The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 576, the real man never looks back to explode

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This is just that Rotta is not serious, if Roota is serious, released the tyrant domineering, and even the scene of death is countless.

In the Nether Phoenix Phoenix in the scene, only the remaining three elders barents can resist the impact of the Fighter of Rotta, and the rest of the members are unable to squat on the trunk.

"Where is this monster, how can it be so strong?" The ghost and phoenix elder reluctantly resist the domineering of the tyrant, and he didn't understand it. He didn't understand now. How do their nationality? of.

Rotta swept a circle, his mouth was a war, domineering: "This way, as long as you answer me a question, I will let you."

I heard the hope of turning, many Nether Ghost Drives lift their heads to look at Rota, as long as they know, absolutely know. They are now even more likely to live. Only if you live, you can pursue your strength, and you will not talk about it.

"It seems that you are all active, then I will ask. The god of Phoenix left you with a blood, put this blood, I will let you."

The Nether Ghost Phoenix fell into a difficult choice, and the requirements mentioned by Rotta were completely broken in their family. If promised, then the ethnic group is over here.

But if you don't agree, it is the end of the spot. Simply, a result is that the ethnic group is not performed, and a result is that the ethnic group is destroyed on the spot.

Looking at the appearance of the Nether Ghost Phoenix Father and the elder entangled, Rota also said: "I give you three minutes of consideration, after three minutes, I must give me a reply! How is I am very kind?"

There is no angry expression in the surface of the Nether Ghost Feet, and in the heart, he has already curse Rota countless times. Unfortunately, the current form can't tolerate them vent and only silently swallow.

"The elders are you thinking about it? No matter what kind of choice you make, we will not blame you."

The elders of the ghost phoenix are also very difficult, while the power of the Nether Ghost Feet is, while the life is the life, how to choose is a century problem.

Lost the fundamental power, the Nether Ghost Feet will only become weaker and weak. This is actually a difference between the ending of the extinguishing family on the spot, just the problem.

They are not good in starry big forests, and after learning that they are in the tragic encounter, they will definitely beat. At that time, the normals and phoenix are definitely can't be good.

With the power, it means that there will be no more natural ghost phoenix, and their family will stop here, can only rely on their only the only natural ghost phoenix.

At a little bit, Rotta hit a full yawn with his mouth, reminded: "There is a minute left, haven't thought about it? Although I gave you three minutes, but there is no need Why do you finish it? "

It's only a decision to make a decision, and the ghost phoenix is ​​helpless, looks at Rota, low reply to Rota: "Our family will hand over blood, please give a good ghost family."

"It's okay, don't you think, do you think I care about you? I am just interested in the strength of the Phoenix you hold."

The ghost phoenix elderly gave a gentleman, soon this race held a fresh red blood to come to Rota.

"Adult, this is the blood passed down from the god of Phoenix. In accordance with the agreement, we will give it to you, will you let us?" The ghost phoenix is ​​very incomparable, he worried that Rota suddenly refurbished.

The dignity on the face of Rota disappeared, and the brilliant smile was replaced. He said to the ghostatic feathers and smiled: "Not bad, you have a look, since you are so sensible, I will be too unethical to you. According to the agreement, I will not have a family member. "

The ghost phoenix elder Pakistan does not deliberately take a sophisticated blood, he really doesn't want to look at Rota and don't want to listen to the guests of Luo.

Rotta has not been left, leaving the blood, leaving, leaving only the remaining born phoenix phoenic sighs after the robbery. They lost the biggest relying on the biggest relying on, the members of the Nether Ghost Feet could not continue to increase, and must be carefully planned to develop.

"How about Rotta? Is there any injury? Just look at your side is static."

Rotta is quite surprised, he thought that the Phoenix would ask him to get the blood, it seems that the Phoenix is ​​still really thinking about it.

"Of course, there is no difficulty in dealing with a natural ghost phoenix."

The Phoenix Ling is also white, Rota, talented: "Even if you are strong, don't use it in a straightforward, it's a big enemy of our muanhuan, which is not worth it, this is not worth it. It seems that we are also very flying! "

"Ah, this ... I didn't mean. It's really truth from me ......, you still look at this dripper is really good!"

Rotta handed over the blood to the Phoenix. He is not familiar with this thing. If the Nether Ghost Dr. give him a forged blood, he can't judge.

The Phoenix took the blood, this dripping is constantly trampling the blood in her body, and it is true that the blood can be true.

"This drip has no problem, it is true." The phoenix when the Phoenix is ​​talking slightly. Nowadays, they have been complete blood, and the future development will become more smooth.

"Things solve, let's go back, now they will definitely refuse again." Huang Huoxing said high.

Rotta dedicated that she didn't worry, "I don't have to be so excited, the blood has been in hand, and it is nothing to do. Now I have something to do."

"Is there something? Is the blood that have not been in the face?" Huang Ling's face emerged, saying that Rota also missed what important things.

"Since is true, the Nether Ghost Feet is not necessary to exist again. Anyway, they are also a scourge."

The Phoenix Ling understood that Rotta never intended to let the ghost people, but wanted to cross the bridge.

Although the Phoenix is ​​also very tragic, but it is just a feeling. For the entire starry big forest, there is no inseparable ghost phoenix, it may be better. The Nether Ghost Phoenix is ​​also a tumor of the soul.

Rotta held an angry thunderous gun, and suddenly throwed toward the sky. The golden guns did not enter the thick clouds, disappeared without shadow, and it seems that everything did not happen.

"Rotta, next?" The Phoenix watched Rota curiously.

"Next, of course, it is back to your ethnic group, things have been solved."

When I heard Rota, the Phoenix was a little bit, did you have just the hit? How does she have no feelings, or say this is just Rota.

It seems that the Phoenix is ​​really not to understand what you mean. Rota is also speaking: "As the saying goes well, the real man never looks at the explosion ~"

"What does it mean?"

"It means that the big husband acts in the clouds, never dragging, facing the explosion, never look back!"

With the voice of Rota, a lot of golden Thunder suddenly broke out, and the majestic light shines in the place behind Rota.

The place to explode a dazzling lightning is not something else is the gathering place of the Nether Ghost.

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