The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 559 Emperor Emperor Swhero will be sick?

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Bi Ji didn't have a sorry and embarrassment, and he received a gift from Rotta.

"Who said no, since it is a kindness of Mr. Rota, how can I not accept it?"

Bi Ji took the necklace and watched the necklace, I couldn't help but praise: "Don't say that this small jewelry is really good, it is estimated not cheap?"

Bi Ji also has been in contact with humans for a long time, and it also shows the price of this necklace.

"That score is seen, for ordinary people, the value of this necklace is certainly not their affordable. For me, in fact, it is like that!"

Rota's gift shop is also a few two in the sky, the price of ornaments inside is not cheap.

Bi Ji is happy, using the pleasing voice: "No matter what, Mr. Rota's heart will accept it. Say, do you have anything else here?"

Rota itself came out, Yu Tianheng and others were cultivating, he didn't mean it there, not as if it strolled.

"There is no, just have no sound, thinking about you, I haven't seen you, see you."

"This way, if you have time, don't you mind with me? Anyway, it is also a time." Bi Ji Shu Raisi smiled slightly.

The sweet smile of Bi Ji can't open the mouth, let alone Rotta I have not planned to refuse, anyway, there is a big beauty around you is more eye-catching?

"Lussearous, Miss Bi Ji! So, please ~" Rotta bends the body slightly, and a elegant etiquette.

The Rota's movement is smirk, she also lifted his body slightly, and she went slightly on the green skirt, and returned to a standard skirt.

After that, Rotta accompanied Bi Ji in the starry big forest, he faintly felt that the trip to Bi Ji should go out, but he didn't intend to take the first to ask, and if you want to say that Bi Ji should take this topic.

After a while, Bi Ji really told the topic as if Rota thought.

"Mr. Rotta, you are not curious, is I doing?" Bi Ji calmly looked quietly with Rotta and whispered.

"Oh? Is it not special to take a walk out? How can I, let me be sad ..."

Rota as a quite downturn, which seems to be a 140 kg of children.

"Mr. Rota, I saw you so funny side, I think it is quite rich today!" Bi Ji also looked at Rotta, and the jade hand gently, and it seems to restrain the smile.

Rotta didn't joking, the tone returned to the Fang Jing, looked at the Bi Ji, slowly said: "As soon as I guess Miss Bi Ji should be so idle, what should this be there?"

"Guess is good, do you know Xiaojin? Recently, her physical condition doesn't seem to be very good, I don't know why. I am going to visit her, analyze her body."

Listening to Lisu, Rota also has some doubts, saying that the three eyes is not the Emperor of the Emperor? Is it still sick?

Looking at Rota, I didn't believe it. Bi Ji explained: "The soul beast is also a creature, how can it be ill, but this time is indeed unexpectedly."

Rotta frowned: "Is the emperor know this?"

"Emperor? This kind of thing, he is very serious than anyone, but the cure is not as good as he is good at, naturally you will shoot, then Xiaojin and my love with my sister, I can't matter."

Bi Ji's brow is slightly wrinkled, and the smile of Changshuo is no longer, and it is replaced by the worry of dignity.

Three eyes Jin Yu is self-evident for the importance of the soul. Today, her body has a problem, naturally will cause anxiety of the soul.

"In short, the spirit is the spirit, you can't take the lead in being discouraged as a doctor." Rotta shooted the shoulders of the Kiji.

After the opening of Rotta, Bi Ji passed the haze on his face, and the smile was supported: "Thank you Rota, it may be that I am too worrying."

"The whole starry big forest can not find more to heal more, isn't you not confident?" Rotta exchanged a way.

"Is this boasting me? Mr. Rota."

"Don't say that you don't say it, you will understand it." Rotta screamed his ear.

With the opening of Rota, the mood of Bi Ji is obviously a lot, and the previous worries have disappeared half.

In fact, this is the look of Bi Ji, before the slave model seems to be a bit heavy.

However, Rotta can also understand that after all, the three-eyed golden can be described as the soul of the soul, and a little error can cause huge problems.

This also created some inexplicable stress in invisible, but it was said that he was in his heart after all.

"When is her body?"

Bi Ji recalls again, answer: "The physical fitness of the soul is very strong, generally slight problems will not appear, the small gold is serious before the day begins."

It seems that sometimes the quality is too strong, and some problems are not easy to find.

"In all, after you have to check it, you can clear the situation, and there is no effect in the analysis."

"Sorry, tell you that you are also involved, it is what this is the interior of our soul."

Bi Ji is also sorry, slightly, it is difficult to look at Rota.

"Where to say, we are friends, help each other. Just I have recently, I have time, I don't delay."

Since I know that there is a tight thing, Rotta and Bi Ji have improved the speed of travel, and moved towards the hometown of the three eyes.

Looking at this familiar road, Rota asked: "Is this not going to the emperor? Is Xiaojin in the emperor?"

"Yes, the emperor needs to look at Xiaojin, and the small gold will pass."

Think carefully, the sick small gold should be no way to look at your own, really need the care of others.

In an empty tree cave, the three eyes is quietly sideways, and the emperor outside the hole is also visiting the trees from time to time.

The emperor can only use soul to temporarily help small gold to relieve some pain, let her have a chance to rest. But for a long time, this is not a way, pain can stop, but the condition still exists.

In this way, it is not a way for the case.

Just as an empirical worries, a gentle female voice rang: "What is the emperor, Xiaoyin?"

"Bi Ji, you finally come, let's take a look, I can only help her to relieve pain."

Bi Ji didn't ink, and I walked into the tree cave. The emperor was standing silently in the cave. At this time he didn't help anything, he only guilty, treatment is his short board.

"Hey, isn't this an emperor? How did this look like this?"

Rotta took a bottle of wine and threw the emperor. The emperor took the bottle, quite a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to come, I would like to be in the case, after all ..."

The emperor didn't follow, just silently looked at the tree hole. Rotta understood the meaning of the emperor to express, but also slowly came to the door of the tree cave, quietly watching Bi Ji and Xiaojin.

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