The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 557 This Nima is not scientific

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"The master is true ..." Thousands of snow quietly watched the direction of the Wushu Temple quietly in the window.

After a little feeling for a while, Qianxue recovered again, and the elegant Xueqing River came back again.

Through the talk to the yellow gob, the snow can be aware of the idea, and some special means must be taken as soon as possible.

As for the method, the thousands of snow have long thought of, and they were the same as the second emperor and the three emperors.

Time flying away, a few days passed quietly, Rotta's house, Yu Tianheng several people are working hard to carry out daily training. Rotta is lying on a chair, holding a book in his hand, taking a fine taste.

"The teacher can really practice here, but he is easy to read the book next to it." Yu Feng did training, and an enviable admire.

The jade Hengtheng is a look, "If you think that you can adopt the teacher's assessment, you can not be so tired!"

Yu Feng just said that, who knows that Yu Tianheng is still true, scare the wind and quickly change the mouth: "Boss, don't want to be , I just said, don't really."

"I have not been true, but training is to look realize, Yu Feng, you have always naughty personality, it is estimated that it is still calm." Yu Tianheng replied while training.

Yu Tianheng's answer, Yu Feng really can't refute, who makes him talk about big things?

Yu Tianheng was self-exercising in accordance with Rotta's plans to give him. After all, no one in the team will work with him unless he urged him to Rota.

The name of the team of Yu Tian Hengqiu is also fixed, and it is called Huang Lei.

The jade sky turns the whole body's soul to swim in the body, and every punch can cause a halves. Soul's strength is more than just the media that releases the soul technology, but it can also enhance the role of the body.

It is unquestionable to use a flesh to play a punch to play with a flesh. While using soul, simultaneous, not only can improve the power of attacks, but also increase the soul power in the body.

In fact, it is a truth with the long-distance soul sprint, but Rotta has changed a little one.

Yu Tianheng was promoted to the 48th level, and now I have a breakthrough feeling. Yu Tianheng felt that there was too much power to give him that day. But he doesn't understand, this is actually a relationship with Rotta's training plan to him.

Rotta gives everyone's exercise plan, which helps the soul of the soul, can also take into account the cultivation of soul and strength, but they have not been noticed yet.

"This is only a few days, I can have breaking through 49 levels, even if there is a help of Rotta teacher, my talent can not break through it so quickly?" Yu Tianheng somewhat confused, he asked, he I feel that things that happen to themselves are not true.

After completing the first set of cultivation tasks in Rotta, the jade heng slowly walked to Rota, slightly doubtful to the mouth: "Teacher, can you delay your time a few minutes?"

Rotta smiled and closed the book, "Of course, is it a problem?"

Yu Tianheng does not know what happens in his body is not a problem, but it is still asked first.

"Teacher, in the past few days ago, I broke through the 48th level, now my soul is in a saturated state, it seems that I can break through the 49 level, I think this is too fast?"

Normally, cultivation is more difficult to practice, and there is no way to make a relatively reason. Because of this, Yu Tianheng is somewhat intake. How can I have just promoted 48? How can I break through to 49? How to see it is not true.

Rotta smiled, stared at Yu Tianheng. "The question you want to ask is this? Is it a good thing?"

"This is really a good thing, but I think this speed will be too fast. Will I have an impact on the cultivation of me?" Yu Tianheng felt that the cultivation was an enviable thing, but his own talent He is clear that there is no such level.

Rotta only understood the concerns of Yu Tianheng, said with a pair of your heart: "Tianheng, don't think about it, this is normal phenomenon. Our martial arts is the same, my soul I have a role in you, and then I will arrange the cultivation of you and have benefited the soul. There is such a result! "

Yu Tianheng is understanding, I suddenly nodded: "I said that my fast breakth is normal, then, I thought it would have any adverse effects."

"Do you think that a month is not enough for you to break through the fifty-level soul?" Rotta asked something thought.

Yu Tianheng is also unclear, only gives a rough answer, "Teacher, now I can't give you a sure answer, you can wait for me to break through the 49 level."

Rotta also felt that he was asked to be anxious. His own soul is to start 98, only experience a breakthrough feeling, what speed is not clear from zero start cultivation.

No matter how the first Yu Tianheng broke through the 49 level before it can be estimated. Since Rota is so angry: "Since there has been a breakthrough feel, then you have a breakthrough, the card level is nothing benefit. Just waste Time! "

I didn't have a concern, I didn't have a concern, and I found a secluded place to prepare for breakthrough.

Yu Tianheng's move is also seen in the eyes by other members, they can't help but have curious.

"Osro, do you say that the boss is not a breakth? I think it is very likely to say it." Yufeng said around Oslo.

Osro closed his eyes: "I don't think it's much, the boss will break through the 48 level a few days. How do you think it is so fast, or it may be to restore the soul."

Yu Feng said with his eyes, Chong Ossro: "Do you want to come to play a bet, the people who will gamble will promise the other party a condition, not allowed to repent."

Osro has also been interested, and it is also without hesitation of the gambling of the wind: "Well, then we will compare, see who guess."

Osro's heart is secretly joy, even if the boss has a talent, it is impossible to break through in just a short time. On the contrary, it may be that it is necessary to restore the soul, which is what I won.

Auslo is in the style of the card, and I have thought about what to make Yu Feng.

"In this case, then let's ask the teacher of Rotta, and witness the loss and win."

"That hurry, I have thought of letting you do anything, but you can don't play!"

Osro and Yufeng go together to Rotta, alone, Ye and Shi's brothers, although there is not interest in the gambling of the wind and Osro, but still curious about Yu Tianheng, and also make up .

"Teacher, the boss is doing what, how can someone go to the side?" Yushu asked curiously.

Rota gave a look at the Yu Tianheng, faintly opened: "You said Tianheng, he is ..."

For the first answer, everyone is extremely expected, especially the wind and Osro, the ears of the two have a pointed, afraid to listen to the wrong Rotta.

"He broke through the 49th level, didn't this picked a slightly quiet place?"

Osro's entire person seems to be petrified, and the mouth keeps whisper: "This Nima is not scientific ..."

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