The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 569 understands that the elders of all the world are almost

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"You have a good life, and the Lieyang lion in the middle of the year will be more than a few thousand years, I don't know why I don't know if this is."

I heard the words, Rota slowed down, after seeing the beautiful woman in the orange dress, Rotta looked at her.

It seems that I have the same theory of Rotta, and the woman is smiling: "I stared at a lady in this way, this is not a gentleman. Do you have a move!"

Rotta saw the first look of the woman, I would like to go to the Phoenix, except for the color of the costume, the woman in front of him was unpaired with the phoenix.

Have a five senses and white skin that are exquisite with Hoqian, even if it is said that the second phoenix is ​​not too.

Rotta put away the sluggish eyes, apologize to the woman, said: "Sorry this lady, your appearance let me think of a familiar person, if there is a rude, please forgive me."

The woman's answer given by Rotta did not believe it. This kind of flower saying that she saw more, I want to use such a simple language to kive her, and this man is nothing to have any kindness.

After thinking about the Taca product, the woman's impression of Rotta has also lowered a lot, but not before the other party's purpose, it is not too turned too.

"It is hunting, if you like, if you like it, you will enjoy it."

The woman's answer seems to be unfamed, and her psychology is also a small nineteen. If this man is the kind of false gentle, it is estimated that it will be more unscrupulous to infringe ourselves!

If the other party is so true, then she doesn't mind let Rotta evaporate. As for the purpose of the other party, it is not important, and a person who is down-through, what is the purpose of this is coming to?

Never thought that Rota was wave at the atmosphere. He's next move can be described as a three-view of the woman.

Rotta shrugged, "I have such a color, I have seen it every day, I still have no gift to this extent."


Rotta's answer is that it is a little embarrassing, she originally wants to let Rota out, but now, it is a bit of self-study.

Rotta is naturally unclear what the woman is playing in the heart. He only knows that the woman and the woman in the eyes are very similar, and the temperament also has a common point. I want to have some contact with Luo Yu. I don't know that Luo Yu's people.

In any case, as long as you ask, you should know, so Rota open: "First introduce yourself, I am Rotta, can be said to be a soul beast researcher."

Rota is politely introduced to the woman, and the woman is embarrassed to put a smelly face to Rotta, and I have to hang a smile responded to Rotta.

"Rotta? Hello, I am a Phoenix!" The glamorous woman briefly introduced himself, except for the name, did not disclose other information at all.

However, even if there is only one name, Rotta is also enough to determine the identity of this woman in front of him, and Luo Yu is the same surname, plus many similarities, her identity will come out.

Of course, Rotta also depends on the vital attitude to his attitude is not very friendly. As for the reason, Rotta does not understand, but these issues should be nothing, and will slowly say.

Since it is aware of the relationship between the woman's identity and Luo Yu, the Rota is not ink, or it will explain the matter as soon as possible.

"Cough, then Miss Huang Ling, do you still remember that I just said that you are very like a friend I know?"

The Phoenix is ​​nodded. "My memory is very good, not so forgetful, what do you want to say?"

"After you know your name, I also determine your identity, should you be a member of the Huanghuang family?"

Although it is a question, it is said from Rota, but it reveals a strong sense of peace.

"How do you know? Don't you know us?" The warm eyebrows were wrinkled. She realized that the man named Rotta is not simple in front of him.

Looking at the Huang Spirit that became nervous, Rotta was laughed and said: "Miss Huang Ling is not nervous, I don't have malicious, the reason why I know is because I know with Luo Yu."

"Luo Yu? You are a sister of Luo Yu! Is Luo Yu Sister let you come?" The Philhasis is gradually excited. She has not seen the phoenix, and she heard the news of Luotta mentioned Luo Yu. Don't mention more excitement.

"Almost, but I am active to find you this time."

"Looking for us? Do you have anything to find? What is helpful or something else?"

Before compared to, the vital attitude toward Rotta is a lot, and it can clearly see this from tone and facial expressions.

Rotta found a stone and sat down, not unlucky, said: "Do you know the quiet Sen?"

"Silent Sen? I seem to listen to Luyu's sister mentioned, but she didn't talk too much. In fact, I didn't know much, I only know that it was a habitat of the soul."

"It seems that Luo Yu speaks too much, then I will introduce you a little, and the quiet Sen is a habitat that is suitable for the soul of the beast and Luo Yu. Luo Yu also You migrate past ideas, it is said that the ethnic group is not willing. "

"This is true, you have to know that our spirits are inhabiting this generation. Just replace the place of residence, those thinking stiff old stubborn people are certainly not allowed, but I feel that there is nothing bad." The Phoenix is ​​also the same as the body The older generation of the ethnic group is like a child who has a boy.

"This time, I will intend to invite your ethnic group to enter the quiet life, so you can also avoid the harassment of the fifteent of the ghost bird and the ghost phoenix!"

I have to say that this proposal of Rotta is really very poked the hearts of the phoenix, the ghost flamingo and the blazing bird, the nervere ghost and the spirits, the two grievances must not stop, and the Phoenix is ​​also very annoying.

"I said that the Nether Ghost Phoenix, I really take it, they are really annoying. It is really unrestrained in a few days. It is really uncomfortable. It is still good until the Sister Luo Yu refuses and kills After Fengqi Ming, the relationship between our two respects is really deteriorated to the extreme! "

Inciical to Fengqi, Rota also recalls that he just knows Luo Yu. At that time, Fengqiming also wants to force the phoenix, then he was hammered by himself, but the Rotta borrowed the vest between the column.

Rotta did not expect his moves to cause such a series of follow-up results.

For curiosity, Rotta asked: "How is the ethnic group look at this thing?"

"They are still intended to be retreat, in their eyes, withdrawal is the performance of retreat, clearly not fighting, but their understanding has always had a set."

The phoenix flexed his long hair, even because it was too hard, and he also grabbed several.

"This kind of thing will be good, and the older people will have such thoughts." Rota said that this kind of thing is not surprising, and the elders of their own world are almost a look.

"Since the elderly of your group has always opposed this opinion, the migration is estimated to reach a consensus, and it is a good job." Rotta also spent a chin while thinking, no matter what something is not so simple, you can get it.

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