

"Oh? Do you think you are not stupid now?" I didn't ask for a sentence.

"Where is I stupid? People have been very smart." Hu Lena reflected.

The spot is too lazy to fight her mouth, a flashed, leaving, leaving Hu Lena standing in the ground.

Hulanna hungly stepping on the ground, smashing in the mouth: "Teacher who is bad guys, seeing me in the future, teach you."

Of course, Hu Lena really wants to violently, just came up with a sigh of relief.

Hurlanda can do not have a strong spiritual force as Sui Zhihu, and Qiqitan is very easy to know her ideas.

"Xiaona, I think you still don't have this thought!" Qingqia Tan moon said with her charming voice.

"Why? Don't I pass your assessment in the future?"

Hu Lena learned from the conversation of God with Qingqitan, and then a weak god is not the title of the title. Of course, some walls are not included here.

Qingqitan is also helpless, "The strength of the spot is more than my imagination, he can easily deal with me, I should you understand what I mean?"

Hu Lena's understanding is not covered, and naturally understands what you are talking about Qi Qilan.

"What do you mean is that his strength exceeds God?"

Qing Qicha tan month is nodded, stretched a lazy waist, quite a little emotionally said: "Yeah, I also saw such a horrible man ... I can be the first person on the mainland! Of course The same as the person he fight, has the strength that is not the same as the spot. "

Hullen immediately gave it, and asked: "Do you mean that the power of the killer?"

"It seems that it is also very horrible to give you the strength of the guy. I really don't know how they cultivate." Qingqiao is also very admired and the column. Is it so powerful? ?

Hu Lalena shakes his head and answer: "This is not a teacher to tell me, but it is said to me."

For those who tell Hu Lena, Qingqiao is not concerned. Her purpose is to advise Hu Lena to challenge Uzhibo spots.

Qingqiao is already able to foresee Hu Lena's future. If she doesn't listen to her advice, if she does not tell the spots, the result is only one, that is, it is 360 degree friction on the ground.

Of course, this is just a friction in the battle, not a strange strange thing.

"In short, you only need to know that this person can't treat it according to the common sense, it doesn't recommend you to challenge him." Qingqiao is no longer speaking.

Hu Lenna also sighed sigh, since Qiqiao is so advised you, she will definitely not go to the end.

"This stupid teacher is so powerful ... but this is good, I'm old teacher, not strong!"

Hu Lena's mood did not sink because of the speech of the spot, but it was very high. The brown is to dig her, the more motivated to show him, and it is possible to wake up some kind of special body.

The Tiangou Emperor, Huanghuo is also chatted with thousands of snow, and I will talk about something in daily life.

"Master, this time I have been refined during this time. Can you talk to you?" The Nanyu Xue's eyes revealed full of expectations.

Although the yellow is a person who is afraid of trouble, since it is a request for thousands of snow, how can he disagree? These years have rare tasks, and the body feels some rust.

"Oh, oh, it's really no way, since you are so strong, then come, let me see this time your growth ~"

"The master we walked here, and the city is not very convenient!" Thousands of snow got up with the yellow cockroaches left the coffee shop.

The identity of thousands of snow is too sensitive. If there is a battle in the city, it will inevitably cause the payment of royal members. The most stable way is to go to the city's duel, so you won't cause too much hairdressing.

The yellow goblin came to the city with a wide place outside the city, and the surrounding territory is very empty, it is very suitable for duel.

"Oh, this place is really good, very spacious, can also be able to open ~"

Thousands of snow will easily remove the camouflage, but also to avoid the wear in the battle, the most important thing is to face the yellow goblio, she has no need to disguise.

In the face of your closest people, there is no need to use hypocrisy.

Take the camouflage of thousands of snow, the soft golden long is scattered on the shoulders, and the white face is infected, and the yellow gob is not wanting to do.

Thousands of snow seems to be a precious art, just a far-reaching watch, can't touch it, it is a bit of a bit of a long way to see.

"Ah, our snow snow can be, the longer, the older, the old man is not very good to think about it ~"

I heard the Huanghuo, and the snow is also a happy, which girl doesn't like to hear someone to praise himself.

"Master, don't worry about me, I am relieved and I will learn."

Since the thousands of snow said this, the yellow gob is not doing, and it will be told when it will be told when it is better for a while.

"I said, how many levels are your soul?"

"My soul is already 78, I will break through the epidemic, is it very powerful?" Thousands of snow is like a child who is looking forward to the elders, waiting for the praise of the yellow.

The yellow god also learned the intentions of the snow, and he didn't have a sloppy with water.

Only when you get along with the yellow gob, you will show your true side. In the eyes of outsiders, she has always been a high appearance, just like a sacred angel generally cannot be easily contacted.

Thousands of snow summon the angel of the Sword, whispered yellow soul ring, "The first soul skill, Sheng Hua Jingqi - Angel Assault!"

"It's still familiar, it's really missing, there is no active bones in a long time ~"

"Tian Cong Yunjian ~"

The yellow gobloors condensed a Tiangong sword, and looked easily and looked at the assault of thousands of snow. He felt a lot of strength than before, and Huanghuo appreciated the location: "Oh, it seems that you really grow a lot. , Really getting more and more stronger ~ "

Thousands of snow helplessly smiled, "Master, although you sound this, it is very happy, but you don't care if you don't care."

"Oh, this is the old man, didn't pay attention ~"

"If I have a power, I can't shake the master, but this is just beginning."

Thousands of snow to the strength of the yellow gob, it is clear, although it looks that the yellow glow is a sling, but once it is serious ... she doesn't know what the yellow is serious. After all, she has never seen it.

"About the use of domineering, it is much striped than before, the progress is not small ~" Huanghuo looked at thousands of snow eyes are also very pleased, you can say that thousands of snow is also cultivated in one hand, see your own apprentice Have a huge progress, when the master can be unhappy.

"Master, gossip, don't say more, slowly talk about it again!" Thousands of snow collapsed the expression of play, and the whole person suddenly worried.

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