The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 657 I am just a good uncle that passes!

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"Xiaoyao, you don't ink, hurry!" Ma Hongjun has been caught up.

As a person who knows Oscar, Ma Hongjun has had a strong interest in the character of Oscar's character.

It is important to know that the five years is enough to change many things, for the experience of Oscar, not just Ma Hongjun, everyone is very interested.

Oscar sighed down and sighed and slowly told everyone about the story of these five years.

"After I left the college, I went to the ground to temper my strength. I followed a soul team with a soul team, and I have experienced all together. On a day, we met a place in the north. Extremely strong blizzard ... "

When I said that Oscar didn't feel awkward, it seems that there is no pleasure to come back.

"If you are too difficult, you don't have to say Xiao Olympics. We don't want you to think about those painful things." Tang Thirty is good to speak.

Oscar is not swaying, "It's okay, this kind of thing should be released."

"After encountering the snow, my people and the people are scattered, and then I have encountered a strong frost giant corner dragon. Only my power is not his opponent at all ..."

Everyone heard the face on his face, I would like to know that Oscar as a helping soul without teammates, in the heart of the unknown soul, and it is almost ignored!

Oscar refers to the scars of the cheek with his fingers. "I am also giving this guy, saying that I really feel that I can live a miracle!"

Ning Rongrong can't help but hide, she is enjoying the life, Oscar is born in order to die, this feeling ... it is very difficult ...

Ning Rongrong also inquired Oscar after waking up, and even worshiped Jian Dou Luo Luo and Kelou Luo to find Oscar.

Unfortunately, Oscar didn't know where, Douro's mainland, I want to find someone in the vast sea, it is difficult to compare the day.

Finally, after finding a fruitful, Ning Rongrong can only feel relieved, and strive to make their strength strong, and I look forward to the time as soon as possible.

"Little Oly ..." Ning Rong Rong has a bit swallowed.

Oscar is not intentionally shares the stock muscles, laughing and saying that Ning Rong Rong: "This is not, I am not making it back!"

Ning Rongrong rushed to Oscar's arms, and Oscar stuck the hair of Ning Rongrong, comfortable: "Nothing, everything has passed ..."

Ning Rongrong sent a slight restore, Oscar later told: "Just when I thought it will die, the miracle happened!"

A year ago, on the Easier Iceland, the Oscar of the Wolf fled. Although he can use flight mushroom intestines, he will not fall into such a situation if it is feasible.

This frost giant corner dragon body is huge, and it should be very slow. After encouraging, Oscar found that he was wrong, even if he used the flight of the flying mushroom intestine, did not get rid of the frost giant corner!

The Frost Big Cape Dragon can only follow the flight of the Oscar, so it should not be able to rely on flying mushroom intestines.

Oscar doesn't know how the strength of this frost giant corner dragon, but according to the face of the oppression of it, this frost giant corner dragon power will not be low and 50,000 years.

The reason why Oscar can easily judge the strength year of this Frost Big Dragon, which is entirely due to the results of following the hunting group in the past few years.

Although the tacit understanding between teammates is not too high, everyone is quite careful about Oscar. After all, Oscar is also the only auxiliary soul in the team, how can you take care of it.

If there is a fighting soul around Oscar, he can use his own sixth soul technique mirror intestinal copy of the other party's ability.

Unfortunately, this idea is simply the heavens, how can I encounter a combat soul next to it?

Just when Oscar was about to attack, a blue cold man appeared, and the temperature around the time suddenly lost, and then the silence of lasting for a while.

"Ah, this little brother is already safe, no need to hide to hide it ~"

A man with a height of 3 meters, a man wearing a gray green coat quietly appeared around Oscar, a scene of the scene made Oscar shocked, and Qi Qi: "Do you have?"

The tall man spit out a cold air, said: "I? Yan, I am just a good uncle, I have a good uncle, don't put it on my heart. But your little child can attack the monster to attack if it is also very powerful!" "

Oscar gathered to look at the men before his eyes, "No matter what, thank you, can you tell me your name, I owe you a person."

Oscar is not a guy who cares into a white-compiled person, and the water of the water is reported. He is not a uncomfortable white wolf.

Everyone of the Hunting Group is taking care of Oscar. Oscar is also trying to treat assistance for your teammates in each hunting soul, but he never kills the soul beast, which is also the teaching of the team.

Oscar Joining the House Soul is not because he wants to hunt the soul beast, but he wants to temper his guts and strength. After all, there is no hunter in the mainland.

For his strange man, Oscar is urgent to know his name.

"Well, you can really blame this little child, ask you, my name is Kura, you can call me Qing Dynasty!"

"Mr. Qing, thank you very much for your help, I will have the ability to return your kindness."

Youth is just a little smile, refers to the frozen ice cream of frozen ice, "This guy has soul bones, but it is still good for you, your kid can absorb."

Oscar has absorbed the sixth soul ring, so the soul ring of the Frost Big Corner will not absorb.

"But this soul beast is you ..."

Youth Knowing the idea of ​​Oscar, waving him, "Well, my strength doesn't need soul bones, this soul bones are more helpful to your urgent powerful little guys!"

In the face of the good intention of the Qing, Oscar can only accept it. After all, he will get the power of the experience to protect the power of Ning Rong.

"It's almost a story. If you are not a young uncle, I am afraid it will come back!" Oscar face is full of dinner.

Shrek is also admiring Oscar, after all, Oscar is a helper, which has such a high consciousness is very respectful.

Tang San thinks that he has experienced many temper five years, but Oscar and his positioning are different. His double martial arts will be, only the combat strength of a single martial art is too much.

Oscar is just an auxiliary soul, but it dares to face a variety of distinctions that may be killed at any time. Just let Tang San have admired Oscar.

But if it is for a small dance, Tang San believes that his determination will not lose to Oscar.

Just when everyone is Oscar, a yin and yang strange voice is in the ear, "Oh, I didn't expect everyone!"

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