The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 556, the highlight of the yellow gob, explosion from the mountain

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Thousands of snow attacks gradually, and the angel of the hands in the hands became uncomfortable. In an instant, he waved a few slits.

The corner of the yellow mouth is a tone, and it seems that this trick is imitating him, and even the action is very similar.

The yellow goblin should be more comfortable, and it is easy to stop the sorrow of the snow, muttered by: "Oh, oh, use this kind of moving old man, it is a novel idea ~"

Thousands of snow clear yellow gods must have seen her doorway, and there is nothing to be surprised.

"I know that this should have no effect on you, just demonstrate it to you!"

"Oh? Want to let the old man review your imitation? The sea is quite good ~"

Thousands of snow block the holy sword before, gently said: "The second soul skill, the angel sword dance! The third soul skill, the angel light shield!"

Two soul skills are released, and the attack and defense of thousands of snow are strengthened. The weekeeper of thousands of snow appeared a circle of golden holy shield consisting of rays, and she was protected without a slice.

The angel of the hand also blooms sparkling light, didn't stay, the thousands of snow shadows blink to the front of the yellow tide, and a sword.

The yellow and anti-hands raised the Tiangong sword to resist, after strengthening thousands of snow, the attack is indeed more than a lot than before, even the yellow and cloudy swords are picked up.

The yellow and eyebrows, the eyes under the sunglasses are also slightly posed, "It's amazing, the power has strengthened so much, so terrible ~"

"Master, my second soul skill is not only to strengthen the power is so simple." Thousands of snow laughed and stared at the .

It seems that what I have, and Huang Hao is surprised: "Don't you say ..."

Thousands of snow jade hands, the ten golden holy swords will go toward the jump. This level of soul skills are simply a piece of tall dish for the Huanghuo master, which is not enough to hurt him.

It is known to know the powerful strength of the yellow gum, and thousands of snow dare to release the soul skills.

Ten diamed golden holy swords fly quickly to the yellow goblin, and Huang Yi was not panicked, and the Tiantian Yunjian was surrounded by a sword around.

A golden sword flashed, and the top ten holy swords were destroyed, and then the Huangli licked the Tiangu Yunjian to stand in the leisurely snow.

"This trick is good, even if it is a toutem, I can't eat your trick ~"

The goal of thousands of snow is not enough to pay only the soul, her goal is to become an angel who goes beyond the limit of Douro, and how is the degree of the disguise Luo to meet her.

"It's also very far with you. This results are not so happy." Thousands of snow naturally don't satisfy this results, she wants to move forward on the way of cultivation.

"Master, see my new soul skills. The sixth soul technology, the heavenly field ring. The seventh soul technology, the angel is true!"

Thousands of snow body flashed with golden white, the two of the two came from a gold ring, and the ring surrounded by thousands of snow and yellow oysters, formed a field.

A huge six-wing angel consisting of Soul of Soul. The six-winged angel holding a huge holy sword, waving two times, high height, seems to be brewing the next attack.

"Master, under the blessing of the heavenly field, my properties will increase by 25%, this hit you can get it."

Looking at the huge holy sword hanging on the top, the yellow gob is also smoked from the pocket. Since it is a big trick, how to say it seriously.

"The fifth soul skill, the sacred sword!" Qianxun Xue used the fifth soul skill in the body of the martial arts, and the power of this hit was once again completed.

The yellow ok is still as always in the sky, slightly different is that this time he uses your hands. Although it is a hands holding the sword, but the imperial movement is still so simple, a pen a!

Jin Guang's flashing holy sword collided with Tian Yunjian, producing a strong soul shock, under this oscillating action, the clouds in the sky were also shocked.

The yellow gob is approximately estimated, and this hit this hit at least the level of the title. To know that the current Snow is a 78th soul. In the soul of the sacred realm, it can make a closing of the title, a good attack.

The yellow gob is not intended to force the attack of thousands of snow, thinking about this attack that is dramatically emitted by the stalemate.

Huang Huo is also thinking about the snow, if he bleces the attack of thousands of snow, she is bound to suffer the remaining wave of the attack, and it is very likely to cause her damage.

For this regard, the yellow gob has taken more stable measures.

As a planning, the two energy collisions have created a huge explosion in the air in the air.

This trick almost exhausted the soul of thousands of snow, she didn't even react, I saw a hot wave of an explosion toward himself.

If it is impacted by this heat wave, it is estimated that her appearance of her appearance will be destroyed. On the occasion of the unhappy, I was shot to the snow, and she quickly left the explosion impact range.

The explosion generated by the attack is becoming more intense, and the scope of the explosion is expanded to the square round.

On a hill that exploded a few hundred meters away, the yellow bay had a thousand snow.

Thousands of snow were being hugged in his arms by the posture of the princess with the princess.

The yellow goblin is visiting the explosion of the distance, and the mouth is moving faintly: "Ah, this time, this time is slightly big, you have to hurry."

The voice fell, and the yellow goblin was once again turned into the flying empire of the distance.

How long does it take? The yellow gob has arrived in her bedroom with thousands of snow. After putting it down, then the Huanghuo lazy, "Hurry to make a variety of people, don't see it by others ~"

Thousands of snow, the red-rolled face, rushed back to the appearance of the snow. Even after successful instigation, thousands of snow still have not immediately brought the role, and look at the sight of the yellow ok.

Thousands of snow don't know how to open, just changing the chance of trying to explain her.

Looking at thousands of snow, this is a difficult look, and the yellow gob is also smile, revealing the smile of the cure (innocently with pure), and a traveler: "This time you make a big, you can cause so big. The destructive power. But that trick should be quite consuming, you should pay attention to this ~ "

Thousands of snow, smashing the mouth, staring at the yellow ok, just the explosion is a mistake rather than the soul skill effect, is there no Huang Hua Master?

Thinking of this, Qianxue quickly opened up explains: "Master, that is not what you think, just trick is not I intended to release, I didn't want to hurt you!"

The yellow goblove has to go to the snow, and the brain is smashed. "The old man doesn't have to worry, pay more attention to your safety is. Your hard work has been seen, do not need to make so big move Certificate ~ "

Thousands of snow came back, watching the gentle smile of the yellow, she understood the reason why the yellow oysters said. For a time, she only felt that her eyes were wet.

I saw the sky outside the window, and I started, and the yellow ok was slowly moved by thousands of snow: "Today, it is not early, you have taken a break, the old man will go back to water!"

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