The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 642 is really clear!

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Yu Tianheng's strong momentum made the evil moon and Hu Lena did not dare to act rashly, and the confrontation of Yu Tianheng can see a lot.

"It seems that the single person should have no way to win him, can only join hands!" The evil month will give a reply.

Hu Lena also nodded: "I also think about it, and I don't want to ask for the benefits, we should not!"

", Three people teamed up!" The evil moon slammed along with Hu Lena.

Now, I still don't care about the face of the golden generation, and I will win the competition. Let them three such a difficult competition, this is the first time, Yu Tianheng is the only opponent that makes them such a headache.

However, the subsequent Tang San is enough for them to drink a pot, but these are all after.

The golden generation of three people came toward the jade sky, and the momentum of the bag was everywhere. Yu Tianzheng stare with the three people. He did not dodge. Originally, he just wants to try his own strength to face the three generations of gold, now is the best opportunity.

"Second Soul Technology. Thunder Wan Hao. Rynneurry!"

The fist after the jade sky was suddenly smashed toward the ground, accompanied by the loud noise of the ground, the sky, the blue Thunder was hit by the golden generation.

"Not good, quickly retreat!" The evil month reminded, but the speed of lightning can be reacted, even the soul skill, this trick also has lightning.

The golden generation of rushing to the jade is not able to completely avoid the harm of the thunder. It is rough and twisted to race the lightning that is like a thunder snake.

When everything is heavy, there is a three people in the field, and the three people who have a generation of Yu Tianheng are still a lot of wolves.

Royal wind and others have just retired, they have ended their opponents through the Thunder of Yu Tianheng, and their tasks are over here.

"Yantan, you are also on the game!" The jade said with two women in the gentle manner.

"Know, Tianheng, you have to be careful." Those you don't ink, just fine ink, just fine, and then the next battle belongs to Yu Tianheng and the gold generation.

"What do you mean? I can't afford our gold generation?" He saw the move of Yu Tianheng, and he could not help but rose an inexplicable flame.

The evil moon and Hu Henna also looked at the jade sky, but they also had a little unpleasant, but Yu Tianheng didn't care these, and another unlockped hand inserted in the pocket, silently said: "I just want to try the strength of the gold generation, just just clean up the venue."

Responding to the Thunder that just covers the audience, the golden generations will not be a little, they are afraid, or if they are spiritual, they are old and the old is really a hit. I have to go back.

I am afraid that they have dodged, and it is inevitably wished by the Thunder. These places can be restored for a while, but they can say that they just have just a thunder.

"It's so arrogant, don't put our golden generation in your eyes, you are in despise the Pope, and it is a rampant!" He pointed to Yu Tianheng. I didn't say a big hat.

Yu Tianheng sighed and sighed. Sure enough, as the teacher of Rota said, some people did not work hard, and there was no way to communicate with normal people.

Yu Tianzhi made a lightning shore to alert, and a punch brought him to the ground. This is not finished, followed by the evil moon, Yu Tianheng is printed on his white face.

As for Hu Lena, Yu Tianheng wants to think or count, give the evil moon and the two bridges, some lessons are enough, Hu Lena is free.

In everyone's gaze, the jade sky slowly lifted his hand, Shen Sheng said: "Almost, I accept!"

"Hey ~"

All the audiences present were surprised, and they wanted not to be able to admit.

"I have no excessive soul, and then I will be lost. I still have to pass it." Yu Tianheng is very thorough, this is the martial art, how much gives them a face, so like this It will not cause focus on the ratio of the East.

I didn't take this about Hu Lena, but more important reason is that Yu Tianheng is also a very gentleman, and it is not to be some cute girl.

For example, if you just hit the face in Hu Lena, you should cry for a long time! Just like Rota, try our best, and the name is completely unimportant.

Yu Tianheng has already got the result of his own, and if he cares, it is nothing wrong with the gold generation of gold. After all, he just didn't play play.

In this way, under the end of the divert, the Wu Shu Temple has taken the first victory of the finals. However, this competition is quite a great controversial. I understand what people know. It's just that no one dares to talk about it. After all, the Soul Temple is not a day two days.

The morning of the morning came here, the afternoon competition was the Wah Hui College.

Before the game, Yu Tianheng found Tang San, almost a string. After starting the game, the two sides played or you came to me, it seems to have realistic, but they started to play after a few minutes.

Under the truth of Yu Tianheng et al., The Shrek Academy ate the victory of the game. Huang Lei College does not care about the rank of the game, but the Slack College is more concerned, as a friend's Yu Tianheng, I don't mind helping them.

They and the Shrek Academy have already completed it in a few minutes ago, and Shrek will not be the opponent of Huangmine.

Even Dai Muhu has got an epic level strengthen, and still can't eat Yu Tianheng. Of course, Dai Mu did not use the Holy King, and this kind of BUG level did not have to reveal in so many outsiders.

This day, the game is described in the simple words, "actors are bigger", one more than one.

In the evening, everyone and Shrek were gathered together to enjoy dinner together.

During the period, Ma Hongjun also explained the relationship between himself and the wind. This news started, in addition to the influence of Osra, everyone was straightforward.

When I don't know if the wind is a girl, Shlaik's eyes are not too strong, and finally explained clear.

After explaining the clear, Yu Tianheng is not staring at the wind, and the wind is also embarrassed to scratch the hair. "Boss, don't look at people, weird."

"Well ... this can be a very exciting news, so long, we don't know if you are a woman."

"Boss, are you boasting me that is very camouflage?" Yu Feng looked excitedly at Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tian Heng shook his head, "No, I am not this, but I feel why you can make such naughty, and the geese can't be better than ..."

Royal Breeze Bunni fell to the unique geese, poorly spoiled: "Yan Jie, you look at the boss, then I am joking, I am!"

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