The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 565, face fruit

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In addition to the important branch task of building a quiet Sen, the system also released a quite interesting branch mission.

Optional borders, the battle of the mainland, with the template of Yuxi Boss, can be inactive, and set off a world battle in Douro. The task requirements, involving the forces must be wide, and the scene must be grand. Mission reward: self-selected play role package! "

Rota was attracted by this reward for the self-selected role package, and then asked: "Jaweiss, the self-selected play character is said that I can specify the role directly?"

"Answer the host, not this, the self-selected play role package allows you to select one in the five play characters given."

Although not the designated character package, it is also good, rewards don't take it.

At present, the task released by the system is so much, and Rotta intends to start from the quiet Sen's branch task. The number of 50,000 soul beast is not too difficult, and it should be easier to get it.

The number of soul beasts in the quiet Sen is similar to the system estimation, and there should be nearly 30,000 souls.

The specific quantity Rota is also unclear, knowing a probably digital. Compared to brewing a worldwide, this branch mission is relatively simple.

Since I have already dealt with the curse of the , Luotta also went to Tongbaoge. He went to Tongbao Pavilion before, according to her speed, it should have been.

Shortly in Rota, Bi Ji and the Emperor were found to arrive in Rotta and Pioneer leaders. The ground has been collapsed, and it is trace that is laid in thunder.

"What happened to happened, how can I become like this!" The emperor looks old, and it is stuck to look at this pair of disappearance.

Not only the emperor, even the ji Ji is also the same, see such a horrible scene, even she can't keep calm.

Emperor and Bi Ji's mentality is good, just a little shocking for a while, and then slowed over from shock.

"This is familiar, it should be Rotta. Don't he fight?" Bi Ji analyzed the roadself.

"Now the problem is not who fights with Rota, but the result of the battle. I feel that there is a embarrassment, why Rota will encounter it here, but still when a small gold. This is not too clever!"

Bi Ji listened to the emperor, suddenly emerged in his mind, then open the mouth: "Will it be the mysterious energy of the other side, it is possible to be the mysterious energy!"

The emperor also recognizes the view of Bi Ji, in addition to this explanation, the emperor also wants to understand that the other party will have any reason for Rotta and Xiaojin.

Bi Ji glared over, touched the black land with a slim jade, carefully analyzed: "According to my current observation, the winner should be Rotta. The focal marks around the ground are almost all suffering from strong lightning. What caused, this answer is obvious. "

The emperor looked around and couldn't help but wonder: "Where will they go? Let's continue to find, or wait patiently?"

The emperor didn't consciously looked at the kiji. At this time, there is a decision to make a decision.

Out of the understanding of Rotta, according to the current form, the conclusion of Bi Ji is only one. Rotta is likely to go to the Tongbao Pavilion of the Xingroo Empire.

"The emperor, about the whereabouts of Rotta, I have some eyebrows, but we still don't bother. After all, it is a human society, let's go in, and I am discovered to cause some unnecessary trouble."

The emperor nodded, since Bi Ji is so suggests, he is not intended to do it. Anyway, Rotta's strength can not be worried, or do not give Rota to it.

On the way, the brow of Bi Ji did not relax, and she has been in a psychic state.

"Bi Ji, what is it cares about it, should you be confident on Rotta's strength?"

Bi Ji slowly shook his head, explained: "Non-also, I am not worried about Rota's security, but what kind of existence is to make Rota make it so much."

"How do you say this?" The emperor's understanding of Rotta is not as good as Bi Ji, and it has also been curious about Bi Ji.

"Rotta to deal with the enemy is usually solved within a few trips, almost all the use of powerful, small influence, small influence, is like today's move, I also see it!"

The emperor understood the meaning of Bi Ji, and the tone also said slightly: "What you mean is that the opponent encountered in Rota is weak."

Bi Ji is what this means, let Rotta use this opponent's opponent is not a full generation.

Imagine that Rota needs serious treated opponents, how they resist them. For a time, the problem becomes tricky.

"There is no way to think now, or wait for Rota to tell us."

Bi Ji should be soft, "I can only do this like this, I hope that nothing should happen."

At the same time, Xinglu Empire Huangcheng, Tongbaoge Headquarters, a pile of guards, guarding the gate of Tongbaoge, as if there is any important thing.

Rota slightly accelerated the pace, walked over, pulling a watch, asked: "This is what happened, how so many people are in Tongbaoge door?"

The onlookers quietly attached to the Rotta ears: "I will not only come soon, but it seems to have been in the emperor. The soul beast refused to be scared, and the road hit some publication, this Don't ran into Tongbaoge, now the royal family is investigated. "

Rotta also understands, it is a matter of little gold. The last time Bi Ji took her, she was not so nervous. This time she came, there will be some more panic more than a person.

Since the beginning of the matter, Rotta is not worried, this little thing is in seconds.

"According to the residents, the soul beast is currently in Tongbaoge. Do you ask if it is true?" The guards asked about Tongbaoge.

It is enough to see the amount of Tongbao Pavilion in the Xingro Empire, even if it is a door to guard, it is not a common person. The royal guards must be respectful, let alone their ordinary people.

"This is indeed ..."

Tongbao Po Hou has not finished, Rotta directly took the words, "I can answer this question, I am the old Rota Pavilion of Tongbaoge, there is a question asking me." Rotta scored a smile. Signature he doesn't have to worry.

"Rota Pavilion is old! If you have any offends, we are just normal investigations ... Please don't see you." The royal guards said that there were some buses. How did he think of the famous Rota Pavilion? sudden appearance.

"Don't be so caumed, I am not a devil, don't be afraid. You don't have to worry about that soul. She is my friend, come here to play. As for the loss, come to Tongbao Pavilion to reimburse "

The royal guard captain did not have a lot of mouth, and he was busy with you: "Thani Luotou, I will tell you the first line."

Just as long as he came out, there was no thing. It's just that things are too fast, Rota is not coming to say a word ", please give me a face!" This kind of mortality. Although some regrets, it is not a big thing. Just miss it once, don't care too much.

Rotta smiled and struck, and then went to the Royal Guard to promote the gate of Baochao, and the looks leisurely.

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