The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 641 Blue Power Weighing, with an enemy!

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"Hey, this kind of thing is also used to say, we don't bother!" The evil spirits replied.

Yu Tian is also looking back to his teammates: "This battle does not seek victory, protect yourself!"

"I understand the boss, you can rest assured!" Yu Feng took the chest to ensure.

Said that Yu Feng looked at the audience, looked at his horse Hongjun blinked his eyes.

Ma Hongjun also nodded and pointed to the wind. In fact, he also worried about the wind in his heart. After all, the famous Mado's golden generation is absolutely unquestionable, otherwise there will be such a title.

Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong also worried about Yu Tianheng, Yu Tianheng is his nephew, and it is also the late generation of the same division, saying that it is not worried that it is definitely fake.

"Xiao Gang, we are not enough to !"

Yu Xiao just shed his head and sighed, "Yes, if it is not so arranged, maybe the champion of this contest is Huang Lei!"

"Small three, you must carefully observe their soul skills, can't waste this precious opportunity!"

"We understand!" Tang San did not have to remind him of the twelve mental observation.

Finally, the game began, and members of both parties did a good fight.

Yu Tian Heng Shen Sheng: "Everyone listened, I came to stop them, and four left to you."

"I understand the boss, you have to be careful!"

In addition to the leaves of Ye Tian, ​​the remaining four people are rapidly attacked by the remaining four members of the Wushu Academy.

Such a play for a time, Hu Lena, etc., so radical playing is a slight mistake will result in failure.

It is also said that Yu Tianheng did not put three in their eyes at all. This behavior directly provokes, his proud and self-esteem did not allow him to have no act, so he quickly rushed to Yu Tianheng.

The jade Heavenly mouth is a good one, and like he is expected, he is the easiest to hook in the three people. The proud of the three people in the gold can't help yourself.

This way, the purpose of Yu Tianheng is also reached, as long as it attracts their three persons, the wind can solve the remaining four people.

"Small look at our gold generation, don't be a big!"

The right box of the raging flame was hit, I thought that this fist can retreat the jade sky, and I have never thought of being stabilized by the jade.

The jade is holding the fist, calmly ridiculed: "Is this the strength of the gold generation? It seems that there is nothing big!"

Language Tactics One is a kind of tactics, which is also the things of Rota Church. Compared to the ancestral greetings in Rota, Yu Tianheng is nothing.

Justice this glass is in the heart, Yu Tianheng suspected that he has the language ability of Rotta teacher, and it can not spray him from itself.

"Seems to be caught in hard work, let's help him, first take this Yu Tianheng!" The four members of the Wushu Temple must say that it is definitely false, but compared to the gold generation, their strength is also It is very general.

Even if it is a wind, four people, I don't see it in a short time. However, this problem is not that Yu Tianheng should worry, his task is to drag the golden generation.

"Yan Yan," By Yan Yan, "

"Understand! First soul skill, blue blue poison! Second soul skill, scales and poisonous!"

"Solid soul skills, cure!"

After the double buff is attached, Yu Tianheng is confidently returned to the solo geese and the leaves: "Thank you, you will refund to the safe position, ready to prepare at any time!"

The current situation is very clear, Yu Tianheng is about to fight the martial arts of the martial arts, so crazy move shocked the people present.

Yu Tianheng also performed a feat of the seven, but the strength of those colleges could not be more than the Wushu School!

What's more, it is like a beautiful golden generation, a person may still go, but three people together, that is not simple to deal with three people.

The simplest example, the three dog slap in the black soul. As a great ash that defeated four parsives, the result was okay by three dogs.

"Yu Tianheng, honestly said that there is no one can enjoy this treatment, you are the first!" The tone before the evil month changed, and he said seriously.

Yu Tianzheng snorted, and he replied very far: "Do I still have to be honored?"

"That is nature, this is still the three generations of gold to deal with someone at the same time, you are enough!"

Looking at the other party's own tone, Yu Tianheng said, but taking into account the follow-up results, Yu Tianheng finally did not laugh.

"Don't worry, let me know the golden generation in the rumor!" Although Yu Tianheng did not move, it was full of high fighting spirit.

A horse has come to the front of Yu Tianheng, and the fist attached to the fire will not hesitate to play. The force of this punch doesn't want to know how big. If you want to hard, you must prepare a serious injury.

"Mu Bai, can this punch to stop?" Tang San seriously looked at Dai Mu, who wasside him.

"It should be!" If you don't use the Holy King's coming, this punch may still have some difficulties, but after opening the Holy King, this fist is a little not worth mentioning.

"That's good!" As long as Dai Mu can contain, Shrek has a fight with the Wu Shu Temple.

"This boxing looks at you!" Hao high screams, Hu Lenna and the evil month have already sacrificed the route of Yu Tianheng may dodge, which is to force the jade constant attack.

Is also very confident, a boxing, jade, this punch can be different from the fist who just hit.

The hot breath that came around also made Yu Tianheng carefully. If you are in this boxing, the skin burns is small. How can he do not clearly, do not want to know!

"I thought that the three people had time to eat me? Time ... The third soul skill, the dragon's wrath!"

A clear blue lightning shines on the ground, this lightning also pushes gold a generation of three people to a few meters away.

He is a uncomfortable look at Yu Tianheng. He is planning, which makes him very strong.

However, he also admitted that Yu Tianheng strength is indeed strong, especially the thunder that came with the soul technology, even he did not dare to hard.

Bathing the jade sky with the lights in the lightning is completely dominated, it looks unbacardly domineering, just like a human-shaped blue electricity Wang Dragon.

Yu Tianheng has not suppressed his own momentum. He is now trying to have a few kilograms of a few kilograms.

The Yu Tian Heng's eyes are locked, and the guys who take this will open the knife!

"First Soul Technology, Thunder Dragon Claw!"

Outth, the dragon claws of Yu Tianheng Niki Radle have been caught in the arm. When the defense in an instant, the sharp dragon claws opened his skin.

The soul of Yu Tianheng is high, and it is necessary to solve a single gold generation completely without problems, and there is a complete insufficient district.

Just on the occasion of the pain, Yu Tian Heng returned to the stomach in the stomach, and he kicked him out more than ten meters.

The first round of confrontation, the winning is obviously Yu Tianheng!

The jade Heng Heng is gone, and the cold eyes are staring at the evil moon and Hu Lena. When they can't help but have a little, it is like a monster that is awake.

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