The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 566, Quiet Sen Mobilization

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"Ah, Xiao Jin, this Nizi is really uncomfortable, it is estimated that it is also a lot of frightening." Rota slowly walked in the promenade of Tongbaoge, self-speaking.

Suddenly, a golden figure went to the front of Rotta, and Lace was tightly chased behind, and the mouth was still in the mouth: "I drop my grandmother, you spare me, a little A little bit, it's not good to get it. "

"I'm not, you will go to Rotta with me. He must be dangerous." Xiaojin replied horizontally.

Lyder is a full face, explaining: "Little grandmother, you just have a joke, Rotta can use me to help, my strength is enough to see, I can see Tongbao Pavilion is good. "

Xiaojin did not eat this set, refiting: "This time, Luo Tam looks very nervous, it must be a problem."

Lyder can only smile, what can he do, he is also desperate. If you really have a thing that Luo Tag is unable to solve, then he can't do it in the past.

Coupled with Lord's understanding of Rotta, don't worry about what is dangerous in Rota.

"Guntie, you will be relieved, I will give you a glass of milk, you should drink it first."

"Milk, hurry ... I am not right, hurry to help Rota." Xiao Jin swayed a swaying head, she almost flicked by Lyder.

Ryder sighed, okay, it seems that he is right, it is true, Rota is the guy is worthy of worry.

Just when Xiao Jin led Leide's soon, I just hit a full with Rotta.

Xiaojin directly pounces to Rotta, with a pink tongue to lick on his face, "Rotta, did you have anything? I still want to call it to help you together."

Rota is pleased to smile, smash the fluffy hair on Xiao Jin's head, "Let you worry, but things have been solved, no big deal."

Lyde puts out a sense of appearance, for Xiao Jinao: "I said that you believe me, Rota, this guy where others need to help him."

Xiaojin can't help but give Lyder a white eye. "I am not as ruthless as you, don't worry about Rotta, I really don't have a conscience."

Lace was asked for a while, hurriedly replied: "What happened to Rotta? This word can not say."

Rotta saw that Leide is a difficult situation, opening a mouth: "Leide, let me pay it, you can work hard."

Lead is not like this, if it is blocked, "Too good, this troublesome grandmother will give you, I can't hold her."

Rotta Wirah is struck, after saying, take out a bottle of milk in his hand, "Just seem to hear someone wants to drink milk, is this?"

Rotta took the wine bottle to sway in front of the small gold, and the conversation of Lyder and Xiaojin he heard it, this is the reason why Rotta Ship prepared a bottle of milk.

"Hey! Rota, then I just dialogue with Leide, do you know all?" Xiaojin's face did not help but a flood.

Rotta did not formally answered, just gave her an expression that means. When I saw this model, Xiaojin had already understood everything, he would definitely heard the conversation of himself and Leide.

Thinking of this, Xiaojin's eyes are also somewhat dodge the eyes of Rotta, she is sinking. Let Rota heard her words, only feel that there is some burning on his face.

Rotta didn't say much, led Xiaojin to his room, poured milk in a bowl, and put it around Xiaojin.

"Please enjoy!" Rotta said elegant.

Although Xiaojin is sorry, it is still strong to be calm, quietly drinking milk. Sweet and delicious milk into the belly, Xiaojin only feels that the body and mind are happy.

A bowl of milk naturally meets the small gold, looks at the dry and clean bowl, Xiao Jin uses the pink tongue to lick your own face, a look that is still unfair.

"How? Is it very delicious?" Rotta smiled and opened.

Xiao Jin dotted head, "That is nature, I think milk is the best thing, I always want to drink a few bowls!"

Rota was also laughed by Xiaojin, and his mouth said that milk is best to drink. It is true that you want to drink a few bowls.

"It's good, I will give you a few bowls for a while, but I will talk to you before this."

Rotta took the joke attitude, and the tone was a bit solemnly. Xiaojin also knows that Rotta is sure that there is something, it is also straight to the body and listen patiently.

"Xiaojin, do you remember what happened to him?"

Xiao Jin bowed pensive moment, blurred replied: "I only remember that I saw a meteor in the sky before, and the meteor flew over, and then I entered my body ... after ... I am not very clear. "

"The sky is the meteor? It is also very reasonable to say that it should be the small gold that is infected at that time."

Rotta said herself, listening to Xiaojin is a face, looked at Rota, and looked that the expression seems to let Rotta talked about things.

Rotta took his hand in Xiaojin's forehead, gently touched her, slowly said: "You don't have to know more, you have helped you solve it, don't worry."

Xiao Jin listened to the words of Rotta, also grateful to see him, although Rota did not tell her what is going on, but she can be sure, that is, Rotta will definitely help her a big busy.

In fact, it is busy, Rotta even saved the little gold. However, this kind of thing Rotta doesn't want to talk more. The main purpose of him finds Xiaojin's conversation is not to show off his own credits.

"Small gold, are you interested in tranquility, where you can live a carefree life, will not be disturbed by the soul."

Of course, the death of the big forest is the restricted area, which is quite safe, and it will be disturbed by the soul, but still have a risk of being stared.

If you really safe, the little dance mother will not happen, and the remedy of the sorry Rotta is still more serious.

The little dance mother can naturally be a warning. In the big forest, you will be prepared to be stared at the soul.

Instead, the position of quiet Sen is very concealed, almost no many people know that it is a souvenir of the soul, which is generally not disturbed.

"Rotta, are you inviting me to live quietly?" Xiao Jin's introduction asked.

Rotta did not hesitate, nod sincerity, "Yes, I am going to let you go to the quiet Sen life, the starry big forest is always there is no quiet Sen Said."

I want to reach the mission goal, but it is also very simple, as long as Xiao Jin's thought work is good, follow-up work is simple.

Xiaojin is an emperor, as long as she chooses the quiet Sen, and the rest of the soul beast will choose to follow Xiaojin. Of course, this is definitely not all, it is not a small number.

"Of course, I still respect your opinion, if you insist on staying in the starry forest, then I will not stop."

Doing a good job of small gold is just the first method. If you are not successful, then you can display the Planb, although it will trouble, but you can also complete the task goal.

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