The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 650 Tang Wei, you come, the old man is very tired!

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The words of the yellow goblin make the three people who will move slightly, and they did not expect their ideas to be so easy to see.

Since I have broken my heart, Fleder simply doesn't have it, and I will ask the courage to ask: "How do you plan to do it? If you want to start with my student, we will not let you Wish! "

The yellowness is like laughing, but since the other party is really, then he doesn't mind to play with them, even if he is doing it, it is not like it.

"This way, the old man is not a devil after all, let you go together, as long as you can fight the old man, then things will not pursue it ~"

Frante's eyes flashed a variety of light, deeply born, suddenly changed the idea, and quickly should down, "Well, our golden iron triangle will ask you to ask you!"

"Dean Frand, we can't see it next to it. This game us also participates in this game!" Tang San and others looked firmly in Flend, showing a kind of feelings that could not be rejected.

In this regard, Fland also attached to the idea of ​​advise Tang San, and the expression on the face of the little monsters was enough to explain everything.

"The yellow gob is dedicated, this is not a violation of the rules?" Insurance sought Flanders or asked about the yellow ok, he was afraid that the yellow ox suddenly repented.

The yellow bodies will be swayed freely, "There is nothing else, you will be fine ~"

Not much nonsense, Flanders immediately used three one martial arts integration skills - Golden Saint-Dragon!

Taking Yu Xiaogang's martial art gun as a medium, three people play the soul to him, summon the golden holy dragon to fight, do not say stability to win the title, the strength of the counter.

Dai Muhu also didn't think I didn't want to use the second holy king in an instant, and then a horse rushed to the yellow ok.

The opponent is a yellow ok, and all the counseling is not as good as it is directly, and maybe it can force the yellow.

"The third soul skill, the white tiger gold has changed!"

Dai Muhu is worried that the power of the Holy King is not enough to use the white tiger gold to change, and the strength is reinforced.

Although I know some of this kind of cup of water salad, I don't try my best, how can I know the result?

It is the most important thing to win the fight against the yellow gob. It is possible to force the gods and do not take the possible offensive.

Unfortunately, the strength of the yellow gob is so much, and the Dai Mu, a punches in the Holy King mode, hit the face of the yellow, and never want to think that the yellow gob is kicking in the abdomen of Dai Mu.

The yellow goblin controls, although Dai Muhu is hard and eaten, but it is not there to be in danger.

He is still unavoidable, and Dai Mu is directly kicking his mouth, then the whole person flew out several trees.

Dai Mu, in front of the Holy King, just like a young child, there is no ability to resist.

Seeing that Dai Mu whispered seriously, Zhu Zhuqing did not hesitate to run the injury in the past. Less Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mu Bai's boost, Tang San, their offensive pressure is bigger, it seems that it can't continue to hide!

Looking at the preparation movements of Tang San, the yellow guess probably guess his ideas. Although the midder does not have any effect on him, he does not want to deal with these troublesome gates.

Tang San is still a light ring, sometimes it is completely unreasonable, in order to avoid this situation, the yellow bay does not intend to give him the opportunity to use the hidden.

It's good to make Tang San to try the hardship! It is holding such an idea, and the yellow okay is coming to the Tang San, and the Tang San reaction has made a fascination fan, trying to confuse the yellow.

Unfortunately, as a big adject, the ghost fan is almost no role in the yellow ghost.

The yellow goblin is easy to lock the position of Tang San, and the Tang San is hit. Tang Sanxin is also very amazing, his ghost, trace is still the first time.

This feet is not much smaller than when I just kick it, and the small body of Tang San is definitely unable to bear.

In a moment of being kicked, Tang San only thought that there was a bit blurred, and only one thought in his mind. "Is this the strength of Uncle Huang?"

Treat Tang San, Huanghuo is also loosened, at least not to kick a few big trees like Tau Mu.

Tang San squatted with his stomach, and estimated that it was impossible to have a battle. This is already in the face of the small dance.

Tang San injured, Xiao Dance is also a thoughts of fighting, and even the Tang San retreats to the distance.

The yellow-handed pocket silently looked at the little dance to move the Tang San to other things, that is, this is a short instant to grab the opportunity by Fland.

"Golden Shenglong finally oysters, holy dragon!" Flanders did not do any test attacks, and directly greeted the horses.

If the yellow ok, even if it is absent-minded, how can three people do not pay attention to this?

The yellow god leisurely stretched out the hand and summoned the Tianxung Yunxiao, and the golden swordsman, the priest gas was not.

The dazzling golden holy dragon is also slowly dissipated under the sword of the yellow ok, and the Golden Shenglong is scattered.

Because it was forced to break, the three suffered from varying degrees of internal injuries, and each person's mouth exudes blood.

The most made it feels weak, not the pain of the body, but the strength of the yellow . The three dozen are afraid of making a decree, and it is afraid of a small step.

One step is so difficult, don't say that it is forced to retreat, it is simply a nonsense.

"Oh, oh, how do Mina Sang squatted? The old man didn't make it hard ~"

The yellow goblin has come to the front of Fland, and slowly lift the right leg to condense the photons, so that it is ready to give Flander final hit.

"The old man has given you a chance, but now you have not seized this opportunity. So olders can only say goodbye to you, Saassa ~"

Just step on the speed of the Huanghuo quickly stepped on Flem, a middle-aged man in a black robes, holding a hammer, just blocked the right leg of the yellow.

"Flashing!" The overbearing voice came from the middle-aged man's mouth, and the force of the waves hammer has increased a bit.

The yellow goblin is also forced to retreat, and the tone of the sorry will complain about the tone: "It will solve you at a point, but unfortunately, this game is better than trying to win ~"

Flandy did not expect them to win in this way. He gratefully looked at the Tiangou Luo, thank you using the voices: "Hey, thank you for your help!"

Before the yellow gob, Tang Hao has always quietly follows Tang San, but has not been playing. Huang Hao itself has no martyrdom to plan, everything is doing it.

Since Tang Hao is showing, the work of the yellow ok is over, it is time to go back to the intersection.

Just when the Huanghuo is about to fight back to the House, Tang Hao is also a gift in time, "Thanks to the Huanghuo to protect the hand! Tang Yu owes you a person, it will be!"

Huanghuo doesn't care about these little things. He is just Rotta's borders, and this is just a good arrangement.

The yellow hill did not spend a waving, turned into a golden flash to fly in the direction of Wu Souc City, and changed without a trace.

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