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The seven treasures of cross-exotic and Tiangou Empire have a close relationship, the Tiangou Empire is killed, and the seven treasures can not be alone. The two are in mutual support and share profit.

Qibao glazed is auxiliary bulk, and the inside of Zongmen needs the protection of a strong battle ability, such as Jian Dou Luo and Jiapei.

Jian Dou Luo and Jiapelou can only be considered for the foundation, and there are many disciples in the seven treasures. If you can't do a good relationship with the empire, the disciples will have many inconveniences when they go out.

It is this reason. Jian Dou Luo and Jiapelou have rushed to Tiangou Huangcheng in the first time, which is to minimize losses.

When he heard the enemy is the legendary Yuxi Bouvelle, Jian Dou Luo and Kiao Luo have some hesitation. If they go to help out, if there is a mistake, the seven treasures will suffer heavy losses.

But they can't go, so before, Jian Dao Luo and Jiapea will agree to be a rule, which is only to protect the future of Qibao glazed.

This is why only the most important cause of Jian Dou Luo Ying Yu Zhiwei. Even if the sword has a strong enemy, he will also analyze the surroundings.

It is clear that Yuxi Boss is a stronger, but it is definitely not an object that is suitable for discussions.

Jian Dou Luo Lucao is like a sword, and the seven kill swords are gratiforn straight to Rota. In the face of this decision master, he can not guarantee that he can live, so attention must be highly concentrated.

Feel the momentum of Jian Dou Lu, Rota is also a satisfactory smile. "Very good, that's it, try your best!"

Compared with Solitary Bo, Jian Dou Luo has more compression and discouragement, of course, this is a thousand relationships with their soul level and Wuhun.

Let a controlled title Douro and the main kill's title of Kilu be definitely inappropriate.

Rotta moved his sickle, the war is high, although Jian Dou Luo is not the strongest title of the mainland, but it is not far from the vertices!

The two are opposite each other. The body of the next second has collided together, there is no whit, and the two will attack at the same time.

The collision of the sickle and the seven kill sword shocks the space around the two, and the shock wave set off the ground around the circumference.

In the years, there is no Tria Robi, Rotta did not expect the other's strength to progress so great, and he really made him a little surprise.

"Very good, keep such strength, dance!" Rotta bounced the swordsman with a sickle, followed by a series of sickles cut!

Jian Dou Luo is completely not nervous, and these years of hard training make him easy to deal with such tricks.

The sword in the hands of Jianou Luo is exhausted by the attack on Rota.

"The fifth soul technology, the Wei Zhen four square! The fourth soul skill, the murderous!"

Jian Dou Luo did not retreat to the approach to Rota before using two soul skills.

The swordsman who broke out by the soul, these intensive swords were shocked toward Rotta. Following the seven killing swords in Jian Dou Luo also attacked a layer of silver white light, this is the strengthening state of the fourth soul!

When Luo Tower resolved the sword storm, Jian Dou Luo sprint to Rotta's side launched. With high-speed power, Jian Dou Luo has confident with this sword to hurt the imperson.

Just when Jian Dou Luo was about to move, Rota once again took out the Yisha Waffle Fan Blocking Jian Dou Luo Xiangxiao.

"The idea is good, but it is a pity, this trick is difficult to fall me!"

"Yuxi Bo rebound (milkshake)!"

There is no time to give Jianou Luo, Rota uses Unechya rebound instant, just acts on the force of the Unexpello fan to form a transparent impact wave bombardment on Jamou Luo.

Fortunately, in Jian Dou Luo, it was busy with the soul to cover the whole body, and the seven kill swords were used to defeat most of the power.

"Very wonderful performance, your strength makes me quite surprised, but if only this level is still not enough!"

Jian Dou Luo didn't know how much Su Zhibo spheres took out, but he made it clear that it makes it, and it has taken out the strength of itself.

"It's really terrible, I don't know how to use a few strengths!" Jianou Luo Weiwu, even him, there will be very high psychological pressure when face to the spot.

Rotta looked at Jian Dou Luo, and commented slightly: "For the strength you just showed, it is enough to hit three alone. Overall, your performance makes me feel very pleasant!"

"Can you get the praise of the plaque, should I be happy?" Jian Dou Luo Qingxu's Some things, like his strong, rarely praised his opponent, can get his recognition, Jian Dou Lu said It is very satisfied.

However, if it is just a normal friendly, Jian Dou Lu will be more happy, but the two are currently hostile relationships.

"In the Plefort, I don't know if I want to look at your share of you!" In this case, Jian Dou Luo must serve soft, and he is very clear in the current situation.

It seems that he seems to be complained, but is it true true strength? From the beginning of the battle, Jian Dou Luo has not seen the strong moves, and has been using the body to fight.

"Let's put the Tiangou Empire? Dust-heart, everyone is an adult, is it so kind? The purpose of my trip is to conquer the whole continent, do you think I will take your hand? Do you think you are a column?" Luo? Tower disdainfully ridiculous.

Jian Dou Luo has not had a great hope for this, and the answer of Yizhibo sphere is also among his expectations, but he still wants to fight for opportunities!

Rotta also has its own arrangements, naturally, can not just agree to Jian Dou Luo's request. But you can live a little more in the premise that it does not affect the overall development.

Rotta suddenly looked at Jian Dou Luo, squinted: "If you can get together to take me, then I can think about this!"

Jian Dou Luo said this, the eyes flashed in the eyes, hurriedly asked: "This is true?"

Rotta collected the appearance of the temper, re-recovered the majestic face, and returned to the road: "That is natural, do you think I am a person who is not confident?"

"Naturally, I don't dare, then please contact your commitment! Can you give us some preparation time?"

Rotta nodded, but said that I can wait for you to wait for you a day, if you are not ready after a day, you don't have to say more! "

"Thank you under the spot!"

Jian Dou Luo quickly left the battlefield and returned to Tiangou Huangcheng, although thank you Xie Yuxi's pole's move is stupid, but this situation is not much more.

Mingming Yuxi Boze is the culprit leading to this happening, but he also said to his gratitude, although it is very ironic, but it is indeed a way.

Inside the Tiangou Palace, Ningfeng caused someone to wait for the coming of Jian Dou Lu Luo Roen or Yishibo Spots.

There is always a stable Ning Feng caused the heart to be full of worries, although Jian Dou Luo is strong, the strength of Yuxi Boss ...

Sumulato comforted in Ningfeng: "Well, you don't know the strength of the old things, you can't escape, you can escape. I just got his breath, overall, the performance is very stable There should be no big problem. "

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