The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 568, the rebound

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I should not be temporarily in the sky, and Rota is also deliberately ordered to supervise the Yu Tianheng.

Rotta also believes that the jade heng severity should have a high consciousness, not to say that no one is supervised, but it is still necessary for a instructor.

Although there is no way to interact with Rotta's advice, however, it is also a title, and it is more than enough.

Rotta is a breath that I caught myself and stepped into the depths of the starry big forest. The first stop he intended to visit the tribal of the Phoenix.

Phoenix Luoyu belongs to the members of the mysterious pony ethnic group, the number of this ethnic group is not a lot, but its number of zeblecular birds is numerous.

As long as you pull the Huanghuang family, the blazing bird does not attack, naturally, will also go with the spirit of the spirits.

As for the ghost bird family with the blazing bird, Rotta is not considered. For the premium, it is not too much to predict that the contradiction between the two soul beast is not small, even if there is a self-regulation, it can't be eased. .

It is just to reach the goal and will consider subsequent results and influence, which is not far from stupidity. In these two ethnic groups, it is necessary to make a choice, and which side chooses, it is natural to consider it.

As the surrounding ambient temperature rose, the type of vegetation also has changed, and the lush ginseng is different. The trees in this area have a high temperature of the flame of high temperature.

Yes, this is a high-temperature green forest for a long time, and Rotta has once again visited here for many years. I still remember that I was here to meet the Phoenix Loufe, and I still think about it.

Rotta covered with soul of the body surface, with a high temperature around it, he didn't fear high temperature but did not represent him like hot.

In the quiet, it seems that there is no high temperature environmental area, the spiritual fire, Xuanhuang and the blazing twiller, if they have successfully migrated, they have to build an environment that is suitable for them.

For Rotta, the construction of a suitable living environment is nothing. At present, what is the most important thing to consider, let them go to the quiet.

Rota in thinking, there is no penetration between high temperature, wood forest. In the face of Rota, many souls have already noticed the figure of Rotta. Even if I have a powerful breath on my body, I have no hidden body shape, and I have not sneaked it, I have found it is normal.

The soul of the soul has observed this intentional human beings, and several Lianyang lions have been prepared to be ambush, and it seems to intend to attack Rotta.

A pair of black ancient branches do, a woman in a tangerine dress silently looking at Rotta. Her appearance is in harmony with the phoenix, and it is more important than Phoenix.

"It's a strange guy, I came to the high-temperature green forest alone, I don't know if it is stupid or confident!" The beautiful woman opened his mouth, the voice has a very obvious royal sister.

Regardless of Rotta to come to high temperature blazing wood forest, she is necessary to come as a high-temperature blazing wood forest. It is necessary to come to meet the other parties.

The soul of the soul is not the soul ring in the forest, which is a soul bone. This doesn't have to guess it.

Take a tree that is around the flames around, Rota has been searching for the trace of the blazing bird. He doesn't expect to be lucky, and you can directly encounter the hoolius, as long as you find the blazing bird.

"Some familiar atmospheres, I want to be the people of the Phoenix Luyu in the surroundings." For the sparking of the secret, Rota is noticeable in the first time.

I want to come to the other side, I should actively appear, Rota is not anxious, patience, etc. It's the uncomfortable Lie Yang Lion, and Rotta can hear the sound of the swallowing water.

After a few Lianyang lions wrapped around Rota, it seems to be how to start attack. Although the Lieyang lion moves his body carefully, Rotta can easily explore their traces.

It is a bit more than one in the bottom of the Lieyang lion, but they don't know this, they just simply look forward to the prey.

After a while, he said a whistling, Rota smiled slightly, and the side of the side of the lion lion was escaped.

"Oh, oh, I am not a policy. Ma Master, sneak attacking this means is not very useful to me."

Based on the Rieyang lion that has been cultivated in these few thousand years, it can't understand the meaning of Rota, and they only think about hunting.

Rotta hides the powerful force exuded in his body, at the same time, this practice also attracted the attention of the Lieyang lion. The Lieyang lion has seen Rotta as a prey that can be slaughtered, and has never been spotted.

Innocently, I looked at my own Lieyang lion. Rota is also scratched, or dealing with these guys as soon as possible, he is not to fight.

The Lieyang lion can organize it again in this short time, regardless of the idea of ​​Rotta, and launched an attack to Rotta.

The woman trunk on the orange dress quietly observed Rotta, and she also wants to attack the power of the Lieyang lion, judge the strength of Rotta.

If the strength of Rotta is really delicious, then she has no need to contact, only when the other party is a stupid material.

Although she did not take the initiative to attack humanity, but they did not be friendly to rescue human beings. She is a soul beast, and she is already a benevolence of benevolence.

Dealing with the Lieyang lion that has been repaired for thousands of years, there is no need to open the soul ring, and it is enough to show them.

Rota Lingxia's posture blinks in the lion group, whenever the Lie Yang lion thought that he can touch Rota, his figure always dodge in a strange posture.

After several siege, the Lieyang lion also realized that this human beings were not simple, not, but did not open the beautiful soul ring, and even did not actively attacked.

Looking at the Lieyang lion stopped attacking, Rotta also stopped the body shape, playing hands with a bin, leisurely looking at the Yang Lion, "Do you have enough? If you have enough, please don't stop the way. "

Thousands of years of cultivated Lieyang boilers can also understand a little one, but Rota has to express the meaning, it is still not understanding, only simply understand the meaning.

This human beings surrounded by them don't want to do their hands to them, and should be a peaceful solution. Recall the previous battle, the other person did not hug hostile, just simple to borrow the body of the law.

Several Lianyang lions have been regarded as a long time, and they quickly identified the programs, they separated each other, unlocked the formation surrounded by Rotta.

Rotta is also very happy, but the guy is a little IQ is not stupid.

"This is right, everyone is harmonious, it is not very good!" Rotta is also smiling and looking at the Rieyang lion of the far away.

The beautiful woman on the branches gently uses hand care about the lips, whispered: "It's a rare man, it will encounter such a strange man, it is more interesting, it is worth negative ..."

After driving the Lieyang lion, Rotta has also begun to find the whereabouts of the blazing birds, which is easy to find than the Xuanhuang Xuanhuang.

Just in Rota will see the hegemony to search for the color of the blazing, a elegant female voice is incorporated into his ear.

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