The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 575 Killing the Kingdom Domineering

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The three black soul rings slowly emerged from the body of the nervey, but unfortunately, this is not used by Rotta. It can only be appointed by these souls.

Nether ghost phoenix is ​​not stupid. They found the horror of Rotta, and the dispatch of people will send offensive, and will only reduce the number of members for no reason.

Just when the Nether Ghost Phoenix did not know, the ghost phoenic phoenix in the five-year-old body. According to Rotta, each of them has exceeded 35 meters.

In other words, these five natural ghost phoenix are more stronger than the phoenix in their hands before. It should be a person who belongs to the ethnic group.

After seeing the ethnic group, the fantastic ghost phoenix was obviously stable, and the calm posture was restored again.

"The people are so bold, and there is no reason to kill eight people, and we will not put us in the eyes!" One of the ghost phoenixes said angrily.

Rotta is completely not intentional, the indifferent scorpion is chill, faintly ridiculous: "Tell you in your eyes? It is also needed, it is unfortunately, you don't have such a capital! Do you have to use it? Will Wei Tianlong deal me? "

For the "Daweitian Dragon" of Rotta, the ghost phoenix is ​​completely unclear. Although I don't understand, I can still listen to his disdain from the tone of Rotta.

"No matter what you come to our ethnic trouble, you have only dead roads today!" The ghost phonetic elder and evil rushing tower shout.

"This way? That's too clever, I haven't intended to leave your life, or talk through the battle."

The ghost phoenix is ​​also said that it can be said, since it is unable to communicate, there is only one battle.

"You are old, today has a strong enemy, I must take the best to take this evil!"

"I can't wait for a long time, and this mankate will make me feel phony."

The ghost and phoenix stretches the wings. The birds began to gather in the big black strange flame. After the accumulation of sagging quickly, he sprayed from the position of the Paradata.

In the face of the raging purple black column, Rotta does not slowly mention the anger gun, just slightly swept.

The Golden Thunder is wrapped in the Rynchronized Guns to exploit the flame energy column of the ghost phoenix elders.

In the past, it was unfavorable to take the tricks, and now it was easily blocked by this mankate in front of him.

This incredible scene makes the ghost phoenix elders are some. They only feel that they seem to live in the dream.

Their own strength, they are the most clear, even if they have just arrived at the hint, they are not so easy to block.

Just a matter deeply in the hearts of the ghost phoenix, but now they don't think about these things, they still have to deal with this tricky human beings in front of them.

"Is this strength? Is this your hint? Look at it is not very powerful, it is very good, it is very good, it takes a long way to attack the attack."

Rotta laughed and ridiculed, this parasis is undoubtedly a large number of wounds in a large number of people. This is not only for the five ghostatic elders, but the whole of the ghost phoenix.

"So you want to pay for your own behavior!" One of the ghost phoenix people can't endure Rotta's ridicule. I don't wait for other elders to advise, and I will fly to Rotta.


The ghost phoenix has a shock, and the purple black flame is from the air, and it is gathered into a ramp into the air roll storm in the air, swept to Rotta.

This trick is full, and less says it can be comparable to the strong blow of Dourao 96. If you are completely hit by this trick, you will be seriously injured.

Rotta clenched his fists, in an instant, the thick golden thunder was in the sky, and the goal was actually Rota himself.

Of course, Rotta is not to manipulate the thunder, it is worth mentioning, even if he wants to use lightning hurt himself, his body has long been immunized, and the resistance of lightning is 100%.

Rota is just a little about it. The most important thing is that such a move looks cool. While handsome, can also give the Nether Ghost Phoenix family some deterrence, is this not two?

Rotta is already full of irritability, and it seems that it can always be out of time.

And the ghost phoenix elderly, the Neturo storm also swept, Rota danced anger, and waved a similar thunder-electric roll storm.

The collision of flame and lightning is incompatated, and the explosion roar is endless. Even the Huang Ling of Rotta in the distance is alarmed, listening to the roaring like a fried, the phoenix is ​​a little worried about the fire of the fire.

"Don't worry, Rota!" The Phoenix was also worried from the heart of Rotta's safety.

Back to the battlefield, Rotta's lightning storm easily destroyed the ghost phoenix elder flame storm, not only did not weakened, but it also rubbed with the ghost phoenix elder.

At this time, the ghost phoenix elderly the huge body became a living target. He didn't have time to dodge, and the body has been involved in the lightning storm.

The golden thunder is like a dragon transit in his body flows, and a focal marks will be born.

Rotta looked at the elders of the ghost phoenix, and the moment of instant came to his head, and a shot took through his head and ended his life.

In just a few breathing, the ghost phoenix has reducing one member, which makes the ghost and phoenix.

Rota can beat a long-lasting, then the four remaining the four remaining in the face is not easy.

The remaining four elders in the ghostatic feathers understand that now, they are wrong, they are wrong to estimate the strength of Rotta, thinking that only a slightly stronger human beings.

Now they completely understand that this human beings are not so simple, it is already strong to exist. May only have the so-called phoenix god, you can touch it!

"Please wait, wait until there is some misunderstanding, whether it can be peaceful!" One of theirs will react in time and propose to Rotta.

Rotta smiled cold, "Indeed, I am don't have any grievances with you!"

"The battle between us is completely misunderstood, is it going to be?" Just when this elders thought that he was about to say Tower, Rotta's conversion came a 180 degree turn.

"You are probably a little bit, I don't have direct contradictions and you, but you have just hind your tasks, so I am sorry, I can only destroy you."

Rotta's tone is flat, it seems to be like a small thing in a daily life. In fact, for Rotta, you want to overhave off a group, it is really simple, and there is no difference between small things in daily life.

"That is not to talk? That case, we have only ..."

Then I just listened, Rota held an angry thunder gun, which has run through the head of the ghost phoenix.

The blood in the rifle of the Ruth gave to the gun, and finally dripped on the ground, and another ghost featuring elder in Rotta was in the hands of Rotta.

"So who is the next one?"

Rotta is like a monk, and the eyes are staring at the remaining three ghost phoenix elders. At the same time, the tyrant is dominated by the domineering.

Under the double effect of killing and domineering, the only three-lived ghost feathers and the rest of the ghost phoenix members can't stop the trembling, and even some natural ghost phoenix will be dull, from the trunk. In the ground.

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