The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 658 Do we have this?

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This is familiar with the tone, and the people in Shrak will not forget this life, and five years ago, they still remembered still in Wu Sheng City.

It can be said that they have been completely broken with Wu Sheng City, and there is no room for alleviating. Although the main reason is not a small dance, but there is still a thousand relationships.

Looking at the orange japan Luo Fierce relationship, Shrek is doing the battle preparation. Although the other party is a title, after these five years of tempering, their strength has long been different from.

They also have a few tricks in the title of Shu Luo, so that it can be defeated, and it may be. But it will definitely not be weak as five years ago.

"Month, what are you doing here?" Tang San took the lead in questioning, and the hands of the hammer have been cleaned, and it seems to be an attack.

The month is afraid: "Oh, I have to fight and kill at all meet, it is a group of violence!"

For the moon, the people are very disgusting, they are very clear that the monthly pass is absolutely impossible to have any good things.

Dai Muhu is standing in the top of the team. Strictly ask: "You don't welcome you, please go back!"

Dai Mu White dare to stand in the forehead, because his fifth soul technology, the Holy King came. With his current strength, as long as the Holy King mode can fight high-grade episode, even the 91,2 level title Douro, he can resist one or two.

This is also the reason why Dai Mu has confidently blocking the foreigner, and it is also his duties!

Compared to the hostility of the Shrek, the monthly passes will be more casual. It is only responsible for the conversation. Therefore, it is not a burden.

"You can really be indifferent, do you think I am here to find you? Don't laugh, if you want to see you, I am too lazy!"

"Spot? See us?" Tang San only felt some of them, they did not meet with the sputum, how can the other party want to see them?

"Please ask us to refuse ..."

"Refuse to be invalid, the big people said, if you don't go, he will immediately slaughter the entire Tiangou Empire. If you are obeying, you can just avoid this disaster!"

Finally, the Temple of the Wushu is to show his own ! For such a situation, Shrik people don't feel weird. They have learned that the situation in the continent is not stable, and the Wuhun Temple has to go this step soon, but today ......

"I really let you put a way, then we will go with you!" After the Command of the Tang San, he replied himself.

At present, they really have no better programs, and the Wushu Temple will take the safety of the Empire to threaten them, they don't have to choose, only hard my scalp.

If they reject it at this time, no one knows how many people will be killed here, this kind of gambling Tang three will not have that capital.

"This is right, then keep back!"

In this way, under the leadership of the month, everyone came to the designated meeting place!

Looking at the huge rocks up, the monthly cleansing respectfully retired, report: "The big people, the people you want are already brought!"

Yuxi Board opened his eyes, replied in the evening: "Well, I saw it! You can leave it first, then you will find you again!"

The monthly passenger is not in place, and he also understands that it is the time to enjoy the battle, can you bother him!

After the month is left, Shrek people will turn their attention to Yishibo spots. In front of you, this man who is overbearing an overbearing is the person who has become a big man in the month!

For the rumors of the spot, they are more or less clear. In particular, the battle between the spots and the column is even more awesome.

The body of Tang San and others is trembling in small trembling, and the true existence of Unexpectedly, the Uneerbus spike is more horrible than the rumor.

Even if the spot is only silently gazing, Shrek is enough to let them be shocked. It is really touched to the horror of his strength.

Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mu Bai four actively stood in front, even if it was a strong enemy of uncomfortable, they must also block the people in the body.

Looking at this scene, Luota didn't smirk, and took the thigh with hand. "It's really a lot, do you think there is such a station?"

Looking at the old in Rota, Tang San them can only be self-deception. If he really wants to solve the crowd of Slack, any tactics are useless.

However, the purpose of Rotta is not to kill them. After all, these guys can reward the task rewards after him, but they can't let them do things.

But a little lesson, there is no problem, followed by Rota, Tita needs to let people pay attention to this side, not the Tiangou Empire.

"I heard that you are not a genius, but also known as monsters, is there such a thing?" Rotta smiled and smiled.

If you ask other people asking, Tang San and others will definitely make a response without hesitation, but they can't open the mouth.

In the face of others, they may be a monster, but in front of Yuxi Bo, they can only be an ants. Don't say strength first, but the pressure that comes with the shackles will make them shake, and there is still half.

"Silent? Description You have not yet arrived at the point where you have no medicine!"

Shrek is all straightforward, and I want to say something, but I can't open it. I can only listen to myself.

Rota honestly said: "At present, you have two options, two can save the world's choice!"

"First, tomorrow and Tiangou Empire resists my attack, if you lose, I will destroy everyone!"

"Second, eight people and me, I am the most like this person. I heard that you are still the student of the guy, I can't hold it! If you let me satisfaction, then I will Let you and give you a chance to change the situation! "

The two choices of Rotta have been given, as for the Chinese people choose how they are determined to see!

For the result, Rotta has already had a number of points, and these two methods they only choose the second. Compared to the first one, the second minimum is more hopeful, and the loss is smaller.

After a while, Rota made a yawn, asked in the evening: "Is the little guy considered it? I don't like to waste time very much!"

There is no way, Shrek people can only choose to fight, and resolutely select the second program. In any case, the feasibility of the second method is better than the first!

In addition, they are also full of confidence. They themselves are genius, and they are still a genius together, so that the team consisting of genius may not be full.

Tang San also founded his intention in the words of the spot, and the spot was clearly wanted to let them choose the second program. They can't make the meaning of the meaning, one said that they may pay here today!

"Choose the second plan? Yes, let me look at you!" My guess is true, he firmly believes that the other party will make choices as they expect.

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