The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 649 Accurate Blasting, Huanghuo!

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"The old man will take a step first ~"

"The yellow gob is dedicated, is it to help? While we can't keep up with you, you can help you!" The monthly passed is very urgent.

The yellow gob is just a light smile and refuses the proposal of the month. He is going to play, although the moon and ghost are the own people, but this kind-eyed actic show is still not discovered.

"You still leave a bisector to handle the spare of the old man to leave the old man, they will be given to the old man ~"

No waiting for months, they say something, and Huanggi is flying to the distance.

Bi Bi East stared in a deep meditation that was deeply broken by the yellow goblin, did you say that Tang Hao's strength is so much? It's hard to imagine ...

Although there is no obvious harm on the yellow, I want to hammer and fly the yellow gob. I will take some examples. I only rely on her strength to retreat, and it is impossible. .

Huanghuo has just been acting as deliberately putting water. If the horrible attack is still put, even if the yellow gob is definite enough.

"It seems that I am still lower for Tang Hao, this man is really not to see!"

There is such a guess in the east, which is completely affected by the yellow gob, and the influence of the Huanghuo in the Wushu Temple is too big. The performance of just yellow ochid even didn't look at it, and it was not surprising that she had such a deviation to Tang Hao's guess, which belongs to normal.

But now it is not thinking about this, or then puts the rest of the rest of the rest.

On the other hand, Shrik's people successfully kept away from Wu Sheng City under the leadership of Jian Dou Luo, and the high-speed road that made it completely.

Looking at the people who gasped, Jian Dou Luo is also ordered to let people rest for a while.

Ning Feng came to Jian Dou Luo: "Since the Wushu Temple does not send a chasing soldier, I want to come to take the meaning immediately, temporarily they should be safe."

Jian Dou Lu also finally made a breather. If it is not Tang Hao, can they break around still a problem?

"I owe a human condition this time, I can thank him." Ning Feng smiled and said.

"The wind, I think we should go back to Qibao glazons, let the Zongmen will prepare for the battle. The plan of the Wushu Temple is unclear, and it must be not wrong in advance!"

Coincidentally, Ningfeng also had the same idea with Jian Dou Luo, and the Wu Shu Temple has highlighted their attitude in this competition, and only a dead road is only a dead road.

Although the Wushu Temple does not have a formal implementation plan, it is estimated that the ambition of the Wuhun Temple is, they can successfully flee it completely because halfway kills Tang Hao, and the water of the yellow and the latter behavior is not clearly.

Ningfeng came to Flanders and others, and said his intentions simply. Flandy and others also expressed understanding, after all, the other person was not a person who was Shilek, can help this step is already very obvious.

"That is the decision, the dean of Flanders, you must also prepare for the Wushu Temple. Rong Rong will take away!"

I heard that Ningfeng and Jian Dou Luo had to leave, Ning Rong Rong naturally did not agree, she could not throw her own companions.

"Dad, grandfather, your thoughts I can't accept, our Shrek seven strangely have been together!"

Tang San and others are also very touched. Ning Rong Rong's warm heart moved all of them from the heart, but the reality is cruel, not what is good.

Seeing Ning Rongrong's emotional excitement, Oscar will hold Ning Rong in his arms, comfortable: "There is nothing to have, you have to believe us."

"Dad, can you let Shrek's everyone go back to Qibao glazons?" Ning Rong Rong is looking forward to the look of Ningfeng.

Ningfeng caused by slow shaking his head, "Rong Rong, is not that we don't want to accept Halake, but the strength of Qibao glazes can't protect so many people."

This is a very simple truth, Tang San was recorded in the east, and the Shrek in Tang San also became the target of the ratio.

If the seven treasure glazes choose to shelter Hurke, it is undoubtedly the war of the war. Even if these years, the Ningfeng has also introduced a batch of hidden weapons from Tang San, but the top of the top of the seven treasures is too small, only the sword, two bone seals exist.

If the Wu Shu Temple is crushing, there is no way to rely on Jian Dou Luo and Kiao Tuo.

Ning Rongrong seems to understand what, low-headed grievances, "Dad, grandfather, I should not be sure, sorry ..."

Jian Dou Luo smashed the head of Ning Rong Rong, and his face hanged the smile. "My lovely Rong Rong, I don't have to apologize to Grandpa, it is the wind that is not understanding, don't know with him!"

Ning Feng also did not refute anything, just smiling slight.

"The grandfather, can I bring more people? Can you bring small Olympics?" Ning Rong plead.

"Just Oscar, then there is no problem ..."

Whenever Jian Dou Luo said, Oscar Plus: "Rong Rong, you will go back, I stay here to accompany you, after all, there is always a secondary soul of the soul!"

Ning Rong looked at Oscar, and didn't know how to express it at the moment. She only felt an unusual pain.

"Grandfather, I hope you can protect the honor!" A small man's tone of the Oscar said.

Jian Dou Luo also attached: "It is certain, you can't lose your life, or you have to be sad!"

Oscar is confidently thumbs up.

"The time is also almost, the dean of Flanders, we will pay for it!"

Later, Jian Dou Luo rushed to Qi Bao Li Glass Rong to rush to Qi Baolong. For the whole person who protects Shrak, it is just a few times more than the words of two people.

"Small monsters, how to rest, we have to continue to hurry." Fland looked at the people of Shrak asked.

If it is not the situation, Fland does not want these little monsters so tight. Now, Jian Dou Luo and Ningfeng have left, and they encounter dangerous coefficients to rise straight, can't take this huge risks.

Tang San and others are also very sensible, replied: "Dean, we have a lot of rest, ready to start."

"That's good, continue ..."

Frante didn't finish, a laser shot was not far behind them, and it was a burst of small nuclear bombs.

However, the scope of the explosion was taken very accurately, just behind them, did not affect all the Wahi.

"Hey, all of Shrek, we met again ~"

The yellow goblin is slowly strolling, and the seemingly leisurely behavior has made Shlaik as the enemy.

The pace of the rigidity of the yellow gob is like the death countdown in the top of their head, and the moment will remind them to death.

From the hit just now, the yellow gob is like serious. The three of Flede has swallowed the mouth, and the inner fear is strong, and it is intended to use the integration skills at any time.

The yellow gob is just silently glances on the three people in Fland, and he is angry: "The old man advised you to do something unnecessary, even if it used the integrated skill, it is just a slightly decent."

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