The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 643 can see that we are Kirish!

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After a laughter, Yu Tianheng wished to say when he farewell: "I wish you to overcome the Wu Shu Temple in Tomorrow! I can give you some suggestions."

Tang San is also very happy, if Yu Tianheng can share some intelligence about giving a generation of gold, it is good.

Although they also watched the game at the scene, they had different experiences and watch their feelings.

Yu Tianheng Siki slowly slowed down: "According to my judgment, the strength of the golden generation may still be very strong for you, hard to hurt, and Dai Mu can fight against it. So, I give Your suggestion is to be cautious. If you can, let the other four members will end. "

"Do you careful? It means that we have the possibility of winning!" Tang San touched the Bimham Misi cableway.

Yu Tianheng has no negation, nodded and said, "The seven integrated integration skills that you and the Goddess School have been able to win. But the strength of the gold generation is definitely not to show it simple, say There will be anywhile soul integration skills. "

For Yu Tianheng's reminder, Tang San is grateful, thank you: "Tianheng, thank you for your reminder, we will pay attention, look at our performance tomorrow."

"Well, I know so much, I look forward to your wonderful performance tomorrow!"

After Yu Tianheng is separated, Tang San immediately called Shlaique to formulate a combat plan. After all, the opponent is the golden generation of the Wuhun Temple, absolutely can't do it.

Although they are not fake for the Nine college, this is not to despise their reasons. Be careful when the game is, like the sentence that Yu Tianheng said, be careful!

After discussion, Tang San also set a series of plans, and it was especially critical to prestige.

Soon, I have to usher in the most crucial battle of the Final Finals of the Soul Competition, and the Slack Academy of Warm Temple.

After this battle, the champion of this Soul Competition will be born. It is the new generation of Black Ma Shrack College or the older generation of the Mall of the Martial Arts.

Everyone is looking forward to this, if the Wushu Temple wins, it is not surprising, it is expected. If Shrek wins, it is a great feat. The reputation of the Shrake Academy on the road will get more and more loud.

However, review the past game, as long as the prize involves the soul bone, the winner is the probability of the Wushu, which is not exception.

The two sides standing on the field, there is no hustle and bustle, and each other is silently looking silently, everything is like the silence before the storm.

"The game begins!" Bibi East handheld a scepter, on the floor, the loud sound sound resounded throughout the field.

"Nether Temple!" Zhu Zhuqing's first hairman is like a black phantom rush to a secondary soul in the Wuhun School!

Although Zhu Zhuqing is fast, but also can't escape the words of the evil moon. I saw him throwing a sharp blade of the moon shape successfully stopped from the attack of Zhuzhu.

Zhu Zhuqing was not hit and did not return to his own half.

The evil moon and others also learned the previous lessons, collapsed, and now they and yesterday were simply judged.

This is actually related to what they are looking for, for the teachings of the eastern, and the golden generations are very happy to accept, and this is also the mistakes they committed, not sissy.

Since it is pointed out, then avoid making it again, this field and Shrek's confrontation, the golden generations are very cautious.

Even if the temper is full of fire, the whole person is very calm.

Tang Sanbow wrinkled, seeing the performance of the three generations of gold, which can be unfavorable to them. The original Tang San also intended to do some articles on the body, and now it seems that this plan is disrupted.

However, it is planning to make any changes, since the golden generation is too cautious, then they take other four people.

It seems that Zhu Zhu is lost, but the purpose of Tang San has reached it. It is not just Zhu Ziqing, which is just rushing out.

The buds of the little dance suddenly appeared behind the auxiliary soul, hippie, hippie: "You have to get back, worship ~"

Didn't wait for this soul to make a react, the king dance a waist to send him to the end.

Of course, the purpose of the little dance is not a secondary soul. If you can, try to change two or more.

However, the Wushu School is not awkward, and there is such a mistake, how can they have no response?

Unfortunately, this step was also arrived by Tang San. He looked at the bamboo clearance around him: "Hand!"

"Net Metades!" Zhu Zhuqing was divided into two, and wandering towards the rear of the Wu Shu Temple, she wants to solve the remaining three people left by the golden generation.

This kind of work requires speed, the most suitable candidate is naturally a small dance and bamboo.

Looking at the aftermath of the others, the defense line is ruthless, and there is a bit of anger that can't stand it. He is going to the karaoke and Zhuzhu sinar. He will force them two.

Ning Rong was summoned the nine treasure glazed tower, which added a speed increased on the small dance and Zhuqing, and added strength and speed dual growth to Dai Mu.

It is said that Ning Rong Rong's Jiubao Liuli Tower is lacking in the original trajectory, lacking the martial arts assistant Ning Rongrong, Wuhun is no way to evolve. But her body has the energy energy given by the column, and it is very conspicuous to help her have completed the evolution of Wuhun.

However, this is a matter of retirement between the column. Ning Rong Rong is not a way to thank the column, who makes the column now return to Rotta's body!

The resulting increased Dai Mu chased the ,,,

Nor is not vegetarian, surging the flames, violently playing to Dai Mu,: "Don't block the way!"

Dai Mu Baoyun got a strange force, and the two of the soul of the two began to tremble, half of the high temperature, half shining with golden light.

I saw that I was awarded Dai Mu Bai, and I also used the soul skills. "The first soul technology, Hell Rock rush!"

In an instant, the ground around Dai Mu is chemically made into a hot magma, and these magma seem to lock Dai Mu, and they will grow rapidly.

Dai Mu is broken, leaving the side, avoiding the slash, although it should not be too serious by this magma, but Dai Mu is do not want to try.

It is also the obstruction of Dai Mu, under the wonderful cooperation of Xiaoqiu and Zhuqing, and the remaining three members have done several times.

Caver dance is a staggering teacher, but in terms of speed, it is necessary to be completely inferior.

The soul of the three soul of the Wu Shu Demen is completely caught in the trajectory of Xiaoqiu and Zhu Qing, and has been played. The attack of the little dance is to hide, but the sneak attack of Zhu Qing, in short, it is very wronged.

Just one of their members, I got directly, because the judgment mistakes, the next set of karaokes fell!

This trick makes the audience "Kiri hard", which is not allowed to tighten the legs.

Especially the remaining two male members left in the Wu Shu Temple, seeing the companion so miserable, the legs can't help but feel.

Xiaoqiu and Zhu clear cleans up when there is no resistance to what resistance, and it is very easy to send them.

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