The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 656 Shrek reunion!

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Rota shakes the armor on the body from the temple to the top of the temple.

According to the feedback on the Snow Empire, the body situation of the Snow Night Emperor is now harder, it is estimated that it will be willing to live, and the imperiality will inherit, and the Tiangou Empire is very It's easy to get your hand.

However, Rotta has not forgot to forget the plot of the original storyline, and thousands of snow are found by Tang San and others in this most critical period. In Tang San's hindrance, the plan of the thousand snow will fall. .

Although there is now its own interference, Rotta is not sure that Tang San will discover the conspiracy of thousands of snow according to the original road. It is considering this instability, Rotta is planning to take the initiative to disturb the original route of Shrek et al..

The calculation time is almost when the Shrek is re-gathered. For Rotta, Shileke's group is more convenient for him to implement the plan, take them first, let them recognize the gap between their strength, forced them to quickly travel to Haizhima.

In this way, the hometown of thousands of snow will be smooth, and it is time to win the Tiangou Empire.

Rotta is also very admired that the snowy night is high, and the year is high, but it can still be supported for so long. If it is not the treatment of this matter, Rotta can make him live so long.

"Month, ghost, you want to take the little fartty of Shrek to the sky, first, take them!"

Rota's tough words do not have any room for refuting, and the moon and ghost are also clear people, naturally there will be no meaning.

"Understand, big people!"

"There is a plain that is very suitable for fighting outside the Emperor Tianguan, it will be there. This little thing should not be difficult to do?" Rotta asked about the chrysanthemum, ghost.

"Naturally, the big people are waiting for the good news!"

Even the Tang San one is cultivated for five years, but it is estimated that the extent of the general soul. Even so, it is already a Tianjiao level in the mainland.

Think about Flend, in his 50s, it became a drama, Tang San, but they are all aged ages, and they have become a strong in the soul.

Finally, Shrake was strange to achieve the title of about 25 years old. Directly refreshed the record of the youngest title on the continent!

Even if their strength has a huge growth, can be in the moon, and the ghosts are also caught in front of Douro.

The month's relations and ghosts have been going to the Tiangou Empire. Rotta is coming to say a good location, raising a rock high platform with the earth, sitting in the height of the sky, the remaining time It is patience waiting, and the sorry Rotta closed his eyes directly, let the sound of the whistling around the body through the body.

In the Tiangou Huangcheng Shrake College, Shrek's seven strange gathered, and everyone said that there was a smile. Slightly different is that there are more white fragrances in addition to Shrake seven.

Ma Hongjun is not the original lazy guy. He profoundly remembered his teachings in his class. For five years, he can not be idle, and love is two incorrect. I have hugged a big beauty, and I also raised my soul to 63. It can be a big harvest.

As for Tang San and Xiao Dance, there is no tragedy as the original work. Under the arrangement of Rotta, the current decision-making power of the Wuhun Temple is in his hand. Since the proportion of power is given to the spot, the spot is waiting for Rotta to handle it, and there is no incident that happens to kill the baby.

Furthermore, the Wushu Temple is also considering the strength and identity of the yellow gob, it is natural that it is impossible to go to anger him. Otherwise, it is Mao Xi in the light - find dead!

Dai Mu Bai and Zhu Ziqing have more mature and luxurious than five years ago. How do they say that they are royal members, and they are definitely paid relatively relative in the instrument.

There is a topic between the boys, the same, the girl is the same, Dai Muhu has passed the shoulders of Tang San, smiled and asked: "Xiaosan, how have you passed these years, give a few talks to my brother!"

It is the greatest change of several people, and it is undoubtedly Tang San. With the help of Tang Hao and Yin, Tang San, successfully activated the Blue Silver.

The original Tang San, some black hair became more and more blue, and the color of Akin almost didn't have much difference. Because I followed Tang Yu's cultivation, Tang San's body muscles have a lot of strong, although it is more than the muscles of Mulai, can be very good than a control soul, Tang San's physical fitness is already very good.

"Good wear boss, but you can't have me, you have to share your story, this is fair!"

"Well, Xiaosan, I also know that this hand is smart!" Dai Mu is also smile in a boldness.

"I followed my father's high-intensity exercise after year. After reaching my father's request, I entered the killing capital. I successfully learned to kill the gods ... I went to the star big forest to find a small dance, and then came to the Shlai Academy. ! "

After listening to Tang San's story, Dai Mu is also an emotion, "Xiao San, I listen to you, I have more than you have more than you have more than you, it is a bit embarrassing!"

Although Dai Mu Bai's strength is the highest in eight people, it has reached the level of 67, but it is not very important to strictly calculate his progress. He has reached a level 52 level five years ago, but only 15th level is only upgraded.

Dai Mu, smashed the hair of the horse, horses, hitting the fun: "To talk, the biggest progress is also the fat man, but just five years ago, it is already the 63th soul emperor, progress can be described as true. Huge. "

"Sure enough, the fat man is the potential stock!" Said that he said, Dai Mu Bai knead horses and Hongjun's power can not help but have greatly.

Ma Hongjun did not dare to resist only silently attach it to: "Dai Lao said is, but this talent is better than you!"

This is a laughter, and Dai Mu is also patted the back of Ma Hongjun, "Well, fat, these years have become more tongue!"

"Xiaoyao, you don't tell you five years ago, don't you do? We all thought you went to the seven treasures of the blossoms, and then I heard that you didn't go from Rong Rong!" Ma Hongjun watched Oscar.

The current Oscar is under the flow of silence and stunning breath, wearing a brown-yellow cowboy hat, and there is also a scar on the cheek.

"I ... I have experienced the experience of the north of the north. After all, I and Rong Rong are auxiliary soul. If there is no powerful strength, I can't protect her!"

Oscar has been speaking to Ning Rong, and Ning Rong has chosen forgiveness. In fact, she has never remembered Oscar.

What's more, after you know the reasons of Oscar, she is more deep to Oscar. Such a man who is willing to pay for himself, where is going to find it.

It is also very envious of the real Ning Rongrong, and you can protect her such a good man. But now she can show off, and the little dance has Tang three, and she has Oscar.

However, for the experience of Oscar, Ning Rongrong has never heard of it, and she regards a few people to focus on Oscar.

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