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Royal wind can be happy, glowing at Osro's shoulders, seems to be ridiculed him, "Oh, this is really uniform, I guess, I accept punishment!"

Although Osro I don't know what method will come to you, I don't want to come. Although he is now trying to quit the game, he has promised the gambling, can't express the gambling of the gambling, so where is there any people?

Forget it, since this has to be replaced. Oslo took a forehead, answering it impatiently: "It's good, this gambling is over, say, what do you think about?"

Royal wind looked unwillingly, I also got a joke, I was aunt: "Osron, this kind of thing is no wonder others, who makes lucky goddess to care about me!"

Osro's braney of gluten, revealing "killing" in the eyes, full of malicious staring at the wind, threatening: "Yu Feng, if you come to ridicule me again, I will take you, I don't know?"

Royal Feng also knows that the joke has been driving, swaying the hand: "Don't be angry, how can I still play a game?"

Osro corrected: "It's not that I can't afford it, you don't want too much to forget!"

Royal Feng also had to pay for Osro, which makes Oslo are stable.

Just this scene is a lot of people laugh, Rotta is no exception, watching Osro's taste: "Oslo, since I promised, I would like to gamble, as a man, how can it be a little? What about the power? "

Osro did not play temper and accepted Rota's advice: "The teacher said, and pay attention next time."

Yu Feng looked at Osro, full of sulphant expression, clearly he and Rota said the same meaning, how Osra is two distant attitudes, it is really too double sign.

Rotta has a few people in the unlike geese: "Tianheng is about to break through 50, you have to hurry, break through to level 40 as soon as possible, so the overall strength of the team can be more placed."

In the remaining six people, the soul of the solo geese is the highest, and it has been 38 levels. There is a two level to break through to level 40.

The remaining people are at the level 36, and there is still a small distance from level 40, and the time required should not be too short. It can now have its own special exercise method, which may be shortened.

On the occasion of Rotta et al., Yu Tianheng also successfully completed the breakthrough, and it has got up to them.

"How are you gathered here, do you have to break through?" Yu Tianheng looked at the unliked geese.

Royal wind swinging hand: "Boss, no. I bet with Osrona, here is to seek answer to the teacher."

Yu Tianheng is also nodding, "This, I thought you have to break through ..."

"Boss, you will be a bit more heart, we have the talent of you, breaking through the first level a few days, you are too high." Royal Feng regretted shake his head, although it seems helpless But everyone listened, and Yu Feng did not put this in his heart.

Seeing Yu Tianheng has successfully broken through 49, Rota is also an opening inquiry: "How do you feel? Is there a breakthrough to 50?"

Yu Tianheng felt a little, giving an answer: "If you keep high-strength cultivation every day, you should break through ..."

Rotta smashed the sorrow, seeing the people: "This, I will give you two months, after two months, I will take you to the hunting soul."

Two months of Yu Tianheng said that there is already a poke, and it is not too big to break through the 50th level. The problem is that the rest of the rest, the solo geese is still only two levels, but it is not a problem. Others have four levels, and two months break through the four levels, but they are really a small challenge.

Double wind, Osro, Shijia brothers and fine souls, stay 36, improve the four levels, it is also more difficult, but it is not unable to reach, it will have a lot of hard work.

Looking at the contemplative people, Rota smiled and said: "How? Even if there is no breakthrough to 40, there is no relationship, and you can continue to cultivate in the way of the soul."

Although it is true, no one wants to implant the hind legs of the group, I want to break through to level 40 within two months. The reason why Rotta is also given to them some oppressed feelings, which can also promote them cultivation.

The people reacted were quickly started to cultivate, since the time was two months, then there was no time to waste, and I have to hurry up now.

Looking at everyone who is sitting around him, Rota is also a bit helpless, and he does not see it, but also turn it everywhere.

Before leaving, Rotta gave them a little gathering, can accelerate their cultivation.

This is also a small trio, in short, Rotta condenses a gravitational farm with his own soul, helping them condense the soul, helping to increase the speed.

The more you need these things, the more you need these things, if you don't help these auxiliary tools, who knows how long to practice can break through the first level.

Excellent colleges will be equipped with exclusive cultivation rooms, and cultivation in cultivation room is more helpful. There is naturally these equipment in the Huang Lei Academy, but the jade Heng Seng a few people who have been trained alone by Rotta, and naturally enjoy the convenience of the cultivation room.

But this little thing does not tightening, and Rota's own condense gathering is not better than cultivation.

Holding a gathering, Rota also brought them to the surrounding soul barriers, if dangerous, this soul barrier will automatically counterattack.

Do this, Rotta left the house.

Walking on the street, Rotta looked at the pedestrians who came to go on both sides, most people have their own work to be busy, very few people like he is so releasing.

Anyway, it is also idle, bring some gift to visit the old friend, think about the old friends of the starry forest, have not been seen for a long time.

Rotta entered the gift shop, picked a few exquisite necklaces, women should like this kind of thing, even if the soul beast is no exception.

Then Rotta went to a pub, bought a few bottles of high quality wine, and put it into the storage ring.

After the preparation, Rotta has started from the position of the golden thunder to the starry forest.

Rota on the road across the road, got up for the periphery of the virtual village. This also has no way, unlocking the yellow chip template, who really wants to go in Douro mainland.

Just in Rota intends to enter the virtual night village, it is a Ji you will encounter.

"Miss Bi Ji? I didn't expect it, I just met here."

Bi Ji didn't expect to meet Rota such as this, and some surprises: "Mr. Rota, how come you? Is it to find Mr. Ulfio?"

Rotta shakes his head, "This is not, it is a leisure thing to sway, special to see you. This is a gift for you."

Rota smiled and passed the beautiful necklace to Bi Ji. Bi Ji did not refuse Rotta's kindness, grateful to pick up the necklace, thank you: "Mr. Rota saw it, and there is a gift ..."

Although the Bi Ji is talking about a set, it can actually act indeed another set.

Rotta did not help but said: "This is not very like!"

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