The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 664 puts back a life!

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"Oh? How did I suddenly leave me so far? I don't want to win with me? Or just simply want to delay time?"

Rotta smiled and looked at the solitary life, and the behavior in this moment in his eyes was extremely naive, and there was no practical meaning at all.

The purpose of the solo lonely is delayed, and he still has full confidence. It is essential that this simple thing is at all in his strength!

It is a pity that I still lack too much, I want to delay the time in front of Yuxi Bao, I have some days of night!

Although Rotta ridiculously ridiculously, there is no hush. After all, he was a year old title, and his psychological tolerance is not so worried. Second, he has an early expectation of this result.

In any case, he can't allow Utue speckle to continue in the Tiangou Empire. I think about the tragic consequences of letting him go, I can't help but I am afraid.

"Eighth soul skills, time and space solidified!"

When the Rotta is actuated, the solitary life is quickly used, and this time does not have to be fair, it is not right.

Solitary hit this hit, if this soul skills can effectively control Yuxi Boss, then he can use the fastest speed to fly, Zhibo spots, transfer the battlefield to Tiangou Huangcheng.

Rotta does not have an influence, alone, is different, and there are many innocent civilians living in Tiangou Huangcheng. If the battle is more and more fierce, the death and injury will be very serious.

This situation is unwilling to see it, but also the entire Tiangou Empire is unwilling to see.

Now I can only expect the sword, two of the bones arrived at the scene, only relying on a single-controlled title, it is not an opponent of Yuxi.

For the Soul Soul Technology released, Rotta is only a few free blue light, after which it will happen. The scene in the solitary expectations did not appear, Yishibo spots did not affected their soul skills, this is not a good news.

Rotta did not clear the time and space, but there was no effect on himself, but the insurance did not use it to be able to resist it.

Seeing that your strength is not enough to invite Xu Zhibo spots, solitary album change ideas to interact with Unexpectedly to change the battlefield.

"Under the pain, this place is too small, or do you want to find a more spacious place to test?"

Rotta smiled, and looked at the alone: ​​"Do you think I will believe in a ghost? However, since you want to change the battlefield, it will not be!"

Solitary, I thought that Yizhibo spheres agreed, and then slammed the tone, but did not expect that it was the moment that Yishibo spots suddenly appeared in front of himself.

"You seem to misunderstand some things, not you invite me to change the battlefield, but I let you change the battlefield!"

Rotta kicked on a single lonely belly with an instant out of the ultra-high speed, and the aerial life of the air could not borrow this monster to bring him to the city.

In the instant of Solitary blog to the city, the Rotta immediately came to his head directly, and a lower leg will solve the ground from the sky.

I don't say how strong Rotta's body is, it has suffered two heavy-to-have to have a close contact with two hunting. Violently hitting him dizzy, the five dirty in the body rolled, it seems that it may be shocked at any time.

Rotta has a handshake, and arrogantly comes to him next to him. "Your own idea is still?"

Although it is also suffering, although it is to avoid further devastating to Tiangou Huangcheng, the medical treatment has become himself, which also makes the solo lonely heart is very bitter.

Just when I tried to get up, Rotta kicked the kitten puppy again. Solitary blogs kicked more than 50 meters, because Rotata's powerful power, his figure is still rolling over a dozen laps to slowly stop.

This feet completely smashed the belief that lonely again and again, and the whole battle was already visible to the huge gap between him and Yuxi.

His strength is not worth mentioning before the Yuxi wave, or it is good to stop, and then he will not guarantee it.

Rota slowly walked to the alone on the ground, each step is like a dead clock that declares death in the ears of solitary.

"It seems that your strength is just like this, and the sadness wants you to be stronger, let me enjoy more fun!"

Solitary blog has been caught by Rotta, and it is still difficult to hurt in ruthless words.

Although Unexpected Wiches is very harmful, it can solve it alone, it is true that he said is true. In front of Yuxi Bo, the power is not worth mentioning at all, and it is like one, so he actually tried to shake a big tree, it is very ridiculous!

Rotta took out the sickle that bloomed cold, waving a few times, and the cold of the sickle was spoiled, and the solitary body was slightly trembled.

"I think that I have become the next year, I was forced to be a miserable scene. I have been over this life. Wild Goose, I can't help ..."

Yuxi Bao is not a soft-hearted man, and there is no reason to let go of yourself. Now, he does not have enough power to go to the Unexpected Boss, can only be old and old!


Rotta slashed with a solitary head, as long as the sickle was cut, there was no doubt that he would be part of the body.

Just closed your eyes, a crisp sound echoed next to his ear.

"Squirting, killing is so big, nothing is good!"

At a white, the swordsmanship of the fairy ribs, holding the seven killed sword stopped Roats.

"Dust-heart, you are too time!" The solitary heart finally slammed down, so he insisted that Jian Dou Lu came.

"Well, solo, let's take it first, I will come for a while!"

Solitary boy did not give Jian Dou Lu Luo to add a chaos, and quickly escaped from the battlefield, and he only gave a favorite to help.

The sudden appearance of dust is naturally within the calculation of Rotta. He just missed the breath of Jian Dou Luo, so he was talented to kill the drove.

"Does ? You want to deal with me is too ray!" Rotta looked proudly at the sword.

"The Dou Luo naturally came, but he is now dealing with the fire dragons that you release!"

Rotta looked back at the direction of Tiangou Huangcheng, and there was no trace of the flame dragon rolls of the sky.

"I have seen your strength for a long time. Now I also want to teach it yourself!" Jian Douro is also a person who has persisted in power, naturally does not let go of the opportunity to go.

Rotta is slightly detailed, Jian Dou Luo, slowly said: "You and solitary guys are different, you seem to be confident on your strength!"

Jian Dou Luo shook his head, smiled slightly: "It's a smile in the exotic, I have no obvious difference between you and solitary boys! But ..."

Jian Dou Luo immediately glanced, "Your current move is really overcrowd, I can't be indifferent!"

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