The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 577, two pillars, force quotation

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The dazzling golden thunder in the dark night, throughout the day, surrounded by the dense linear light around the thunder, the thunder's roar masked the miserable sorrow of the Nether, and the sentence of the two pillars said. "With the thunder is falling together", this sentence is used to describe such a scene.

Such a movement attracted the movement of many soul beasts. After filling the terrorist power contained in the Thunder, the soul beasts are still waiting to be quiet, and then the thunder has disappeared before going to explore.

The Phoenix is ​​still worried about whether Rotta has destroyed the ghost phoenix, and now it seems to be worried. Under this kind of power, the Nether Ghost Feet is in powerless resistance.

The Phoenix couldn't help but look at Rotta, and did not expect this human strength again to refresh her awareness.

The Phoenix couldn't help but think that if Rota really uses forced means, their muanhua is also an end, now thinking that their family and the nervene phoenix are really two extremes.

How do you think that this is the credit of Luo Yue, if it is a member of the Nether Ghost Feet and Rota, I am afraid that they are.

The Phoenix Ling lightly shakes his head, and it is still not thinking about it. It is good for them, and it will not be a mess about Luo Tak.

Rotta and the Phoenix want to return to the Xuanhuang group, which is different from before, when they return, the elders of the Xuanhuang family will come out.

The golden Thunder just broke out also noticed that as the old opponent of the Nether Ghost Echiza, they saw the attribution of the position where the Thunder is located.

That Thunder also made the mysterious sentiment of the watched and seemed to really understand the unpartchable strength of Rotta, such terrorist power, their muanhuan also can't afford it.

"According to the promise, the other half of the blood, I will bring it back, will you follow the agreement?"

Luo Tag looked at the Xuanhuang family, he was full, and it was completely associated with any possibility of any munitional.

Accepted the blood of the phoenix, the elders have some emotions, and the Nether Ghost Phoenix is ​​competed for so many years, and finally ...

Not much, the four elders of the Xuanhuang family have squatted to Rota, and this scene directly shocked the whole members. I didn't want to think more, they also squatted down with the elders.

"The blood of the phoenix is ​​divided into two halins in yin and yang. Now the blood return of the Yangyang, the meaning of the Xuanhuang family, Rota is not good, our family swearing to be loyal to you!"

Seeing this scene, Rotta is also awe-inspiring to feel the immersive of the Xuanhuang people. It doesn't have to take the initiative to take the initiative. This kind of eye is really a dozen streets.

Rota posted hands to show them that they got up, the muanhuang people were good, and Rota was also unbelieved to let them stay.

"Okay, since this is what you mean, then I have a heart, you will be affiliated to me."

"The king of my generation, the Xuanhuang family is a respect you! There is no two hearts!" The Xuanhuang family replied to the people.

After all members of the Xuanhuang people got up, Rota also left four long and old.

"A few, I said something about Luo Yu, although she is not in the mysterious family, but she is my inner, is the Queen of the Xuanhuang, understand?"

"Self-service from the arrangement! Don't tell you, we will also be the Queen of Luoyu, whether it is a torrent or strength, she is the most suitable candidate."

Rotta nodded, it seems that the elder of the muanhuang family have been sincerely, and there is no refuting to his arrangement.

"The blood of Yang before, has this half of the blood, the magazine should also have a male member?"

"Just this, you have a huge blood of our Xuanhuang people to solve the continuous reproduction of our family from the roots."

Although it is said that it is true, but Rotta feels that even if there is no half of the blood, is their muanko not still growing?

Since I don't know, Rotta is not going to understand, curiously ask: "What do you have to develop well before I see? What is this?"

"For this point, because we are not familiar with you, it can't tell you more concealed. But now I will tell you everything."

"Talk about it, I am also interested in your story!"

"It is my life. We hold the blood of the Yin, can only evolve the blood of ordinary female qingzi birds, but the force of the blood is always limited, even if it is the great strength of the phoenix, it is also supported for so long! "

Rotta seems to understand, "That is to say, the blood of the phoenix will remain in failure?"

The mysterious pension is old, Shen Sheng: "Good, the strength of the blood from the ancient times" is gradually weak, according to our estimation of up to ten years, this blood will be exhausted. "

The result of blood force is exhausted, do not talk to the old, Rota can guess, that is, the same fate as the Nether Ghost.

"The blood of Yin is weak, and the blood is also the same, although only ten years left, the blood of Yang Zhi should also create a few male spirits, this is a new hope."

Four long gratitude looked at Rota, if not Rota, they will also fall with the nervey ghost phoenix.

All of this has been completely changing after the emergence of Rotta, and their family can meet the bright future.

"Time is also more urgent, but also need to enter the blood of the male blazing bird as soon as possible."

"You don't have to worry about it, I have just told people to do this."

Good guys, the speed of the chivalrous family is enough, so quickly and told it. In fact, think about it is normal, they are definitely more urgent than they do, they don't worry about themselves, they will handle themselves.

"Then, you will look at it, and you will talk about it."

"No problem, you have to decide to go to the future of the muanhuang, where you have said it." The Xuanhuang family will directly give the power to Rotta, do not interfere.

This is also a lot of emotion, before, and now it is a difference in the distance. After a king of muanhuang, this attitude conversion makes Rotta feels some incredible.

"The quietness of the Sen is the ideal music that I have jointly established with Luo Yu. You will definitely like it. Before departure, I want to ask how many members in the munitional group?"

After the Xuanhuang family is thinking, there are more than two hundred members of the Xuanhuang nationality. The total number should be around 10,000, the total number should be around 10,000. "

Rota is dark, and it is worth it, and it is more than half of the busy, and it has reached more than half, and the remaining is the little gold.

As long as the small gold agrees, there will be fewer souls, and Rotta has, regardless of the strength, as long as the quantity meets the standard.

"Do you know that the vital village is?"

"Do you say that the territory of Ulci Ola? This naturally knows that now, the big forest, no one knows the adult."

"Very good, these days, you will go to the Night Village. Wait until I am here, he will send you to the quiet Sen."

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