The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 560 system upgrade, just call you Jiavis!

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"Let you laugh, Xiao Jin's current situation is indeed a lot of emotions." The emperor is slightly low, and it is very concerned that Xiaojin is also very concerned.

Rotta is also a very casual person. He is here to stroll, and I really didn't expect to hit a piece of affairs.

"This is nothing, it's a small gold situation, do you have a short?"

The emperor smashed the eye, helpless: "If we know the reason, it is fine. Unfortunately, we don't have a short clue, Xiaojin is very good."

From the words of the emperor, you can also detect the unusual, normal life of the normal life, and a strange condition, which is a bit strange.

"I have no power to this situation, I can only see the results of Bi Ji, ..."

The three-eyed golden strange ability is to accelerate the speed of the soul of the soul within the surrounding range.

Emperor and Bi Ji are completely unsatisfactory, they are all worried about small gold from the heart. It can be said that Xiaojin is that they look grow up, just like their children.

I ask the child to have an accident, who is my parents? It is also the same as the Bi Ji and the Emperor. Looking at Xiaojin suffers torture, they are also very worried.

Finally, Bi Ji slowly came out of the trees, and the emperor was busy inquiring.

"How is the situation of Xiao Ji, Xiaojin? Is it strict?"

Since the emperor has been stepped forward, Rotta does not have to ask again, quietly listening to the trunk.

"What should I say, I have completely checked the body of Xiaojin and did not find any traces of the condition."

"There is a trace of the condition, what will be? How can Xiaojin's body may have problems without reason.

The expression on the emperor is extremely unsubstably, and if you can't explore it, even if it is, it is unable to connect to the top of cure.

Bi Ji is slightly calm, slowly said: "Although I didn't find a condition in Xiaojin, I found another strange energy, it is very likely that this mysterious energy affects Xiaojin's body."

"Mysterious energy? But why didn't I find it when I check it?"

The emperor is never solved, it is clear that he has also been thoroughly checked by Xiaojin before the arrival of Bi Ji, but has not found any different.

"Don't tell you, even when I first explored the existence of this energy. Just I think some incredible and seriously examined a few times, and I found this mysterious energy."

The first Lenovo listened to Rota is the god of sin. The gods of the gods belong to the alien guests. The strength of the gods is different from the soul, even if he is now borrowing the body of Freis, But its origin is certainly not a soul.

"The system is in the words, there is something to consult you!"

"Drip ~ answer the host, I am!"

"Can you scan a small gold body, I want to see what is going on!"

"Sorry, the host, this exceeds my ability, I am afraid I can't do it."

Although the system's answer is not, Rota still seizes one of the points.

"You said what it means, can you upgrade?" Rotta felt that he did something unable to find.

"Answer the host, this system can indeed upgrade."

"Since you can upgrade, why didn't you tell me before?"

"Answer the host, because you have not encountered this special situation before, so the system is temporarily not need to tell you what to upgrade."

In other words, this sentence means that now I have been in contact with the system, I think that special things, it is more interesting.

"Since the host, since it encounters special events, the system is about to open special upgrade features. Once the upgrade system, you have to face more difficult challenges, do you decide this to be water?"

"Interesting, I haven't encountered challenges for a long time, even though I'm going over, I will be connected."

"The default host agrees that the system is upgraded, please wait a minute, the system will upgrade ..." Loading ... "

This has also begun to load, and maybe I really have to encounter a wonderful thing.

After a minute, the system upgrade is completed, and the day plays a version 2.0 online.

"Host, I am system 2.0, whether to change the title of the system assistant?"

Rott thought that he had called the system as a system. This time, changed it, and got some name, it sounded handsome.

"This way, you will call you for Javis later." Rotta also intends to imitate a wave of Iron Man, just like the system is similar to artificial intelligence, and there is nothing wrong with Jawis's name.

"The name is bound, the system assistant Jaweiz reported to the host."

"I am not poked, there is a inner taste. Ok, my leisure is first put, but you tell you what is Xiaojin now."

"Good host, currently she has been a curse called the curse of the mantra, and now the situation is relatively slight. If you continue to put, the consequences will become more and more serious."

Rota naturally knows that the consequences will be very serious, he wants to know how serious, and what is the solution!

"Jaweis, trouble, you pick some dry goods, I also know this kind of thing!"

"Don't worque, I will give you a ruling that this is the harm of this curse."

"The curse of the is a kind of curse, the object of erosion is the world. There have been many faces that have been died under the invasion of the curse."

"It sounds to some white frost like the world's view of the world, in short, it is a very dangerous force."

Rotta is very easy to give a summary of the in place, so that Jaweis can't help but praise: "Host, your understanding is very correct, it is what you said."

"The curse of the is much powerful than the white frost, the danger is more than a few times higher than the white cream. The way to kill the mantra is through species."

Rotta's eyes are condensed, GET arrived at Javis said: "What you mean is that Xiaojin is now a carrier of the curse!"

"Yes, this virus will continue to spread in the species, until completely eroding the carrier. After the carrier varies into the claws of the mantra, madly erodes other species until the world's last species is eroded. Variation species It will be the power of the mantra of the mantra. "

According to Jaweis, this curse has died in a few worlds, and its power is not a very horrible point.

"As for the way to invade the invasion of the world, the first thing is to release the mantra erosive species. If it encounters resistance, it will release the rule of the army to perform all-end invasion."

Rotta is in silence, it seems that the challenges brought by the system upgrade are not general. However, there is no fear of these two words in Rotta's dictionary. Since encounter challenges, then he will leave.

"Well, Jaweis, then said, then let me tell me how to heal Xiaojin, I can't let go of the curse!"

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