The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 574, the night of the altruation, but unfortunately there is no electric pole

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The Xuanhuang family has seen a few eyes, and they have seen the phoenix. The Phoenix also understood the meaning of the elders and took the initiative to Rota.

"I am more familiar with the gathering of the ghost phoenix, just take you."

After Rotta left the phoenix, the chronicle of the Xuanhuang family slowly spit out a turbidity. The momentum that had just been out of Rotta is too horrible, even if they all feel some breathing difficulties.

"When is the strong person, the talent of the human family is really not to be underestimated."

"Who said no, I didn't expect that there was no contact in human beings for so long, and even have been the existence of such a horrible. This time the ghost phoenix is ​​afraid of ..."

In the eyes of the Xuanhuang family, the Nether Ghost and Phoenix is ​​already cool. From the strength of Rota, it is still very strong, and it is still unparalleled.

I just had a strong spirit of ghost phoenix and even a harmonious spirit, and it is definitely a leader in the ethnic group. What is the result? Still not being killed by Rota!

A Xuanhuang is old, lifting the forehead, looking up with a gradually dim, "I also afraid to be peaceful!"

On the other hand, the Phoenix and Rota slowly walked in high-temperature blazing wood forests, there is no communication between the two, and the atmosphere is very silent.

From time to time, the phoenix is ​​sneaked with the side of Rota, and the little mouth is slight, it seems to be something to say. After receiving a few hesitized, she didn't say something.

Rotta has a vision, gently soothing, slightly smiling: "The Phoenix, if you have anything to ask, ask! This kind of thing is not easy to tangle."

"Sure enough, you find it, ok ... What is the agreement of the elder?"

Rotta gently closed his eyes, holding hands with his chest, "I thought you didn't care about this, I didn't expect it to ask."

"Of course? Suddenly go to the gathering of the ghost phoenix, I still say what blood, what do you want to do?"

Rota carefully watched the Phoenix, said calmly: "This thing is not there early, is it a question? It is what you think. I have reached the agreement with you, I cleaned up the ghost phoenix, take To other half of the blood, they promised the whole people to move into the quiet Sen. "

The Phoenix is ​​also slightly surprisingly looked at Rota, which is said: "I really didn't expect you to really convince the elder, but don't think this kind of thing is too difficult? This is not a native ghost Feng, but a national ghost woman! Is it necessary to do this on this? "

In this regard, Rotta has two reasons. One is because of the relationship between Phoenix, its second is the system task reward. Instead, Rotta is helping the Xuanhuang family, it is better to tell himself.

"How do I say? I am also a purpose, but you don't have to think too much. My things don't have much relationship with you. It's good to look well, a nerve megading phoenix is ​​good. In fact, there is no different! "

The Phoenix's body could not help but hit a cold, she could feel a faint killing from the body of Rotta. Even if it is just a murder, it is enough to make her breeze. She also watched more to be aweon in the eyes of Rotta.

"The ghosting of the normals is in front, that is, the ancient tree harassing the purple flame."

"It is that, and the Xuanhuang family is very similar, except for color."

Rotta is not far from the ghost phoenix, and it is necessary to do more cruel cleaning activities.

Rotta turned to the Phied Linglings followed by the body: "The Phoenix, then it is estimated that there will be some bloody things. If you can't accept it, you will go first. After I finished, call you again."

The phoenix slowly nodded and silently gained the back of Rota gradually.

Her brain is chaotic, she doesn't know what it will be? I want to come to a scene of hell with blood.

The Feng Tong's ghost phoenix is ​​also very uncomfortable, and many soul beasts are also very bad. In addition to blending Xuanhuang, the Nether Ghost Phoenix will invade other ethnic groups from time to time.

This also makes them impressive in the soul of the beast, which is not necessarily a good thing.

Rota is brightly glanced into the site of the Nether Ghost Phoenix, and it is not necessary to hide the sneak, and the unparalleled is more appropriate.

Rotta did not add the whereabouts of the hidden, and found the people of the Nether Ghost and Phoenix. A few natural ghost phoenix flew to the front of Rota, and they were screaming.

Their repatriation is not enough, it is not difficult to speak, but they mean is not difficult to understand. From the expression of their limbs and behaviors, roughly is to illustrate Rotta to leave this place.

Even if you understand the meaning of the ghost phoenix, Rota is still sorry to say to them, he must have a patrio a wave of seven.

Although there is no wire pole, it is not a problem, and it is the same as the whole.

Rotta did not pay attention to these heads to stunned to hit the phoenix, backhand, accompanied by a golden thunder, and came to disturb the natural ghost phoenix.

Although the fist has always been the most powerful weapon of Rota, the angry thunder's soul gun is used up, this is indeed nothing.

These heads were killed, their IQ is not low, and they have been immediately turned out, but they will be forcing Rotta to leave through the deterrent's means.

The human beings who can appear alone here are certainly weak, just holding this purpose, these natural ghost phoever did not take the initiative, but unfortunately, today is troubled to find them.

Although the blood is proliferated in the aggregation of the Nether Ghost Phoenix, many natural ghosts have smelled this blood, they have become alert, and the eyes revealed the cold.

Rotta took an angry thunder's soul, step towards the ghost phoenix, and the calm footsteps were accompanied by the cracking of dry branches, which was not quite loud in this vast color.

Nether ghost phoenix began to convene people, many ghost phoenix gathered together to face the direction of footsteps.

Finally, Rotta's figure appeared in front of the Nether phoenix phoenix, entangled in the Northern Rysty, the soul, shining in the night.

At that moment, the inquiry phoenix in Rota called, it seems to be a battle to Rota.

"Good fighting spirit? This is a bit mean, but it is unfortunately, for my mission, your family still disappears."

Three-headed ghost phoenix did not hesitate to fly to Rotta, and their body exuded a dark purple black flame, giving a very ominous feeling.

Luo Tak will not care about these three-headed ghost phoenix to play a happiness, in front of his strength, the Nether Ghost Phoenix is ​​like that fragile weakness.

Rotta waved the anger gun, in just three seconds, the three-headed ghost phoenix lost their lives.

"Hunting moments, starting from now, let me see your determination!" Rotta glanced, and smiled.

Nether Ghost Phoenix has lost close to eight races, and Rotta seems to be as if you haven't experienced fighting.

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