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Since I chose the second program, Shileke is ready to welcome fear.

On the towering rock column, Rota slowly got up, shakes the armor on the body, and then tao his body, his hands hugged a Haleke in the bottom of the chest.

The thick black long hair is blown up, giving people a sense of domineering side leakage.

Rota, who is gorneous, is like a fascinating magic. Shrek people wanted to take the courage to see this man dressed in red armor, but unfortunately in front of the double, the courage that just rushed, and there was no haul.

"Is this the old opponent of the master? Sure enough, it feels complete!" Ma Hongjun was afraid of emotion.

It is usually the most in contact between him and the column, and the feeling between the column is incomparably gentle and soothe, completely like this Unexpected Boss, the whole person is like a thorns, and people dare not close.

Rotta knows that the pressure on the spotting plate is too strong, and it is also a little put on the water. If it is not weakened, the courage of Shrek is not!

"What happened? One is done? So you can be called a genius? Since you are willing to let go of the opportunity, then I will open this battle!"

Rotta said that he was suppressed to the overbearing of hegemony, which made Shrek were slightly eased.

Rotta jumped from the towering rock pillar, a violent crash on the ground, stepped on a large table to collapse.

"Start dance, let me have fun!"

Shrek is not idle. After the perception of the oppression is weakened, everyone has quickly taken a corresponding action.

"Jiu Bao is famous, one power! Second speed! Three souls!" Ning Rongrong added a triple gain buff for all members.

Oscar is no exception, directly to six members to six members directly, this intestine can increase the full property of the soul, and there is no side effect.

Oscar and Ning Rong Rong's double growth directly pull the combat power of Six members of Shrake.

Dai Muhu is more unscrupulous to make the Holy King come, after all, what they need is not winning, just let the Sui Zhibo spots will be satisfied.

In this case, Dai Mu has nothing to do, these years's insistence on exercise, which has increased the duration of the Holy King to 30 minutes.

Although the body will produce great consumption and load, it is still within the scope of it!

Dai Mu White in the Holy King mode, coupled with Oscar and Ning Rong Rong's dual gain buff, the overall strength is enough to resist the title!

In this state, Tang San is in this state that it can resist the title of Douro, and the rest cannot be done in this.

Rotta opened his mouth and smably shouted: "This is not bad, people come to order!"

As long as the force is controlled, the Tang San them will not be able to play, and it is good to enjoy the fun of fighting.

Rotta's figure suddenly disappeared, after a second, his whip legs have come to Dai Mu Before.

Dai Muhu rushed to cross his hands to force this feet in the chest, after all, is the force of the water, naturally, it will not rush to Dai Mu.

Even so, Dai Mu is still kicked by this whip leg, nearly more than 10 meters.

Feel the pain coming from the arms, Dai Mu Bai is also smiling at the Tang three: "Xiaosan, this guy attack can not be ignored, this is just a strong powerful!"

"I know wearing a boss, you have to be careful! Fat, let's attack together!"

"Fourth Soul Technology, Blue Silver Cage!"

"Second soul skill, fire phoenix! First soul skill, Phoenix fire line!"

Tang San and Ma Hongjun did not use the decision of near-attack, and the confrontation of Shame White and the spot made them very clear.

In the Holy King mode, Dai Mu, who has a double gain buff, all the feet, the strength of their physical strength, no need to say.

Although the fat man is a stream of arrival, it is also a relatively long-range stream, and it is not like Tang San and Dai Mu.

Although Tang San is only controlling the soul of the soul but has the physical fitness of the Sheng Song, after all, his second martial art is like a hammer.

Go back to the battlefield, Tang San intends to use the distance soul skill to test Unexpell. Although Rotta can easily flash this degree of attack, but it is too boring, or give these little guys some motivation!

Looking at the Sui Zhibo spots trapped by Blue Silver Castro, Tang Sanji, then the fatty phoenix flames bombarded on the blue silver prisoner, produced a dramatic explosion.

"This kind of attack should always have some effect!" Tang San and Ma Hongjun were thinking.

The smoke is scattered, and Rota is still a good look, but it just patted the smoke that scattered on the bricks, with praise: "Not bad, at least let my armor have dushed! "

"But, kid let me teach you how to play!"

Rotta didn't have a good tiger in less than one second, and the boobs were smashed by the Tang San and others, "fire!"

At first, this flame is still flat, and when this flame is actually spreading after contacting the ground. After all, Rotta is just a mentality of playing, and has not released how much power.

Even if the flame coverage after this diffusion is more than 30 meters, the fan-shaped flame is like the tide of the ocean, and the people of the ocean are generally flourishing.

One contrast, Ma Hongjun's strengthened Phoenix Firewire did not have any comparability before the spot.

"Three brothers, what should I do? This flame power is definitely weak!"

Tang San did not hesitate, once again showed the fourth soul technology countless blue and silver vine, the ground was made up in front.

White fragrance is also a flying wind, which has released a wind, trying to block the powerful flame released.

Rotta did not continue to vomit flames. If such words, Shrek's little guys can't stop, so he just stopped a few mouthfuls.

It is the move like Rota, Tang San and white fragrant to stop the attack, and the full blue and silver vines cooperate with anti-direction storm to successfully resist the murder's offensive.

Tang San suddenly breathed a high breath: "Sinking, sags the storm more!"

Tang San is the manipulator blue and silver vines to extend toward the direction of Yuxibo spots, soon come to the front of the spot.

Plus the spotless resistance, Tang San is also smoothly letting the blue and silver vines bundled the spot.

The white fragrance released the routine storm to completely change the direction of the flame, the flame storm is holding the blue and silver vines of the Tang San, and it is burned toward Utiso!

Rotta has spailed to the idea of ​​Tang San, and also made them successfully implemented the plan. In his view, this kind of conspiracy did not have any effect in front of the absolute power, and he didn't mind playing with them.

But saying that this series of cooperation, Rotta has to praise them, can think of the method of using blue and silver vines in a short time, can only be said to be Tang San!

Unfortunately, this little smart is completely insufficient in front of Rota, but it is also enough to prove Tang Sanmeri's observation and combat awareness.

Dai Mu is also tall and talked, and the number of energy bombs in the direction of Rotta, "The fourth soul technology, white tiger stars!"

The dazzling white rays make the environment that is illuminated by the flame storm once again a tone. The white meteor energy is bombing in the sky.

Although the power is completely unable to touch eight-foot stroke jade, it is also qualified for the visual effect.

Dai Mu did not worry, after released the white tiger meteor group, but also released the second soul technology through the strengthening capacity of the Holy King mode, "White Tiger Guangbo!"

Dai Mu Bai Suqi spurted a white energy wave near two meters, this raging energy wave rose tower shot, quickly and mighty!

In this way, there is a three-footed attack aimed at Rota, and the crowd of Shrak also has a high expectation on this wave of attack.

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