The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 573 flashes, I am starting to install 13!

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This bird actually said that he was arrogant, how to see him more arrogant, come to the mysterious group of Wuhuangwei, and no one.

Although Rotta came to the mysterious fellow family alone, his attitude was quite low, and he did not give people a feeling of living.

Since this, the ghost phoenix is ​​going to die, Rotta is also no opinion, after all, their family has already gotten the blacklist of Rotta, sooner or later.

The Xuanhuang family did not speak only silently looked at Rotta, and the Phoenix is ​​quite worried about looking at Rotta. Just Rota helped her spoke, she didn't want to see Rotta injured.

Rota sighed and looked carefully, "" Do you make sure you want to tell me? "

"Yes, look at what you dare! If you don't accept, use your human words, it is a species!"

Listening to this is familiar, and just the same as you just. Rota has used the elders of the muanhuang family. I didn't expect it so fast, and the people of the Nether Ghost Phoenix began to be in Rota.

Nether Ghost Phoenix did not act in Taga. If Rota does not agree, he can't attack Rota, and the chivalrous of the muanhuang is still very taboo.

"Rotta, you don't want to go, the strength of the guy is stronger than me, you are definitely not an opponent."

Listening to the discouragement of the Phoenix, Rotta also felt very warm heart, although this is the good intention of the Phoenix, but it has not been too small. Bible Rotta is planning to take this kind of nervey, naturally, it will not refuse the proposal of the other party.

"The Phoenix, I didn't expect it to look at you, don't care about it, actually quite care, hahaha, thank you."

The Phoenix is ​​a red face, turning it, whispering: "Who cares about you, I don't want Luo Yu sister sad, you said anything, it is also her friend!"

Rotta is just a smile, and then the normally ghosts: "Do you think I will talk to you, then I will play with you, dare not play big?"

"What is the big law?"

Rotta is laughing and sticking out a finger, to the Nether Ghost Phoenix: "Let's have a dead battle, so you don't think it?"

"Life and death war?" The Nether ghost phoenix did hekenestly, he re-lost Rotta, and did not see what this human beings are in front of this. Where is this human beings?

"So your reply is?"

Seeing Rotta began to ask, the Nether Ghost Phoenix is ​​busy: "Okay, I promise. As a member of the ghost and phlegm, I will be afraid of you alone? I've been very!"

"Then start!" Rotta also looked at this quiet mean in front of him, and the hand is killing.

The angry thunder's soul gun appeared in the hands of Rotta, Rotta quickly danced with a long gun, even the air was broken, the fire flower ended, Raota held a thunder, visiting the normally ghost.

Not only is a natural ghost, even the Phoenix and the Xuanhuang family are also shocked by the momentum exposed by Rotta show. At this moment, Rota, and the previous Tita, the laughter, is entirely two people.

"Sutting, who will not be ah, let you see the flame of the soul."

Nether Ghost Phoenix spurts a thick purple black fire column from the birds, and come straight to Rota.

The Rota's mouth is a good one, since it is necessary to start to put it, it is thoroughly. I saw that Rotta's big hand, only the ghost fire of the ghost phoenix was blown by the box.

"What? This is impossible!"

The Nether Ghost Pho looked at Rotta in a horrible, and the flame of him was so easy to be scattered? This made him into a huge shock.

The inner heart of the nernse ghost phoenix is ​​like a ton of Orly, he is uncomfortable, he is not willing to accept things happening in front of him.

Rotta won't stay for him to resist, he got up and flew into the air, and the angry thunder in his hand broke out.

It is of course not need to use the trick to deal with the arms of the army. This guy is not enough.

The reason why this trick is completely mapped, and it is a little handsome thrower, which is a little handsome.

Seeing Luo Tower aimers yourself, Nether Ghost Pho can only feel that the enemy is general. He truly realized the feeling called death. When he wanted to flee, it was frightened to find his body actually became extremely rigid. Movitive is not available.

"No, this is impossible, how can I be scared by a human beings in the district!"

Even if it is now, the Nether Ghost Phoenix is ​​still unwilling to face the reality, his body has long been not listening.

"Along with the gun, fall!"

Just in an instant, the dazzling golden rifle acts through the body of the Nether, and he can't even react, it is already in the gun.

With the angry thunderous guns, we took into the ground with the bodies of the ghost phoenix. The huge impact stunned the smoke, and the grayed smoke was also filled with gold lightning.

Rotta is also very casually falling from the air, and it seems to be just a small thing.

Unlightened with Rota, the mysterious people of the voices look like Rota's eyes. The Phoenix eyes looked at Rotta in the eyes, and then he looked at the normally ghost phoenix that was spiked on the ground. It seems that there is no coming from the battle.

Several sects of the Xuanhuang people also have a certain level of shock, but in general, their few people live for a long time, and there are many things that are seen. Because of this, they can wake up from shocking in the shock.

The battle is so unambected over, the whole battle does not exceed 20 seconds, you can imagine the horror of Rota strength.

In just 20 seconds, I killed a strong ghost phoenix, who was more than the Phoenix, according to the way, it was less than 20 seconds, Rotta kills a 220,000-year-old Ghost Phoenix. .

The parties Rotta can be very clear, and the 20 second time has a lot of time in the concave and posture, otherwise the light is spent on the gun, and there is no one second.

Others think that Rota is in power, but they are unclear that Rotta is just just to play handsome. Rotta is also too lazy to explain this, and how others look like he doesn't matter, his purpose has been reached.

Rota leisurely went to the hometown of the Xuanhuang, I asked slightly: "What? Can I pass this strength?"

The Xuanhuang family did not answer Rotta. On the contrary, she only reported silence. The intention of Rota, she has already known, silent is the most appropriate answer.

"Very good, then don't forget and agree, I am very don't like the guys who have fallen!"

In this case, Rota just simply put a wake up for the chronicle of the Xuanhuang family.

In front of all strengths, any coupling is weak, this is what the Rotta wants to express.

However, after contact with the Xuanhuang people, Rota still believes in their character, and it is unlikely to make this kind of thing. In addition, the repent is not good for them, and they are not stupid to this point.

Luota came to the body of Nether, and took out the blood of the anger of the blood, it seems that I thought about it, smiled and said: "Right, I remember, I still don't know the gathering of the Nether Ghost Phoenix Where is it, there is a person to take the way. In addition, there must be someone to guide the task. "

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