The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 564 I admit that some grassroots rates have

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The angry thunderous guns contain the endless golden thunder, thrown by Rotta, and the gold lightning column running through the horizon suddenly appears.

"Thunder Town Shilun!"

The huge thunder sounding through the clouds completely masks the sorrow of the pioneer ...

Mixed the storm of the lightning, only one broken earth, and the soul of the root of the surface!

The huge body of the pioneer has disappeared without trace, and it is also crushing the thunder of Rotana contains terrorist power.

Rota slowly raised angry thunder, then he received it, looked at the scene around, Rotta is not to sigh.

The strength of the pioneer is a bit of his expectation. I didn't expect this guy to be quite stronger. I have to know that even the gods can be eligible to enjoy this.

However, Rotta has to thank a wave of crimes, don't say anything else, saying that the anger of the thunder's soul gun, is really good.

"Javis, will the curse will continue to start the offensive?"

"Answer the host, there is no energy to survey other curse, this wave of aggression should be coming."

Rota looked up at the gloomy sky, muttered in his mouth: "Is this over? I always feel that it is not so real ..."

"The host, you still don't know how to explain the aggression model of the curse, I will continue to explain it clearly."

"Also, I also have interest in this curse, more about what they are about."

"There is no problem, things will be taught from our creation ..." After Javis "Abba Baibab", Rota is finally understanding the curse of the death. .

If the system is one of the hope of hope, the curse of the is the party that represents desperate. There is a dark existence where there is a place, and the two will exist in the world.

Both mutually restrict each other to maintain a relatively stable balance. With the continuous development of the curse of the , their strength is getting stronger, gradually pressing the striking of the bound system.

Over time, this balance was broken, and the curse of the qi was gradually out of control.

Until today, Rota was once again defended the face of the army of the army, and his positive was defeated.

After listening to Jaweiss, Rota is also proud of being a Blue Star member, saying that he can have this strength, but also a rich imagination of people in the world.

"Jaweis, will then have the world of the template roles that will be eroded?" Rota is more concerned about this problem, according to the intensity of the curse, most of the sub-partial face is unable to resist this extent Attack.

"Answer the host, this question I give the answer is yes. After you choose the upgrade system, you will become the goal of the curse, resisting the curse, has become your obligation."

Rotta understood, and the system released the main line task to himself, and the strongest toolman is ourselves. Rotta said before he said that the strongest instructor's reminder said that he was indeed too much grass, and the fact that the clown was actually himself.

However, Rotta didn't care about this problem. Since the system released the main line task, it is also rich in life and boring.

"Drip, system release permanent main line task, the enemy of the ! Protecting other sides of the curse erosion, this is the obligation to be a traveler."

"I have successfully defeated a wave of attacks, and I will have a reward!"

Good guys talk about rewards, Rotta is not sleepy. Prior to this, the system did not know how long it was water. Since unlocked the fifth role template, the system entered the sleep state, unless Raot called, otherwise it will not be able to scream.

"The task reward has been issued, please check the host!"

Rotta came to enter the system space to enter the system space to view your reward, and he has an extremely strong expectation for the rewards issued by the system.

How to say that it is also resistant to a royal to the invasion of the curse, definitely not pulling where to go.

"Drip ~ randomly shuttle card!" Rota face is directly black, why don't you change the map function? Do this reward dare to slash?

However, rewards must not stop such a, then look at it, keep a heart flatness and state.

"Drip ~ Golden Soul Coin 5 million!"

Rotta-hard facial expression tells the helplessness in his heart, this second reward is not as good as the first award? Is it a kind of lack of guy?

Rotta said that he was poor to only have money, is it a huge wealth that does not enter the system of the system?

"Don't urgently, there should be the third reward, heart flat gas! Heart flatness! Labor is calm!" Rota self-taught himself.

"Drip ~ intimacy enhanced card five!"

How does this reward say it, it's not too bad, it's too good. I'm still going to go, I hope there is a fourth reward!

"Drip ~ self-selected enhancement package!"

Kung Fu pays off, and finally let Rota have been a reward that looks almost.

"This reward is complete!"

Rotta did not help but disclaimed a self-selected enhancement package, hoping to be a good thing.

A golden light flashed, and the self-selected enhanced package has three options.

"Charm value enhancement: You will be the best friend of all kinds of female characters, saying that it will attract some inexplicable guys."

The first Rotta is off, I am sorry that his orientation is more normal, and there is no fencing.

"Personal Strengthen: Your mental power is extremely abundant, immune attacks."

Forget it or take a look at the third is made, Rota looks at the third.

"Oh, this looks good!"

The third strengthening is harmful, and after the choice, it can greatly increase the moving power, and can increase the attack power.

Rotta did not hesitate to choose the third. As a mammoman with force certificates, the damage to the bigger is the goal of his pursuit. Any hurting hurt is not as good as the harm.

A meal is like a tiger, seeing damage zero five, such a result is not Rotta like it.

Dripping, triggering the follow-up task of the fight, adding the intensity of the fight, and ensures that it will not be investigated. "

"Dripping, triggering important branch tasks, building soul beast Harmony Ecosystem, task reaching condition, the number of quiet Sen Soul beasts exceeded 50,000. Currently 60%. Mission Reward:" Soul Cultivate Guide "."

Rotta's first eyes noticed the content of the task reward, and the reward for this branch mission, he did not have a slot. Is this award dare to be at a point? It sounds a lot of prizes!

To be honest, see this reward, the first Lenovo in the Rotta's brain is "post-post-post-post-nursing care", think of this, and there are more points in Rota face.

"Host, please be sure to believe me, rewards will definitely don't use anything, please don't mix the system reward and other strange strange things."

Rotta is a brightening, "Javis, or just have just seen your reward, I will be fooled by you."

Anyway, this branch line Rota will definitely do it, just hope that the reward will not really what chicken ribs. To be true, Rotta said he must ... must ... I have thought about it, he can't do anything.

In his own consciousness, Rota can't blainly, you can't take your own head, isn't that a big fool!

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