The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 655's Founded Storm

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Compared with the harmony between the Queen City of Guran Taros, the outside world is constant. Although the two major empires have any obvious conflicts with the Wushu Temple, you can don't do nothing.

All parties are in a state of tight preparation, and now there is a way of a well-fuse, one but triggered, a battle that covers the whole continent will raise.

In the martial art, the Yuxi Bao spheres dressed in dark red armor surrounded by the chest, indifferent to everything around, like a distained devil.

Important roles that triggering this fuse have been completely prepared, and action can be implemented at any time.

Yuxi Bao and the ratio of than the East have had several times on the talks of the mainland topics. Because the East is expected to invest in the Rakhasaw assessment of the Rakhara, Yidong will give the commandments of the continent to Yisi Bozhu.

The five years of time is great than the strength of the East. It is only one step away from the god. As long as you cross this step, the Wushu Temple belongs to the existence of unmanned energetic.

It is for insurance, and the ratio has repeatedly put a plan of the continent. Five years ago, Tang Hao hammer flew the scene, she still remembered now, this is enough to show that the drama played by the yellow goblio has a far-reaching impact on her.

It is that the intention of the yellow goblin makes a mistake for Tang Hao's strength, she overspeed the strength of Tang Hao, in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes, she decided to wait for everything when they were mature.

However, Rotta doesn't want to wait for for so long, and the five years have been long enough. The original than the East is intended to wait for her to complete the mainland war after the assessment, but she can't help the Sui Zhibo spheres, I have to let Yuxi Bo's first move.

This is also the main reason for the Yuxi Bo-like, and he is now in a state of preparing, and you can launch a war at any time.

According to Rotta's intention, he originally thinking that one of the two major empires, but unfortunately, it is not to arrange the chrysanthemum than the East, and the ghost two Douro will fight next to him.

In fact, this is not surprising, even if it is as strong as Yuxi Bao, it is necessary to face the siege of the two empire and the soldiers in the two empire, how to see too unreal.

More than the converging concern is actually very reasonable, even if people are, people need to take care. The strength of Unexpo slide is considered, and the ratio is only equipped with chrysanthemums, and the ghosts, the ghosts, the ghosts, should be very trustworthy.

Yuxi Bouvelle took out the phone and contacted Rotta himself: "The body, now the time has arrived, and it can be handover at any time."

Far in Luota, Rota, received his own news, and stopped the business in his hand, should be said: "Hard work, your mission is over, then you will draw it for this!"

"Rotta, is there any job to be busy?" The Phoenix Luoyu came to Rota asked softly.

Rotta has a long hair of the red and orange, whisper: "Yes, go to the Wushu Hall to handle some things, then Wang Cheng's affairs will be given to you, just I have to learn, do you learn? "

Speaking that Rotta gently scraped the scraping row, slippery, and the meaning did not cover up.

"Naturally, I have learned, I am also a teacher who is a long time in the Shrake College. Don't look at me!"

"How can you look at you? I will be relieved to see you. I will deal with the affairs of the Wushu Temple. You don't leave the Wangcheng District, there is a problem with the phone." Rotta After all, after all, he would set off a bloody hurricane in the mainland.

He didn't want to meet his own friends when he was tailored by Yuxi Bou, and he would also be very troublesome.

Virtual Village is still among the starry forests as Rotta surveillance. As the origin of all soul beasts, Rota cannot completely withdraw all of the stars.

And Ulci Ola also needs to play an important role in the later stage, and temporarily cannot withdraw the starry forest.

"That's this, my password you want to notify all members in Wangcheng!"

Phoenix Louis smiled and said to Rota: "Understand, you can do it, I will deal with it."

"That's good, I will leave first!" Rota said finished a stream to fly to Wu Sheng City.

At this time, the ability of flash fruit is very significant, even if the Guran Towl, Wangcheng and the Wushu Temple and the two empire are far apart, but in the speed of Rota, it is not necessary.

The Sui Zhibo spots standing in the roof of the Pope Temple felt the breath of Rota, and the mouth was slightly tight, and the automation made a group of white fog disappeared without trace.

It is no out of a few seconds, the figure of Yuxi Boss is again displayed. It is different that Yu Zhibo pointers in front of you are no longer a shadow-like spot that is blowny, but is in person with Rotta who is playing in Yisi.

Rotta clenched his fist and felt the huge power in the body of Yuxi. Such a meaningful task, Rota will certainly complete it.

Although I can't use other moves in the play mode, I feel the powerful great power of the body in the body. Rotta can only use two words to describe - invincible!

"Sure enough, you can have a desire to fight for the impulse. Let me enjoy it!"

After a slightly adapting to the Yuxi Glope Template, Rota sorted out the current plan.

I want to achieve this task of the War of the World, I need a reason to make all continental forces.

The Wu Shu Temple just gave this to Raota solved this. Since there is such an idea of ​​the Wushu Temple, Rotta doesn't mind to help them, so it will be two games while doing affecting the later story.

The Wushu Temple wants a continent, such an idea is absolutely will not agree, and it will be able to join hands to deal with the Wushu Hall. The two major empire took the whole body, and the seven treasures related to the Tiangou Empire will also start, and the overall tone has caused the Blue Power Guardian, and it is impossible to be indifferent.

Of course, even if the Blue Power Overlord Dragon is watching the drama does not affect Rotta to complete the task. As long as the two empire and the Qibao glazed gem are determined to participate, it has almost covered the most important forces on the mainland.

If you don't meet the standard, you don't have to care. Rotta has long been considering this, thinking about the solution in advance. The starry forest is a good choice. As for the excuse, you can say it. But that's all, the big drama is still the battlefield of the Empire, the starry big forest is just a spare plan. In addition, Ulciola has always been in place and can respond to Rotta's call at any time.

Everything is ready, leaving only the guides used in the war, but this is not enough, since Rota came, then he is here to do this.

"Moon, ghost, how do you prepare?" Rotta asked two.

The two are also respectful to answer: "The big people, we can go with you at any time, just wait for you!"

It is a person who has to be respected by even the bisund, and the moon and ghosts naturally do not have any offends.

"This ... So the war is now!"

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